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Going to the Museum

I’m very glad that you are planning to make a tour round the big cities in the world. Of course, visiting museums is the right way to get acquainted with the country’s history and cultural heritage. In every city there are many different kinds of the museums to visit. Here is a list of what you might find while you are out exploring.

 History museums can be housed in modern building or inside the historic site. Collections represent the history of a specific region, time period, or some other theme. Sometimes it commemorates a famous person or a historical or regional event. Art museums show collections of paintings, sculptures, furniture, and other decorative arts. A collection of historic buildings in a village setting is called an “open air museum”. Natural history museum explore topics such as dinosaurs, animals, fossils, and native people.

 Britain has always been famous for its museums. I had a chance to see it during my visit to London two years ago. We had an opportunity to visit the famous British Museum and Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, which is situated in Oxford. Its first building was built in 1678 to house the cabinet of curiosities Elias Ashmole gave Oxford University in 1677. These exhibits were collected by himself and included antique coins, books, engravings, geological and zoological specimens- one of which was the stuffed body of the last dodo ever seen in Europe. Sad enough but we were not able to see it because it was so moth-eaten, except for its head and one claw. We admired the beautiful interior of the Ashmolean, which has been extensively modernized in recent years. And now includes a restaurant and a gift shop. All of us were impressed by Michelangelo, Rafael and Leonardo da  Vinci’s drawings, paintings by John Constable and Pablo Picasso, a death mask of Oliver Cromwell. We also had an opportunity to see the lantern that Gunpowder Plot conspiracist Guy Fawkes carried in 1605,and  a violin made by Antonio Stradivari. The guide told us about a famous theft which happened on the31th of December, 1999. Then thieves climbed onto a roof of the museum to break through a skylight, stealing a painting by Cezanne. They ignored the other works in the museum and the expert decided it was stolen to order. We were also shown   a big collection of antiquities from Egypt as the museum hosts the Grifith Institute of Egyptology.

 So it’s up to you to decide where to go at first but I’m sure it’s the right way to feel the atmosphere of the country and have a both nice and educational time.



Going to the Museum

I’m very glad that you are planning to make a tour round the big cities in the world. Of course, visiting museums is the right way to get acquainted with the country’s history and cultural heritage. In every city there are many different kinds of the museums to visit. Here is a list of what you might find while you are out exploring.

 History museums can be housed in modern building or inside the historic site. Collections represent the history of a specific region, time period, or some other theme. Sometimes it commemorates a famous person or a historical or regional event. Art museums show collections of paintings, sculptures, furniture, and other decorative arts. A collection of historic buildings in a village setting is called an “open air museum”. Natural history museum explore topics such as dinosaurs, animals, fossils, and native people.

 Britain has always been famous for its museums. I had a chance to see it during my visit to London two years ago. We had an opportunity to visit the famous British Museum and Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, which is situated in Oxford. Its first building was built in 1678 to house the cabinet of curiosities Elias Ashmole gave Oxford University in 1677. These exhibits were collected by himself and included antique coins, books, engravings, geological and zoological specimens- one of which was the stuffed body of the last dodo ever seen in Europe. Sad enough but we were not able to see it because it was so moth-eaten, except for its head and one claw. We admired the beautiful interior of the Ashmolean, which has been extensively modernized in recent years. And now includes a restaurant and a gift shop. All of us were impressed by Michelangelo, Rafael and Leonardo da  Vinci’s drawings, paintings by John Constable and Pablo Picasso, a death mask of Oliver Cromwell. We also had an opportunity to see the lantern that Gunpowder Plot conspiracist Guy Fawkes carried in 1605,and  a violin made by Antonio Stradivari. The guide told us about a famous theft which happened on the31th of December, 1999. Then thieves climbed onto a roof of the museum to break through a skylight, stealing a painting by Cezanne. They ignored the other works in the museum and the expert decided it was stolen to order. We were also shown   a big collection of antiquities from Egypt as the museum hosts the Grifith Institute of Egyptology.

 So it’s up to you to decide where to go at first but I’m sure it’s the right way to feel the atmosphere of the country and have a both nice and educational time.


12 квітня 2018
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