"Гра - вікторина для учнів 8 класу на тему " Україна - Великобританія."

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Game – quiz “ Ukraine – Great Britain”

8 клас

Мета: повторити і узагальнити матеріал тем “Великобританія “ і ”Україна” ;

продовжувати розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів;

удосконалювати навички аудіювання;

виховувати інтерес до культури, традицій Великобританії та України;

виховувати почуття патріотизму, національної гордості.

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Game – quiz “ Ukraine – Great Britain”

8  клас

Мета: повторити і узагальнити матеріал тем “Великобританія “ і ”Україна” ;

продовжувати розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів;

удосконалювати навички аудіювання;

виховувати інтерес до культури, традицій Великобританії та України;

виховувати почуття патріотизму, національної гордості.


I Привітання, тема, мета.

Dear pupils and our guests. We are glad to see you here at our English – Ukrainian bridge. Today we are going to find out how we know our native country and country, which language we learn. We have representatives from five countries: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Ukrainian.

II Основна частина.

1 We have five groups ( countries). Your hometask was to prepare short reports about your countries. ( капітани команд представляють свої команди)

2 Quiz. ( учні швидко дають відповіді на питання)


  1. Where is the UK of Great Britain situated? ( on the British Isles)
  2. What parts does the UK consist of? ( England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
  3. What is the symbol of England? ( The rose)
  4. What is the symbol of Scotland? ( The thistle)
  5. What is the symbol of Wales? (The daffodil)
  6. What is the symbol of  Northern Ireland?( The shamrock)
  7. What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by? ( By the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea)
  8. What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by? ( By the North Sea)
  9. What channel lies between Britain and  Europe? ( The English Channel)
  10. What is the highest mountain peak in Wales? (  Snowdon)
  11. What is the longest river in Britain? ( The Severn)
  12. What is Loch Ness famous for? ( For the monster)
  13. What is Big Ben? ( The bell of clock)
  14. What is Madam Tussaud”s famous for? ( For wax figures) 
  15. What is the town of Oxford famous for?( For universities)
  16. Who was the architect of St Paul’s Cathedral? ( Christopher Wren)
  17. Who wrote “ Hamlet” ( Shakespeare)
  18. What is the largest river in Ukraine? ( The Dnieper)
  19. What is the state of Ukrainian kozaks called? (  Zaporizhian sich)
  20. What was the first capital of Ukraine? ( Kharkiv)
  21. Name at least one Ukrainian Hetman? ( Mazepa, Doroshenko, Sahaidachnyi)
  22. Europeans do not usually eat this meat product loved by Ukrainians, because it is fat. (salo)
  23. What religious holiday do we celebrate in spring? ( Easter)
  24. What modern Ukrainian singer won the Eurovision song contest in 2004? ( Ruslana)
  25. What are the colours  of Ukrainian flags? ( Blue and Yellow)
  26. What is Ukrainian emblem? ( Trident)



3 Game “ Pick up flowers and answer the question.”

1 What is the largest fresh – water lake in the world?

  1.  Lake Superior
  2. Lake Baikal
  3. Lough Ness

2 The biggest river is…

  1. The Mississipi River
  2. The Amazon River
  3. The river Nile

3 The largest island in the world is…

  1. Ireland
  2. Greenland
  3. The Caribbean Islands

4 The coldest continent is…

  1. Antarctica
  2. North America
  3. Australia

5 The largest desert is…

  1. The Great Sandy Desert
  2. The Gobi Desert
  3. The Sahara Desert

6 What are the highest waterfalls in the world?

  1. Niagara Falls, North America.
  2. Angel Falls, Venezuela.
  3. Staubbach Falls, Swizerland.

7 The highest mountain in the world…

  1. Hoverla
  2. Everest
  3. Ben Nevis

8 The deepest lake in the world…

  1. Lake Hudson
  2. Lake Baikal
  3. Lough Neigh

9 The largest and the deepest ocean …

  1. The Indian Ocean
  2. The Atlantic Ocean
  3. The Pacific Ocean

10 The largest saltwater lake is…

  1. Lake Superior
  2. Azov Sea
  3. The Caspian Sea


4 Geographical Names.

Divide the words into groups: the mountains, the rivers, the seas, the oceans, the cities, the countries, the continents.

The Dnieper, Africa, the Pacific Ocean, North America, Hungary, the Black Sea, Ukraine, Washington, the Carpathian Mountains, the Avon, Kharkiv, the Dniester, the Bug, Manchester, Cardiff, the Irish Sea, Japan, Ben Nevis, Australia, the Wisla, Poland, the Sea of Azov.


5 Rebuses.

6 Proverbs.

Mark the Ukrainian proverb that best corresponds to the English one and the English to the Ukrainian.

1 You can not bake without flour.

a) Робота сама за себе скаже.

b) Без роботи день роком стає.

c) Без води каші не звариш.

d) Не дивись на чоловіка, а на його діло.

2 Two hands are better than one.

a) Краще один мудрий, ніж десять дурних.

b) Мудрість – дитя досвіду.

c) Хто знання має, той мур зламає.

d) Одна голова добре,а дві краще.

3 Lost time is never found.

a) Час усьому навчить.

b) Час будує, час руйнує.

c) На все свій час.

d) Згаяного часу не повернеш.

4 З вогнем не жартують.

  1. There is no smoke without fire.
  2. Out of the frying – pan into the fire.
  3. Do not play with fire.
  4. Dirty water will quench the fire.

5 Знати все – не знати нічого.

  1. He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.
  2. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
  3. To know everything is to know nothing.
  4. A learned man is twice born.

6 Без трудів не їстимеш пирогів.

  1. What man has done man can do.
  2. As is the workman, so is the work.
  3. He that will not work, shall not eat.
  4. You can not bake without flour.


7  Famous landmarks. ( Учні слухають опис визначного місця, шукають на карті, позначають певним кольором.)

  1. It is one English Park. People like to visit this beautiful place, like to visit a beautiful rose garden there  and go boating on the lake. Mark this place with green colour. ( Hyde park)
  2. It served as a palace, a fortress and a prison. Many kings lived there. Today it is a wonderful museum. Black ravens meet tourist there. Also you can see “ Beefeaters” there. Mark this place with brown colour. (Tower of London)
  3. It is a royal  church. It is situated opposite the Houses of Parliament. You can see the tombs of many British kings, queens and other people. Mark this place with yellow colour. ( Westminster Abbey)
  4. It is a residence of the Queen. This building like a small town. About 700 people work there. Mark red colour. ( Buckingham Palace)
  5. It is a seat of the British Government. It has the Clock Tower, which famous for its big hour bell, known as Big Ben. Mark blue. ( Parliament Square)



8  Make up a story “ What his life was worth”. (Учні з речень складають історію)

Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet, loved the common people and wrote about them.

One day when Burns was walking near the docks, he heard a cry for help.

He ran towards the water.

Just then a sailor jumped off a boat that stood near the dock, and began to swim towards the man who was calling for help.

The man who was saved was a rich merchant.

When he was taken to the shore, he thanked the brave sailor an gave him a shilling.

By this time a lot of people gather round them.

They called the sailor a hero and protested loudly when the rich man gave him only a shilling.

But Burns stopped them and said : “ Let him alone.

The gentleman , of course, knows better what his life is worth.”

9 Listen and punctuate the text of the song. (учні працюють  з текстом , розділяють слова, співають пісню)


















III Заключна частина.

Підведення підсумків.

 Визначення і нагородження переможців.



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