Дмитрівська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.
«Пошук Скарбів»
(5-6 кл.)
Вчитель англійської мови:
Іващенко Ю.П.
2019 р.
Мета: узагальнити знання учнів з тем: «Числівники», «Кольори», «Пори року», «Їжа», «Професії»,.
Хід гри
Проведення гри.
Учнів розподіляють на 2 команди. Кожна команда обирає назву, та вчитель дає прапорець певного кольору. Визначаються капітани команд, відповідальні за прапорець. Кожна команда отримуватиме у ході гри завдання у конвертах, що помічені цим кольором. Можна брати тільки конверт того кольору, що відповідає кольору прапорця у капітана команди.
Оголошення мети та завдання.
Далі учні отримують перше завдання, виконують його та переходять до інших. У якості наглядача виступають учні 10 класу.
Завдання до квесту
Перша команда
Your first task is in the English language class under the second desk.
1. Обведи зайве слово
Coffee tea milk cheese
chicken apple orange cherry
potato egg carrot tomato
honey sweet water chocolate
meat fish chicken juice
Your task is on the first floor in the second window under the vazon
2. Find 7 “food” words
tea chicken orange honey bread banana cheese tomato carrot water
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Your task is on the third floor of the classroom computer science door.
3. Guess the key word
Guess what season it is about
This is the season,
When days are cool,
When we eat apples
And go to school
Your task is in the gym under the bench
Guess the profession.
Ben: What is your father, Tom?
Tom: Guess what he is! When my father goes to his work, he sees very many boys and girls. He likes his work. He likes his little boys and girls. He is happy to see them. The children are happy to see my father, too.
Ben: Oh, I see. He is a teacher. And the little boys and girls are his pupils.
Tom: No, no, he is not a teacher. His little boys and girls are not his pupils. They are ill. And my father works at hospital.
Ben: Oh, I see. He is a
Your task is in the canteen under the table.
Riddle( порахуй)
There are nine cakes
On a little plate;
I eat one of them
And now there are ……………..
Your task is in the Ukrainian language class under the first desk
Now the last step. You have to find this room in our school. You have English lessons here. Your teacher works in it. You can go there and the treasure is under your teacher’s table.
Друга команда
Your first task is in the English language class under the desk.
1. Обведи зайве слово
Coffee tea milk cheese
chicken apple orange cherry
potato egg carrot tomato
honey sweet water chocolate
meat fish chicken juice
Your task is on the third floor of the classroom computer science door.
2. Find 7 “food” words
tea chicken orange honey bread banana cheese tomato carrot water
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3. Your task is in the canteen under the table.
Guess the key word
Guess what season it is about
This is the season,
When days are cool,
When we eat apples
And go to school
Your task is in the Ukrainian language class under the first desk
Guess the profession.
Ben: What is your father, Tom?
Tom: Guess what he is! When my father goes to his work, he sees very many boys and girls. He likes his work. He likes his little boys and girls. He is happy to see them. The children are happy to see my father, too.
Ben: Oh, I see. He is a teacher. And the little boys and girls are his pupils.
Tom: No, no, he is not a teacher. His little boys and girls are not his pupils. They are ill. And my father works at hospital.
Ben: Oh, I see. He is a
Your task is on the first floor in the second window under the vazon
Riddle( порахуй)
There are nine cakes
On a little plate;
I eat one of them
And now there are ……………..
Your task is in the gym under the bench
Now the last step. You have to find this room in our school. You have English lessons here. Your teacher works in it. You can go there and the treasure is under your teacher’s table.
Перша команда
Друга команда