Halloween party. Script for 6-8 formers

Про матеріал
Tradition of celebrating Halloween.Games.Funny things.How to celebrate this holiday.Pupils will try to find something new to themselves.
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Halloween party.

History and traditions of its celebrating.

Script (6-7-th forms)


    1.Ознайомити дітей з традиціями країни,мова якої вивчаються.

                           2.Розвивати навички аудіювання ,читання,усного мовлення англійської мови.

3.Виховання чуйності ,винахідливості,спостережливості.                                                                         4.Заохочувати дітей до вивчення англійської мови




Оформлення залу:

1.Гарбуз,вирізаний у формі обличчя з свічкою.                                                                                                   2.Простір залу завішаний хаотично розміщеними прозорими тканинами(тюль,марля.)До них прикріплені павуки,кажани,сова і т.д.

3.На стінах малюнки,фотографії.

Хід свята


Teacher:Hello,everybody! It’s very nice to see you all here in this mysterious  hall. Today we”ll have Halloween party/It’ll be very interesting for you and you’ll have a lot of fun.


2.History of Halloween                                                                                                                                                1-st pupil. Hallowe’en is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31,the night before All Saints’Day . Much like Day of the Dead celebrations ,the Christian feast of All Hallows’ Eve incorporates traditions from pagan harvest festivals  and  festivals honouring  the dead ,particularly the Celtic Samhain.

2-nd pupil. Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating(also known as “guising”),attending costume parties ,carving jack-o’-lanterns ,lighting bonfires ,apple bobbing ,visting haunted attractions ,playing pranks ,telling scary stories ,watching horror films ,as well as the religious observations of praying ,fasting and attending vigils or church services.

3.Song: Trick-or- treat

We dress up as witches,

Then monsters appear.

That means that we are going

To scare bad spirits

“Trick or treat”?

I’m asking you

If you answer “treat”

I’ll receive a sweet, If you answer “trick.

We dress up as ghosts ,                                                                                                                                                   Then devils appear.

That means that we are going

to scare bad spirits.

We prepare the pumpkin

Then candles appear

That means that we are going

To scare bad spirits.

4.Game trick-or-treat.

Supplies needed:



Have the children write the words “Trick-or-treat” on a piece of paper .Set a timer .See how many words they can make out of “Trick-or treat” .Let children eat treats while they create the words.

5.Video material ”Popular Halloween songs”

6.Competition”Combine sentences”

Teacher: You’ll get a set of small sheets of paper .On each paper there is a part of a sentence. You have to join them and to get a text.


Teacher: You can see 2 balls hanging in the air. Your task is to draw a face of jack-o-lantern .You may do it just in time when the music plays. When the music stops you have to change with your partner and so on.

8.Dance of witches

9.Game “Apples in the water”

Teacher: Your task will be to catch an apple from the water without hands.

10.Show of Halloween’s costumes.

11.Competition “A terrible story”

Teacher: You need to retell a terrifying story.


Teacher: Thank you for being with us .I hope you enjoyed our party. See you!







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 листопада 2021
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