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Матеріали для проведення І ЕТАПУ УЧНІВСЬКОЇ ОЛІМПІАДИ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ 9 клас + з відповідями
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      Для вчителя             І ЕТАП УЧНІВСЬКОЇ ОЛІМПІАДИ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ 9 клас

  Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас

2021- 2022н.р.





   The process of domesticating animals started long ago. The first animal to be domesticated was the dog. No one knows when or where the dog was first domesticated. It's believed, however, that the process took place more than 10,000 years ago. The remains of what is thought to be an early example of a domesticated dog were found in a cave in Idaho. These remains are believed to be around 10,500 years old. So, domestication took place during humankind's earliest stage of development — the hunter-gatherer period.

   All of the dogs you see today, from Chihuahuas to Great Danes, are descend­ants of wolves. Obviously, domestication of these wild creatures required that humans select the most useful and easily trained young animals as breeding stock. As such selection continued over countless generations, dogs became adapted to many tasks.

Dogs apparently first served as guards! With their keen sense of smell and hearing, dogs made it almost impossible for strangers to approach a sleeping village by surprise. And later, humans took advantage of dogs' hunting instincts. Dogs learned to help humans procure meat and skins from wild animals.

   Then, after humans domesticated herd animals such as goats, cattle, and sheep, dogs helped round these herd animals up and move them from place to place by barking and nipping at their heels. Take a look at this fresco from the wall of a sandstone grotto in the Sahara. It's probably about 5,000 years old. The herders are driving their oxen home from the field, while their "best friend" is apparently helping them.

   Of course, after that, at some unknown time, dogs began to take on a new role, the role that most of them have today. They began to be valued not so much for the work they did as for the company they provided.


Ключi  до  тестових завдань

1. +, 2. -, 3. -, 4. -, 5.+, 6. + 7. +, 8. -, 9. -, 10. +.

11. С, 12. Ь, 13. D, 14. А, 15. А, 16. D, 17. B, 18. D, 19. А, 20. С.



Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас




   For each of the questions 1—10 decide which of the answers (a, b, c; or d) best complete the statements on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text and mark the corresponding letter (a, b, c or d) with a «+» on your answer sheet.


   Elvis Aaron Presley, American singer and actor, оne of the most popular entertainers of the 20th century, is renowned as an early pioneer of rock-and-roll music and considered by many to be the genre's greatest performer.

   In his youth, Presley attended churches where he was exposed to gospel music. He also listened to blues and country-and-western music and won a talent contest at the age often for a rendition of the country ballad "Old Sheеp".

   Following high school, Presley worked as a truck driver. In 1953, while re­cording some songs as a birthday gift for his mother at a Memphis studio, Presley impressed the studio manager with his unique vocal style, demonstrating both outstanding range and influences of black American music. At age 21 Presley re­corded his first songs for a major record label, the Radio Corporation of America, including the original and popular "Heartbreak Hotel".

   From 1956 to 1958, Presley starred in four motion pictures, all of which featured his soundtracks. After serving in the United States Armed Forces from 1958 to 1960, Presley appeared in numerous musical films. His public appeal faded during this period as his rebellious image gave way to the more wholesome persona developed in his film roles.

   During the 1970s, facing personal difficulties, including a long-term drug dependency, Presley retreated from public appearances and was rarely seen out­side his Memphis mansion. His death, a subject of some controversy, has been officially attributed to heart failure, a likely result of Presley's chronic overuse of prescription barbiturates.

   Known as the King of  Western  Bop and the Hillbilly Cat, Presley fused sounds of country music with black rhythm-and-blues influences and what was then the new rock-and-roll style. His unprecedented, electrically charged performances helped make Presley one of the first mass idols of United States popular culture.


Ключі до тестових завдань

L. A, 2. С, 3.d, 4. С, 5. B, 6. B, 7. С, 8. С, 9. А, 10. Ь.





Для вчителя               Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас




Choose one of the three suggested topics and comment on it:


1.   Television and computer games will soon lead to disappearing of books.

2.   People need sport to overcome, the effects of polluted environment.

3.   There is no ideal school in the world.


Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас



1. Imagine you’ve got a chance to choose any career you’d like. What would it be? Why?

2. Do you think the story of Cinderella could happen in the 21st century? Why?

3. Imagine you can create a cheap, convenient, safe and fast means of transportation. What will it be?

4. What do you think are the most obvious advantages or disadvantages of television?

5. You and your friends are the beach. You are having a holiday. Discuss your plans for the day.

6. Describe your favorite season and explain why you like it.

7. Tell about important events in the school year.

8. Why is it important to know foreign languages?

9. Compare the way of life in the country and in the city.

10. Describe the major holidays in Ukraine.

11. Imagine you are showing your family photo album to an English –speaking friend. Describe some photographs, especially if there are some interesting stories connected with them.

12. Each family has its favorite stories about something good or bad which happened to its members. Tell one of them.

13. Describe the qualities you like about your friends. What qualities do you think they appreciate in you?

14. Describe the most important events in your life.

15. Describe a pleasant evening you spent together with your friend.

16. Speak about a thing which is difficult for you to do.

17. It is on the first of April when people all over the world laugh at and play jokes on each other. What joke did you play on your friend this year?

18. You are going to have a part-time job in the summer. Explain the reasons for such a decision.

19. Prepare a story about someone in your family who you are proud of.

20. Speak about your last journey by train to another city.

























Для учнів.                

                       Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас    2021- 2022н.р.



Task 1.    For each of the questions 1—10 decide which of the statements are true or false on the basis of what is stated or responding number on your answer sheet.

Remember: you are NOT allowed to take notes at ANY time when the text is being read to you.

1.The first animal to be tamed was the dog.

2.The remains of a domesticated dog were found in a cave in Africa.

3.Domestication took place during the harvest-gatherer period.

4.All of the dogs you see today are ancestors of wolves.

5. The most useful and easily trained young animals were selected as breeding stock.

 6. Dogs learned to help humans obtain meat and skins from wild animals..

 7. After the dog humans domesticated herd animals.

 8. There is a fresco on the wall of a sandstone grotto in the Alps.

 9. Dogs helped move herd animals by barking and stinging.

10. Nowadays dogs are valued just for the company they provide.


Task 2.    For each of the questions 11—20 decide which of the answers (a, b, с or d) best complete the statements on the basis of what is stated or implied in what you have heard and mark the corresponding letter with a «+» on your answer sheet.

11. They say that the process of domestication took place:

A)   more than 10 centuries ago; b)   less than 10,000 years ago;

C)   more than 100 centuries ago; d)   more than 1000 decade ago.

12.  So, domestication took place during humankind's:

A)   latest period of improvement; b)   earliest stage of expansion;

 С)   former point of development; d)   newest stage of introduction.

13. The selection of dogs continued over:
a)   favorite relations; b) numerous adaptations;
c)   few generations;               d) infinite generations.

One can easily make a conclusion that:

A)   the dog was disciplined; b) the dog was handsome;

C)   the dog was baking; d) the dog was generous.

15. Dogs apparently first served as:

A)   guards; b) herds;

C)   shepherd; d) guides.

16. Humans took advantage of dogs':

A)   haunted instincts; b) hunting insects;

C)   hunted sixth sense; d) hunting institution.

17. Dogs learned to help humans:

Obtain pork and skins from undomesticated animals;

Get hold of meat and hides from wild animals;

Secure meat and skins from tamed animals;        
d)  procure lamb and hides from natural animals.

18. It may be inferred from the text that there is:

A fresco in the fortification of a stone grotto;

A fresco on the partition of a granite cavern;

A fresco in the hedge of a brickwork grotto;

A fresco on the wall of a sandstone cave.

19. It was mentioned in the text that:

A) the shepherds are driving their cattle home;

B) the herders are making homes for their oxen;

C) the shepherds are driving their cars home;

D) the herders are riding their oxen home.

20. Nowadays most of the dogs have:

A)   a new character; b)   a new roleplay;

C)   a new function; d)   a new part.







                               Завдання для шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови    9 клас    2021- 2022н.р.




1.A lot of people believe:

А)  There has been no better rock-n-roll singer than Elvis Presley; В)  Elvis Presley could outdo anyone in acting;

С)  Was the only one to start the genre of rock-n-roll; D)  Was the pioneer of the 20th century.

2.Presley's musical education consisted mainly of:

A)   a church musical school;                   b)   a rhythm-and-blues orchestra;

C)   a combination of different styles;      d)   a country musical band.

3.The word "rendition" in line 6 may best stand for: A)   interpretation; b)   transliter  C)   transcription; d)   remix.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that Presley got involved in performing music

 А) at a rather old age; b)   as a truck driver;  C)quite young; d)   by his mother.

5.The feature of Presley's singing was the clear influence of: A)A studio manager;B)The African American style of performance; C)His age; D)His mother's birthday in Memphis.

6.The passage implies that: A)Presley hated acting in movies;B) he became rather popular in a comparatively short period of time; C) movie producers didn't like Presley's songs; D) Presley was a movie star rather than a singer.

7.The word "appeal" in line 15 may be best replaces with: a)request;b)  claim C)attraction; d)   service.

8.Presley's acting in movies:A) brought him more recognition of the audience; B) had nothing to do with music;

C) slightly decreased his popularity; D)Was never noticed.

9.During the last years of his life Presley:A) was not very happy; b)   started using drugs;

C)performed only in Memphis; d)   had a heart disease.

10.When on stage, Presley usually was: A) dressed in electrical clothes;    b)   performing very emotionally;

C)repairing electrical equipment;         d)   emitting electricity



Choose one of the three suggested topics and comment on it:


 1.   Television and computer games will soon lead to disappearing of books.

2.   People need sport to overcome, the effects of polluted environment.

3.   There is no ideal school in the world.



1. Imagine you’ve got a chance to choose any career you’d like. What would it be? Why?

2. Do you think the story of Cinderella could happen in the 21st century? Why?

3. Imagine you can create a cheap, convenient, safe and fast means of transportation. What will it be?

4. What do you think are the most obvious advantages or disadvantages of television?

5. You and your friends are the beach. You are having a holiday. Discuss your plans for the day.

6. Describe your favorite season and explain why you like it.

7. Tell about important events in the school year.

8. Why is it important to know foreign languages?

9. Compare the way of life in the country and in the city.

10. Describe the major holidays in Ukraine.

11. Imagine you are showing your family photo album to an English –speaking friend. Describe some photographs, especially if there are some interesting stories connected with them.

12. Each family has its favorite stories about something good or bad which happened to its members. Tell one of them.

13. Describe the qualities you like about your friends. What qualities do you think they appreciate in you?

14. Describe the most important events in your life.

15. Describe a pleasant evening you spent together with your friend.

16. Speak about a thing which is difficult for you to do.

17. It is on the first of April when people all over the world laugh at and play jokes on each other. What joke did you play on your friend this year?

18. You are going to have a part-time job in the summer. Explain the reasons for such a decision.

19. Prepare a story about someone in your family who you are proud of.

20. Speak about your last journey by train to another city.


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Всього відгуків: 13
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