Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів №6
Новокаховської міської ради, Херсонської обл.
Конспект уроку з англійської мови
9 клас на тему:
Вчителя англійської мови
Загальноосвітньої школи I-III ст. №6
Новокаховської міської ради,
Херсонської обл.
Піх А.М.
м. Нова Каховка, 2021
Тема: Телебачення
навчальна: Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою з теми “Television”(a chat show, a quiz/game show, a news programme, a comedy, a thriller, a horror, an animated cartoon, a documentary, a sitcom, a soap opera) та автоматизувати дії
учнів з новими лексичними одиницями на рівні фрази, складати розповідь про свою улюблену телепередачу.
розвиваюча: розвивати навички усного мовлення учнів, навички читання, аудіювання та письма, вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, їх швидкість та критичність мислення, стійку увагу та творчу уяву;
виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, загальну культуру учнів, почуття відповідальності та доброзичливості, сприяти попередженню втоми на уроці;
Методи навчання: бесіда, діалог, пояснення, робота в парах, робота з підручником, самостійна робота
Тип уроку: урок-подорож
Обладнання: підручник, зошит, презентація до уроку Power Point, наочність (картинки до нової лексики), роздатковий матеріал(текст, таблиця до вправи,тест), аудіо.
Очікуваний результат: учні повинні показати рівень своїх знань при різних видах роботи, використовуючи вивчений лексичний матеріал.
Хід уроку
Greeting 1. Організаційний момент (2 хвилини).
Teacher: Good morning, children.
Children: Good morning, teacher.
Teacher: How are you today?
Children: I am fine, thanks. I am OK, thanks. I am so-so, thanks. And how are you, teacher?
Teacher: I am fine too, thanks.
Aim 2.Повідомлення теми, мети уроку (4 хвилини)
Teacher: Look at the screen and try to predict what we are going to talk about at today’s lesson.(Слайд 2).
Teacher: So, today we are going to travel in the TV studio and participate in telecasts. During our trip we’ll stop on the different stations and do the interesting tasks.
Teacher: OK, and now let’s start our trip. The first telecast is Chat Show.(Слайд 3)
Complete the sentence: “When I come home, I turn on the TV and watch …”
(Слайд 4)
Warming up 3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (3 хвилини)
Teacher: The second telecast is Reality Show.(Слайд 5)
Let's recite the poem "My pig won’t let me watch TV". All together! Beat the rhythm! O.K? (Слайд 6)
My pig won’t let me watch TV
It’s totally unfair
He watches anything he wants
But doesn’t ever share.
I never get to watch cartoons
or anything like that.
He’s busy watching farming shows.
I should have got a cat.
- Well done!
Presenting Vocabulary 1.Ознайомлення з новими лексичними одиницями теми
(4 хвилини)
Teacher: We continue our trip and the next telecast is Еxtrasensories.(Слайд 7)
Here we have a lot of screens with programmes and films on it, you are to guess about the Ukrainian equivalents by the picture.
- The first one is a chat show. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for a chat show, Sasha?
Sasha: телеінтервью
Teacher: Good!
- The second one is a quiz/game show. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Tanya?
Tanya: телегра
Teacher: Well done!
- The third picture is a news programme. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Vlad?
Vlad: програма новин
Teacher: Good, thank you!
- The fourth one is a comedy. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian for such a chat film, Sergii?
Sergii: комедія
Teacher: Well done!
- The fifth film is a thriller. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for a thriller, Den?
Den: триллер
Teacher: Good!
- The sixth picture is a horror film. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Vika?
Vika:фільм жахів
Teacher: Good, thank you!
- The seventh one is an animated cartoon. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for an animated cartoon, Dasha?
Dasha: мультфільм
Teacher: Well done!
- The eighth film is a documentary. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Julia?
Julia: документальний фільм
Teacher: Good!
- The ninth picture is a sitcom. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for a sitcom, Anna?
Anna: серіал
Teacher: Well done!
- The tenth picture is a soap opera. Look at the picture. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Roma?
Roma: мелодрама
Teacher: Good, thank you!
2. Відпрацювання нової лексики в ігровій ситуації “What is on?”(5 хвилин)
Teacher:Now we are in the studio of Talk Show. Look, read and say.(Слайд 8)
- Look! What is on? It's a comedy. Read comedy [ˈkɒmɪdɪ] . Sasha, read please:
[ˈkɒmɪdɪ]. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a documentary. Read [dɒkjʊˈmentərɪ]. Roma, read please:
[dɒkjʊˈmentərɪ].. Well done!
- Look! What is on? It's a soap opera. Read [səʊp'ɒpərə]. Lera, read please: [səʊp'ɒpərə]. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a sitcom. Read [sɪtkɒm]. Alice, read please: [sɪtkɒm].. Well done!
- Look! What is on? It's an animated cartoon. Read [ˈænɪmeɪtˈkɑːˈtuːn]. Yura, read please: [ˈænɪmeɪtˈkɑːˈtuːn]. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a horror. Read [hɒrə(r)]. Christine, read please: [hɒrə(r)].. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a thriller. Read [θrɪlə(r)] . Pasha, read please: [θrɪlə(r)]. Well done!
- Look! What is on? It's a news programme. Read [njuːzˈprəʊɡræm]. Anna, read please: [njuːzˈprəʊɡræm].. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a quiz show. Read [kwɪzˈſəʊ]. Den, read please: [kwɪzˈſəʊ]. Good!
- Look! What is on? It's a chat show. Read [tſætˈſəʊ]. Dasha, read please: [tſætˈſəʊ]. Well done!
3. Психологічна розрядка: аеробіка.(2 хвилини)
Teacher: We continue our trip and the next telecast is Dance programme.
(Слайд 9).
Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Stand up, children.(Слайд 10)
Jog and push.
Jog and pull.
Jog and clap.
Twist to the left.
Twist and shout: “We are the champions”.
back, left. Again.
Breathe deeply.
Reading 5. Подання тексту для читання. (8 хвилин)
Teacher: The next visit 1+1 channel.(Слайд 11)
1) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання
Teacher: Use the ideas from the box to complete the table. Add your own ideas. Explain your choice.(Слайд 12)
Informs about the latest news; entertains; keeps us in front of the screen; shows too much violence; educates; makes us lazy; contributes to our passive way of life; shows advertisements; makes us less communicative.
Advantages of television |
Disadvantages of television |
2)Reading. Етап читання
About 90% of Ukrainians say watching TV is their favourite leisure activity. The average child watches about three hours of TV a day. That’s about the same amount as a British child, and an hour less than a child in the USA. Just imagine: on average people spend ten years of their lives watching TV. That’s a long time. What do Ukrainian young people think about TV?
Sasha: I watch TV for two or three hours a day. I like entertaining sports shows, like Igry Patriotiv (Patriots’ Games) or Velyki Perehony(Great Races).They’re really cool. I never watch reality shows – but my friends enjoy watching them. Tastes differ! I quite like quiz shows and comedies. They’re my favourites. It’s fun when you go to school the next day and you can talk about your favourite programmes with your friends.
Liuda: Last year I had time to watch a lot of TV but now I’m very busy at school and I have a lot of homework. The best programmes for me are soap and cartoons. But I hate adverts, they’re much too long. I usually go into the kitchen and make a cup of tea while the adverts are on. I love watching documentaries from morning till night.
Vlad: I watch sports programmes for about two hours every day. They’re fantastic! Then I watch Euronews, and, of course, I enjoy comedies. I’m also really into learning foreign languages and I try not to miss films in English or French. Special educational programmes also help a lot, but films are more fun. No doubt, television is a great source of information and entertainment. We can watch the news and find out what’s happening in the world and enjoy sports events and concerts. Watching a film with friends or family is very fun. But studies show that teenagers are getting fatter and lazier because they often eat while watching their favourite programmes. Other studies show that children who watch a lot of TV make slower progress at school. So, we have to be sensible about how much TV we watch.
Fewer Ukrainians regularly listen to the radio nowadays, although it is popular with drivers and office workers. It makes their working day more enjoyable and keeps them up to date with local and international news. The older generation enjoys listening to State Radio, which broadcasts lots of folk and classical music, as well as different programmes on politics, health care and culture. However, FM radio stations have become very popular in Ukraine, too. They playmodern music and hits from the past along with the latest news and, of course, traffic and weather reports. The popularity of a radio show depends on the contents of the show and who works on it. It has to be a good team!
3)Post-Reading Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.
Teacher: say TRUE or FALSE?
Listening 6. Практика аудіювання(5 хвилин).
Teacher: Now we are at the Quiz show (Service of search).(Слайд 13). Listen to the conversation and answer the questions based on the information you hear.
1. When is the reality showing on TV? What channel is showing the program?
A. at 7:00 on channel 5
B. at 7:30 on channel 7
C. at 8:00 on channel 11
2. Why does the man not want to watch the reality show?
A. He watched the same program last week.
B. He isn't interested in show's theme.
C. He wants to go swimming instead.
3. How does the man feel about watching Star Wars on TV?
A. He wouldn't mind seeing it again.
B. He'd like to watch it if he had more time.
C. He'd prefer to watch something else.
4. Which statement best describes the man's feelings about watching the home improvement show?
A. He doesn't want to watch because his wife will expect him to fix things around the house.
B. He thinks that he will be able to get a better job by learning from the show.
C. He thinks it is easier to get someone else to repair their problems around the house.
5. What does the couple decide to watch?
A. a TV drama
B. a sports event
C. a talk show
Writing 7. Практика письма (9 хвилин)
Teacher: Our trip is over. And the last stop is Master Chef.(Слайд 14)
a)Group Work
(Class is divided into 4 groups. Each group is given a task. They choose one presenter.) Lets make a lapbook and answer the questions.(Слайд 15)
ІІІ. Заключна частина. (3 хвилини)
1. Підведення підсумків уроку (summarizing).
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! What new have we got to know this lesson? What travel do you like? To make some conclusions, complete the sentence: “When I come home, I …”(Слайд 16).So, the lesson is over. Thank you for your productive work. You were active, smart and creative.
2. Домашнє завдання (homework).
Teacher: Write the composition of 80-100 words “Television in my life”.
(Слайд 17)
Good bye! See you soon!
P-s: Good bye!
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