I've Got an idea Test for the 5th grade

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота для учнів 5 класу , тема ''I've got an Idea'' до підручника О.Д. Карпюк
Перегляд файлу

                                                                                                 5 th FORM

                                                                                         I’VE GOT AN IDEA


I. Translate into English

1) мова                                7) стіна

2) використовувати           8) покращувати

3) іноземний

4) міст

5) міжнародний

6) подорожувати


II. Choose the correct variant

1) Does Tom have to get up early? -

        Yes, he has.           Yes, he does.          Yes, he do .

2 ) They _______ write a test.

         don't has to         doesn't have to         don 't have to

3) Sportsmen _______ train much.

     have to                       has to                   doesn't have to

4) You _______ sweep the floor because it's very dirty.

     don't have to              have to                  has to

5) We _______ go to school because it is Sunday.

     don't have to              have to                doesn't have to

6) Does he _______ study every night? 

      has to                       have to                   haven 't to


III. Correct the mistakes

1) Leaning forein languags is very importan today.

2) Englis is an internetional language.

3) My fryend Taras cen spik and listen real Englihman wery wel.

4) We hav to improve Englis when we spik with our frieds, read English boks.

IV. Match words with the same meaning

ground floor                         candies

post                                       to be sick

boot shop                              first floor

sweets                                    mail

to be ill                                  shoe store

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 лютого 2020
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