Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (Презентація) на англ.

Про матеріал
лля Ілліч Мечников (3 (15) травня 1845, Іванівка, Куп'янський повіт, Харківська губернія, Російська імперія — 2 (15) липня 1916, Париж, Французька республіка) — український[8][9], російський та французький науковець, один з основоположників порівняльної патології, еволюційної ембріології, імунології і мікробіології[10], творець наукової школи. Член-кореспондент (1883), почесний член (1902) Петербурзької АН. Відкрив (1882) явище фагоцитозу, розробив фагоцитарну теорію імунітету (1883). Розробив теорії зародкових листків, походження багатоклітинних організмів. Професор Новоросійського університету (1870—1882, нині — Одеський університет ім. Мечникова). Почесний член кількох зарубіжних академій, наукових товариств та інститутів. Лауреат Нобелівської премії у галузі фізіології та медицини за праці про імунітет (1908, спільно з німецьким лікарем, бактеріологом і біохіміком Паулем Ерліхом).
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Your establishment. Practical work of the 2nd year student of group 1-GFull name

Номер слайду 2

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov15.05.1845 –15.07.1916). He was born in Kharkiv province, with. Ivanivka, in a noble family. Outstanding physiologist, embryologist, Nobel Prize winner in the field of physiology and medicine, honorary doctor of the Imperial Kharkiv University.

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In 1862 he graduated with a gold medal from the Second Kharkiv Gymnasium. In 1864 he graduated from the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Kharkiv University.

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In 1865 he moved to Naples to continue his research, where together with a young Russian zoologist Alexander Kovalevsky he conducted research on the embryonic development of marine invertebrates. For work in which they showed that the embryonic structures of multicellular animals are essentially homologous (demonstrate structural conformity), as should be the case in forms related to a common origin, they in 1867 received the Karl Berr Prize, which awarded by the Academy of Sciences for work on embryology.

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In 1867 he was elected associate professor of Novorossiysk University in Odessa, and a year later - associate professor of St. Petersburg University.

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Together with Alexander Kovalevsky. Mechnikov initiated a new science - comparative embryology (comparative history of animal development)

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Mechnikov defended his master's and doctoral dissertation at. St. Petersburg University, of which he became a private associate professor. In 1870 –1882 he held the position of professor at Novorossiysk University, where he fruitfully collaborated with many famous scientists.

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Mechnikov organized the first bacteriological station in Ukraine and the Russian Empire. For 28 years he headed the laboratory of the Pasteur Institute.

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  He created the first national school of microbiologists, immunologists and pathologists. He is the author of many scientific papers in the field of biology and medicine, as well as one of the founders of evolutionary embryology.

Номер слайду 10

In 1882 he invented the phenomenon of phagocytosis and later developed a phagocytic theory of immunity. For these high achievements in 1901 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

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1888 - moved to France to work at the Pastkrov Institute there received a laboratory, dealt with general pathology, studied the problems of longevity and introduced the term "gerontology", creating a science of the same name. From 1905 he was deputy director of the Pasteur Institute.

Номер слайду 12

1908 - to Mechnikov(together with a German scientist. Paul Ehrlich) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on immunity.

Номер слайду 13

He died in Paris. July 15, 1916 at the age of 71 after several myocardial infarctions. An urn with ashes was placed at the Pasteur Institute.

Пов’язані теми
Біологія, Презентації
27 січня 2023
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