Інсценізація казки "Казковий вернісаж"

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Інсценізація казки «A House in the wood»

У сценарії використано загадки та пісні.

У ній іде мова про дружбу тварин. Від казки віє теплом, доброзичливістю, хочеться і собі бути добрим, товариським, поділитися гарним настроєм, зробити гарний вчинок. Казка вчить нас любити тварин і піклуватися про них.

Перегляд файлу


Підготувала вчитель БСШ № 1 з поглибленим вивченням слов'янських мов

Тимощук Юлія Сергіївна

м. Біла Церква






F:\Алиса\для урока\Королева\213.gifТема: Казковий вернісаж.

Інсценізація казки «A House in the wood»


Цілі: Повторити й поглибити знання з теми «Тварини»; розвивати творчі здібності школярів увагу, пам'ять, мислення, мовлення; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: магнітофон, різнокольорові грибочки, квіточки, сценічні костюми (мишки, жабки, курочки, півника, лисички), макет хатки.

Хід свята

  1. Вступна частина.

T. Good day, dear children, teachers and our guests! Let’s begin our holiday.

Do you like riddles? Guess!


(Вчитель читає дітям вірші про тварин російською мовою. Діти повинні здогадатися, про яку тварину йдеться, та дати відповідь англійською мовою.)


Кот вчера съел мой омлет.

Он воришка, этот ….. (cat)


Я свою корову нежно называю:

Матушка-коровушка, по-английски ….. (cow)


У меня живет бульдог,

А собака это …….. ( dog )



Целый день все кряк да кряк.

Как назвали утку? …….. ( duck)


Среди зверей интеллигент

Слон, слоненок …… ( elephant)


Красный, белый чудо-флокс!

Рыжая лисичка …. (fox)


Прыгнула из грядки прямо на порог

Зеленая красавица, лягушка – это….(frog)


Курица известна всем.

По-английскиона – ….(hen)


Трудный вам задам вопрос:

«Как назвали лошадь?» …..(horse)


В зоопарке обезьянки.

Обезьянки – это …(monkey)


Свинья есть хочет каждый миг.

Свинью мы называем ….(pig)


  1. Vocabulary game “Guess the world”
  1. I am an animal.

I am small. I am grey.

I have got two small ears.

I have got a long tail.

I have got four legs.

I can run. I cannot fly.

What animal am I? ( a mouse)

  1. I am an animal.

I am small.

I live in the water.

I have got gills.

I have got fins.

I can swim.

I cannot run.

 What animal am I? (a fish)

  1. I am an animal.

I am small.

I have got a small nose.

I have got  two small ears.

I have got a long tail.

I can climb. I cannot swim.

What animal am I? (a cat)

  1. I am an animal.

I am big.

I have got four strong legs.

I have got a long tail.

I can run. I cannot fly.

What animal am I? (a lion)


  1. Listening

Listen to the poem and answer the guestions

What do the animals say?

You must say what animal you heard.

A dog in the yard does “woof”, “woof”

I wonder what it says.

A cat on the mat does “miaw”, “miaw”.

I wonder what it says.

The cow in the field goes “moo”, “moo”.

I wonder what it says.

The lion in the cage goes ‘roar”. “roar”.

I wonder what it says.



  1. Relaxation

Let’s sing the song “ Animals”





  1. Listening the poems.

                     One and two and three and four,

We are sitting on the floor,

We are sitting boys and girls

We are playing with the toys!

      I have a hare,

I have a bear,

My toys are here,

My toys are there.

     My doll is so pretty,

Her eyes are so blue,

Her cheeks are so rosy,

Her dress is so new.

    An elephant goes like this and that,

It’s very big and very fat,

No fingers no toes,

But Oh, what a big nose!

                 We like to read, we like to play,

We like to study every day.

We like to jump, we like to run,

We like to play – its fun!


What a happy day today!

Boys and girls are very gay!

They dance and play.

What a happy day today!


  1. Break time


Teacher.Now let’s have a break!

One, one, one

Little dogs run

Two, two, two

Cats see you

Three, three, three

Birds in the tree

Four, four, four

Rats on the floor


  1. Основна частина.


T. Dear friends! Welcome to the world of fairy tale!

AUTHOR: We want to tell you about a house in the wood.

Let’s start! This is a house in the wood.

(Звучить музика «Баркарола з опери "Казки Гофмана"»)

(Виставляється макет будиночка, розпочинається інсценізація казки

«A House in the wood»)


A House in the wood.



1. The Frog: I have made my house of wood.

House of wood, house of wood.

I have made my house of wood. Tra-la-la-la-la!

Now I live in this house.

2. The Mouse: Who lives in the house?

The Frog: I do. I am a Frog.

This is my house.

And who are you?

The Mouse: I am a Mouse.

May I live in your house?

The Frog: My house is very small.

Let's make a bigger house.

The Mouse:  I agree with you.

Let's make a bigger house.

3. The Frog and the Mouse:

We have made our house of wood.

House of wood, house of wood.

We have made our house of wood.


Now we live in this house.

4. The Cock: Who lives in the house?

The Frog and the Mouse: We do. This is our house.

We have made our house of wood. We live here:

  I am a Frog.

  I am a Mouse.

The Cock:   I am a Cock.

May I live in your house?

The Frog and the Mouse: Our house is very small.

Let's make a bigger house.

The Cock: I agree with you.

Let's make our house of bricks.

5. The Frog, the Mouse and the Cock:

We have made our house of bricks.

House of bricks, house of bricks.

We have made our house of bricks.


Now we live in this house.

6. The Hen: Who lives in the house?

The Frog, the Mouse and the Cock:

We do. This is our house.

We have made our house of bricks.

We live here:

  I am a Frog.

  I am a Mouse.

  I am a Cock.


The Hen: I am a Hen.

May I live in your house?

The Frog, the Mouse and the Cock:

Yes, you may. Come in, please!

7. The Frog, the Mouse, the Cock and the Hen:

Our house is made of bricks.

Made of bricks, made of bricks.

Our house is made of bricks.


8. The Fox: Who lives in the house?

The Frog, the Mouse, the Cock and the Hen:

We do.

  I am a Frog.

  I am a Mouse.

  I am a Cock.

  I am a Hen.

The Fox:        My dear Frog, Mouse, Cock and Hen!

I like you very much.

I want to live with you.

May I live in your house?

9. The Frog, the Mouse, the Cock and the Hen:

Oh no. You are a Red Bad Fox.

We don't want to live with you. Go away!

(The Fox runs away.)

The Frog, the Mouse, the Cock and the Hen form a circle and sing:

We aren't afraid of Red Bad Fox.

Red Bad Fox, Red Bad Fox.

We aren't afraid of Red Bad Fox.


  1. Заключна частина.

T. Our holiday A Wonderful word of Fairy Tale is over. I wish you good luck, good friends and lot of sunny days! Let’s say good-bye to our guests. See you soon!

Song “ bye-bye”

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, 2 клас, Сценарії
До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
5 вересня 2018
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