Interactive Learning

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Номер слайду 1

Interactive learning. Prepared by Natalia Kushnir

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Why do we need it ?Criticism of the classroom – lesson system is the most often associated with the passivity of students in lessons and lack of interest in learning. A decrease of the quality of knowledge, overloading children with homework and different tasks is the fact that educational activities have sometimes a harmful effect for the health of schoolchildren. After all - the amount of knowledge cannot grow to infinity. It's getting the problem of improving the learning process. Finding the answer to the question "how to teach, how to create comfortable conditions for development of students and self-realization in the educational process“ is essential now. How remaining within the framework of the classroom system to increase the effectiveness of educational process, to achieve high intellectual development of our students ? This can be achieved by using modern innovative technologies of interactive learning.

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1234 Foreign language lessons with the use of interactive technologies take place in 4 stages. This stage involves organizational points such as hangouts, resolution of venue, necessary technical equipment. Preparation. At this stage, it is important to explain the rules, the aim , the technically formed tasks, dividing into groups, assigning roles, and reminding students the amount of time for the "game"Introduction. Discussion of the situations can be given by the teacher, independent or group, search for solutions,formationanswers Results The elements of this stage are the discussion of the results of the "game", evaluation and feedback

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Use of interactive learning technologies(lessons-lectures, lessons-disputes, lessons-seminars, lessons-conferences, lessons-games (business or role-playing), lessons-travellings, lessons-competitions, lessons-consultations, lessons-dialogues) contributes not only the development of independence, creates abilities of students. Their combination makes it possible to change the technology of providing educational process, makes the lesson more visible and interesting, provides the activation of teacher and students during the lesson, contributes the formation of knowledge, strengthens interdisciplinary connections. The effectiveness of lessons is achieved by knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the teacher and students. All this gives an opportunity to improve the quality of education. Interactive learning. Interactive learning is a special form of organization ofcognitive activity, which has a specific aim - to create comfortable learning conditions under which each student feels his success and intellectual ability.

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The essence of interactive learningis - that the educational process takes place under the condition of constant and active interaction of all students. This is co-learning, mutual learning (collective, group, cooperative learning), where both the student and the teacher are equal in learning, understand what they are doing, reflect on what they know, are able to act. The organization of interactive training involves modeling life situations, using role-playing games, solving problems based on the analysis of circumstances and the relevant situation. It effectively contributes to the formation of skills and abilities, the development of values, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction, and enables the teacher to become a real leader of the children's team.

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Work in pairs. Aquarium. Carrousel. Work in groups. My interactives

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Work in pairs. Technology is especially effective at the initial stages of teaching students to work in small groups, it can be used to achieve any didactic goal: assimilation, consolidation, testing of knowledg etc.

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Aquarium. Another variant of cooperative learning, which is a form of activity of students in small groups is Aquqrium. It is effective for developing communicative skills in a small group. It improves the ability to discuss and argue one's opinion. Can be offered only if students already have good work skills. The participants form groups of 4-6 people and get acquainted with the task. One of the groups takes a place in the center of the audience, receives instructions on conducting a group discussion: "Read the task loudly, discuss it in a group, reach a common decision or summarize the discussion in 3-5 minutes." After the time is over, the group returns to its place. Briefly discussion with the whole class: Do you agree with the group's opinion? Was this opinion sufficiently reasoned? Then another group takes a place in the center of the circle. Reflection: why did we do it? How are we feeling?

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Carrousel. This variant of cooperative learning is the most effective for all participants in active work with various partners and for communication to discuss debatable issues. This technology is used:for discussion of any problem withopposite positions;to collect information on any topic;• to develop the ability to argue one's own position.

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Work in pairs. Working in groups should be used to solve complex problems that require a collective mind. If the effort and time do not guarantee the desired results it is better to choose paired workor any of the above technologies for fast interaction. We use small groups only in those cases when the task requires group and not individual work.

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My games. Public hearings. Imitation. Role games

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The purpose of the role-playing game is to determine the attitude to a specific life situation, to gain experience through the game, to help to learn through experience and feelings. Role playing can also be used to obtain specific skills, such as safe behavior in a certain situation. Role-playing a specific life situation will help students to develop their own attitude to it, gain experience through play, help to develop imagination and critical thinking skills, foster the ability to find and consider alternative options for action, and empathize to others. During a role-playing game, participants of the "role-play“ have a specific problem or situation. Role playing requires careful preparation. For example, you can start by reading texts "with roles", formulating short statements or answers on behalf of a historical person, a natural phenomenon, a specific object, an animal… Role-playinggames

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Participants of the simulation react to a specific situation within the framework of the given program, clearly following the instructions, for example, conducting an experiment. As a rule, the teacher provides clear post-operative instructions during the simulation. Students can perform the activities individually or in groups. At the end of a certain type of activity, all students receive a similar result, but it may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the student, the composition of the group, the resources we used etc. A very important procedure of imitation is the discussion of the obtained results of the activity and the students' awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, which can be traced by analyzing the results of imitation among its various participants. Simulation games develop imagination and critical thinking skills, contribute to the practical application of problem-solving skills. Imitation

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This is a well-known technology that is used as a rule in combinations with others. Its purpose is to pay students' attention on difficult or problematic issues in the initial material, motivate cognitive activity, actualization of basic knowledge etc. The teacher should encourage everyone to participate equally and discuss. Discussion of the problem in the general circle

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This technique is often used with the "Microphone" and gives an opportunity to work in the form of expressing own ideas, to compare them with others, to disscuss problems, to ask and answer the questions…Microphone

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This technique is often combined with the "Microphone" and gives an opportunity to work more thoroughly in the form of expressing own ideas, to compare them with others. Incomplete sentencesa game in which it is necessary to describe a word or word combinations indicated on interactive cards, without naming the root of the word and without using gestures. At the same time, the active role is played by the rest of the group, which has to guess the word. Description

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a game in which a student is given 1 minute to present an expression written on an interactive map. The participant must provide the most information about this subject , its meaning, usage etc. The winner is the student who provided the most completed and coherent information about the subject or term indicated on the card. Grab a minute

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a game of logic, a manifestation of individuality and imagination. The essence of the game is to continue the story of the previous student Chainstory

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Brainstorming is a well-known interactive collective discussion technology that is widely used to find several options for solving a specific problem. "Brainstorming" encourages students to develop imagination and creativity, gives them the opportunity to freely express their thoughts, helps to find several solutions on a specific topic. The goal of brainstorming is to gather as many ideas as possible about a problem from all students within a limited time period. Brainstorm

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Public hearings are held by legislative bodies(such as Verkhovna Rada, other state bodies or committees, city councils) in order to obtain information on which laws or other decisions related to the interests of the population. Other hearings are held by special interest groups, civic organizations or associations to elicit public opinion. The purpose of using the technology is modeling a public hearing with the help of an imitation (simulation) game which allow students to understand the purpose and procedure of hearings, as well as the roles and responsibilities of members of state bodies, committees and commissions. In addition, they gain practical experience in defining and explaining ideas, interests and values ​​related tothe subject of the hearing. Public hearings

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Fishbone reminds a "Fish bone" or "Fish skeleton", since the method is based on a schematic diagram in the form of a fish skeleton. Such a non-standard and at the same time simple scheme allows for a quick and accurate analysis of a certain problem, identifying its causes and consequences. And then you just need to draw the right conclusions from this problem. Fishbone diagrams were invented by Professor Kauro Ishikawa Fishbone

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INCOMPLETE SENTENCESwent to the shopping centerran into the woodsate three plates of pastabuys a new carwill make cake is sitting in a caffetranslated the whole article loved hisrenovated the roofwill assemble the new furniture

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{7 DF18680-E054-41 AD-8 BC1-D1 AEF772440 D}Grab a minute. Glasses. Social sites. Messengers. Recipe. Painting. To get engaged. Breadwinner. To be married

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Chainstory. Continue the story of the previous participant. For example: “When we win in this war, the first thing I will do…”

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LET'S SUM UPThe use of interactive technologies is a mean of creating an atmosphere of benevolence and understanding, removing the feeling of fear from the child's soul, making him or her feel free, instilling confidence in their abilities, setting up for success, and revealing the ability to be creative. For doing this it is necessary: to determine the level of readiness of the class to perception of one or another technology; to conduct sufficient preliminary training; to give students instructional materials, to be positive and modern teacher.

27 листопада 2022
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