Interviewer VS Clark Frinton Quiz
Make sure these statements True(+) or False(-)
1 The prime goal of mankind is to develop new methods of growing crops and increasing yields.
2 GM food means The Food of General Motors Company.
3 People will reduce greenhouse gases if they have an unlimited cheap power source.
4 Automated machinery using will be commonplace elsewhere in future.
5 Genetically modified food is the only one for extra billions of population to feed.
6 Taking robotics will cause a consequent reduction in the need for labour.
7 The majority of jobs will be a short-time contract work with a resulting lack of job security.
8 Clark Frinton seems the future lies in cheap nuclear power.
9 Mankind is largely using fossil fuel nowadays.
10 Greenhouse gases lead to the depletion of the ozone layer that lets in solar radiation that could endanger mankind’s existence.
Choose the right answers you need
1 The certain about the future is that the future is … .
a)impossible b)lost c)indefinite d)smooth
2 That’s theoretically true that GM food must be thoroughly … .
a)used b)prepared c)checked out d)envolved e)utilized
3 Soon in the future society more shopping will be done over … than in shops.
a)shopping mall b)web service c)TV shop d)commerce companies
4 Clark Frinton seems the future alternative source of energy connects with … power.
a)fusion b)nuclear c)solar d)atomic
5 New hi-tech devices are always … from the beginning.
a)free of charge b)cost too much c)unable to get for private use
6 Fukushima is Japanese … .
a)film-director b)yakudza boss c)town where the power plant is d)karate style school
7 Humans existence is the … of our civilization.
a)aim to do first b)most necessary motto c)private case
8 The engines of our cars use petrol which is a kind of … .
a)solar energy b)fossil fuel c)alternative power d)pure-nuclear power
9 In a case of fast increasing of population … is the only chance.
a)population reduction b)wars and starving c)genetically modified nutrition
10 The person the interviewer is dealing with has … of philosophy .
a)Master degree b)Doctor degree c)Bachelor degree
Find out the matches
1 Only wealthy people a)will allow more time to pursue own interest.
2 In Darwin terms b)is to ensure human survival.
3 Automated machinery c)could afford new hi-tech devices first.
4 Increasing free time d)one should develop new methods of growing crops.
5 To feed the extra billions e)we can evolve fast enough ti keep pace with the rate of progress.
6 The prime goal f)will be commonplace everywhere in the nearest future.
Fill in the table using the interview’s datas
Implications |