"Inventions and Inventors"

Про матеріал
Ознайомлення учнів про винаходи і відомих винахідників, що зробили значний внесок у розвиток науки і техніки у світі.Практикувати вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні, аудіюванні та читанні.Розширити знання учнів з даної теми та вміти висловлювати думку з приводу побаченого та почутого.Поглибити знання про відомих винахідників та їх винаходи.
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Тема:”Inventions and Inventors”

Мета:-активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми у мовлення учнів;

-удосконалити навички читання, усного мовлення та аудіювання;

- формувати уміння висловлювати власну думку з приводу почутого чи побаченого;

-розвивати уміння критично мислити та мовну здогадку;

-домогтись засвоєння знань учнів про відомих винахідників та їх винаходи;

-виховувати повагу учнів до культурної спадщини різних народів та прагнення їх пізнавати. Обладнання:портрети відомих винахідників , запис пісні, мультимедійна презентація у форматі Power Point, роздатковий матеріал(НО1), відеоролик

Т.Едісона, текст для читання"Flexible computers"(from the educational site LearnEnglishTeens: режим доступу http://learnenglishteens.British council.org).

Хід уроку

I.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.1.Організація учнів до уроку.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

The topic of our today's lesson is "Inventions and Inventors".You'll learn a lot of useful information about inventions of scientists.You'll also do a lot of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

1.2.Мовленнєва розминка.

а)Робота з висловами.

Complete the quotations of famous people:

1)Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.(T.Edison)

2)You cannot teach a man anything: you can only help him find it within himself.(Galileo) 3)Imagination is more important than knowledge.(A.Einstein)

4)Men learn while they teach.

5)Necessity is the mother of invention.

6)Train hard, fight easy.

7)It is better to understand a little, than to misunderstand a lot.(Sophocles)

The motto of our lesson is:"Necessity is the mother of invention"

-How do you understand this proverb?(if you really needs to do something, you will find a way of doing it). б) Відповіді на питання.

    Which modern inventions do you have at home?

    Which one is the most useful thing for your mum?

    Which appliance can't you do without?

    Which one can't your dad live without?

    Which gadgets do you use every day?

    Which things can you easily do without?

    What is the most useless thing in your household? ● What is your favourite item and why?

II.Основна частина.

2.1.Активізація лексичного матеріалу. The best place to learn more about technological progress is, of course, the Museum of Scientific and Technological Progress.Today you'll get acquainted with some old and modern inventions.You'll also become guides in such a museum.

a)-Look at the photo of these old things.What do you think you can do with them?(The photos of telegraph, cine camera, adding machine, gramophone and crystal radio)

-Now listen and check your answers.

b)Match the early inventions with the modern ones we use today.


CD player

2)Cine camera

word processor



4)Crystal radio

digital camera




DAB radio

7)Instamatic camera

games console

8) Video game


c)Complete the sentences using these words:

1)"Look at those people dancing!"Switch on the …. and record them!"

2)My greatgrandparents still listen to their favourite songs on the … which is about 80 years old.

3)Can someone pick up the … ,please? It's ringing. 4)My mum hates progress.She doesn't use a … to type a letter.She uses an old… .

5)My grandparents got married in the 1960s.Someone had a … and filmed the wedding.

6)My brother spends all his free time playing video games on his … .

7)"What's an old invention?" It's a … .People used it to send messages over long distances.

8)Beth couldn't do sums so she used a … . 9)Tom!Turn down your … !How can you listen to such loud music while you are writing?.

2.2 Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

a)Pre-listening activities.

Take turns to read definitions of the modern appliance and try to guess what gadget it is. 1.The glass part of an electric light.

2.A large piece of electrical kitchen equipment used for keeping food and drink cool.

3.A vehicle that flies in the air and has wings.

4.A piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programs that are transmitted, such as music and news.

5.An oven that cooks food very quickly using very short electrical waves.

6.A piece of equipment used to take photos or make films or TV programs.

7.The system that one uses to have a talk with someone in another place.

8.An electronic machine that stores information and helps you to find, organize or change information.

9.A machine for sewing/making clothes.

10.A machine for washing clothes.

b)While-listening activities.

Listen to two teenagers discussing technological progress.Write down three inventions they think are the most popular.

c)Post- listening activities.

Put the paragraphs in the correct order.Think of the title of the text.

The inspector went up to the boy and shook him.Edison awoke.He was told that he had lost his job.This story explains why the first of Edison's many inventions was never patented.

When Edison was a boy of 15, he worked as a telegraph operator.He had to be on duty at night, from 7o'clock in the evening till 7 o'clock in the morning.But at night there was never much work and the telegraph operators usually slept.So boss ordered each operator to give a signal every hour to show that he was awake.Edison's signals always came at the same time, at the beginning of each hour.That surprised the boss.

So one night he sent an inspector to see how well the boy was working.When the inspector opened the door, he saw Edison sleeping in his chair.The inspector was going to shake the boy when he saw a block with a mechanism in the table near the telegraph apparatus.He waited to see what would happen.When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the mechanism began to work and sent a signal

Are these statements true or false?

1.When Edison was a boy of 16, he worked as a telegraph manager.

2.But at night there was much work and the telegraph operators usually worked hard.

3.Edison's boss ordered each operator to give a signal every quarter of an hour to show that he was awake.

4.Edison's signals always came at the same time, at the beginning of each hour.

5.One night the boss sent his brother to see how well the boy was working.

6.When the inspector opened the door he saw the boy playing cards with his friend.

7.The inspector saw a block with a mechanism in the table near the telegraph apparatus.

8.The inspector didn't want the boy to show how the mechanism could work.

9.Edison awoke and was told that he had lost his job. 10.This story explains why the first of Edison's inventions was patented.

-Write down two inventions that you consider most important for mankind.Explain your choice.

2.3.Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.Презентація повідомлень учнів.

а)- Now imagine you are museum guides.You'll present the information about famous scientists you have found.It was your homework.(Children speak about A.G.Bell, A.Fleming).


-Let's have a rest and sing a song about one imaginative invention of "The Beatles"- "Yellow submarine".

c)Fact file of Edison

    T.Edison is one of those inventors who got the most patents in the world history.

    - Read the text, put the paragraphs in the correct order and think of the title of the text.Mark the sentences true or false.

    - Watch the film about T.Edison and say why this inventor was called "The Wizard of Menlo Park".

Answer the questions:

1.How long did Edison go to school?

2.Who taught him everything he needed to know?

3.When did he sell his first invention?

4.How many inventions did he patent during his life?What is Edison's greatest idea?

5.How long did his light bulb burn?

6.What other famous inventions did he create?

d)Work in pairs.Game"Pros and Corns"

e)- You'll work in pairs and you'll get some

information about modern inventions.

One of you should think of some benefits of this fact, the other should think of its minuses.You have a minute for discussion.

-Modern technologies damage our environment ; -The development of computer technologies has changed our lives;

-   Mobile phones make our communication more comfortable;

-   Electric devices make our life easier;

-Television influences our everyday life;

-We can't imagine our life without electricity; -Our life would be much healthier without factories and plants;

d)information about B.Gates and M.Cooper

e)information about J.M.Spangler and J.Gorrie 2.4. Write using Past Passive of the verbs in brackets.

1.The first clock…(invent) by Christian Huygens.

2.The first telegraph…(invent) by Edison.

3.The helicopter…(invent) by Ihor Sicorsky in 1939.

4.Penicillin…(discover) by Alexander Fleming.

5.The dishwasher…(to design) by Mrs.W..A.Cockran.

6.The first plastic…(make) in 1855 in England.

Ill.Заключна частина уроку.

3.1.Домашнє завдання.

-People have created a lot of useful things to make our life easier and more comfortable.Almost every day something new appears in our laboratories.But we always need something more useful and more effective.I'm sure you'll like your hometask.You have to write a composition "Which invention would you like to have?"

3.2.Підсумок уроку.

-And now I wonder what's your opinion about our today's lesson? Was it useful? Did you feel comfortable? Did you like it?

-Thank you for your creative work .Your grades are… See you next time.


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