Jobs (презентація до уроку англійської мови)

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Згідно з методичними рекомендаціями щодо організації освітнього процесу зміст навчання іноземної мови має бути зорієнтованим на розвиток мотивації до вивчення і на формування комунікативних умінь та навичок у всіх видах мовленнєвої діяльності. У сучасному мовному просторі комп'ютерні технології стали невід'ємною частиною спілкування, отримання інформації, розвитку творчих здібностей та самоосвіти. Для учнів це природний та цікавий шлях до розвитку уміння спілкуватись не тільки рідною, а й іноземною мовою. Тому актуальність використання мультимедійних презентацій на уроці полягає саме в ефективності поєднання корисного і цікавого, навчання і розваги, наочності і інформативності.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

MATCH THE PICTURES WITH THE PROFESSIONS FROM THE LIST 1) hairdresser 2) firefighter 3) surgeon 4) computer operator 5) sport instructor 6) ballerina 7) nurse 8) chef 9) astronaut

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

firefighter surgeon computer operator sport instructor ballerina nurse chef astronaut hairdresser

Номер слайду 5

Match the words with their definitions 1) graduate A. a men’s hairdresser 2) CV B. people who sell things 3) salespeople C. someone will teach you how to do the job 4) full training given D. someone who has just finished university 5) contract E. Curriculum Vitae (resume) — your details of qualifications and experience 6) full time F. talk with the future employer 7) part time G. wants to have a better job in the future 8) au pair H. works in a restaurant and brings you your food 9) chef I. working just some of the week 10) experience required J. looks after children 11) receptionist K. a cook 12) barber L. you must have done the job before 13) applicant M. the paper you sign when you start the job 14) interview N. a person whose job is to answer the phone 15) ambitious O. working all week 16) waiting staff P. someone who applies for a job

Номер слайду 6

1) graduate D. someone who has just finished university 2) CV E. Curriculum Vitae (resume) — your details of qualifications and experience 3) salespeople B. people who sell things 4) full training given C. someone will teach you how to do the job 5) contract M. the paper you sign when you start the job 6) full time O. working all week 7) part time I. working just some of the week 8) au pair J. looks after children 9) chef K. a cook 10) experience required L. you must have done the job before 11) receptionist N. a person whose job is to answer the phone 12) barber A. a men’s hairdresser 13) applicant P. someone who applies for a job 14) іnterview F. talk with the future employer 15) ambitious G. wants to have a better job in the future 16) waiting staff H. works in a restaurant and brings you your food

Номер слайду 7

3) Chef required for busy London restaurant. Experience required. Contact Tony 020 0451 87 2) Au Pair needed Friendly family offers position caring for 2 small children. Some light housework. Good rate of pay. Live in. Tel: Mrs A Richards 020 0562 78 1) Salespeople — nationwide Basic Ј13K (with Ј10K bonus). Full training given. Initial 2 month-contract with possible full-time contract. Must be target-orientated. Full driving licence. Email CV to

Номер слайду 8

6) Dance Teacher We are looking for a dance, drama and singing teacher to teach 4- to 7-year-olds, for two sessions of an hour and a half, on Saturdays. Applicants should be professionals with teaching experience. Apply in writing with a CV to Steve Reed, 18 Lenton Close, London or telephone: 020 8334 47 4) Medical Secretaries and Receptionists We have a range of interesting temporary appointments in Central London for medical secretaries and GP receptionists. Good rates of pay. For more information call: 020 7458 20

Номер слайду 9

8) Waiting staff required Applicants will have basic restaurant knowledge and some bar experience. You will need to be very keen to learn and gain knowledge. Tel: Louise 020 4563 7) Accountant Ј30—35,000 Forward-thinking local professional partnership seeks ambitious accountant for responsibility of day-to-day operation of demanding accounts department. Previous experience within professional environment essential, i.e. solicitors, surveyors, doctors, etc. Excellent benefits. Contact: Sandrine Le Barvine. Tel: 020 3120 42 9) Data Processor required Portuguese-speaking graduate required immediately to work in the southwest England office of a large multinational company. Job involves the collection, processing and distribution of data about financial markets. Fluent spoken and written English essential. Email your CV to our consultants at Linguajobs Ltd. Email:

Номер слайду 10


7 серпня 2018
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