Karpiuk the 8th "Music"

Про матеріал
Дана розробка уроку допоможе провести цікаво урок на тему "Музика" у 8 класі. Під час уроку учні матимуть можливість працювати з презентацією та матимуть 2 невеликих онлайн тести.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Form 8th. Lubianka school. Anna viktorivna kosian. Music

Номер слайду 2

Look at this Word Map. Count how many music styles do you know

Номер слайду 3

New words and phrases. Old-fashioned – застарілий. I don’t care about being IN– я не піклуюся(турбуюся) про те, щоб бути в трендіTrendy stuff – модні речі(штучки)To care about – піклуватися про. Quality music – якісна музика. A hint –натяк I bet you – я присягаюся тобіSnobbish – сноб. An artificial hysteria – штучна істерія. To get carried away – утрачати самоконтроль. The INS and OUTS – всі входи та виходи, всі деталі

Номер слайду 4

Answer the questions. Who is fond of U2?Why does she like U2?Why did John and Linda argue?

Номер слайду 5

Match the sentence halves I don’t care …..about being IN. I bet you didn’t go….to the U2 concert. My piano teacher …..gave me a few hints. I haven’t been to the concert…..since then. He`s been my idol …..for years. I`ve built this world……of my own.

Номер слайду 6

Agree or disagree these statements John doesn’t care about being popular. He is stubborn. Linda likes electric guitars and having her hands in the air in the concert. She likes the sound of the piano. The media decides what or who is a “must-see”. The INS only follow public opinion.

Номер слайду 7

Work in pairs. One of you is A, the other is B. Complete the sentences from the table. A - Who …. defends the media…..has to wake up……got carried away….is sorry. B - What….. U2 had at their concert….went through the walls….has survived for centuries….kind of messages music sends

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Методичні розробки навчальних занять та позакласних заходів з англійської мови для 5-8 класів

Автор проекту: Косян Анна Вікторівна

The Theme of the lesson: Music



- to train pupils in listening;

- to practise new vocabulary;

- to practise grammar constructions in order to ask questions correctly and to respond them;

 - to develop memory, attention and fancy;

- to inculcate love for the beautiful and raise musical awareness of the students.


  • critical thinking (evaluating arguments and options);
  • learning to learn (to get practical skills in listening and understanding the dialogue);
  • social responsibilities (understanding personal responsibilities as a part of a group and in the society).

Type of the lesson: combined.

Materials: a textbook O. Karpiuk “English 8”, audio, a tablet, TV, presentation.


Lesson Plan


І. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting and giving the lesson theme and main aims for the lesson – 2 min

2. Warming-up  - 3 min

ІІ. The main part of the lesson - 35 min

ІІІ. The end of the lesson

  1. Feedback -  3 min
  2. Assessment and giving homework - 2 хв




  1. The beginning of the lesson
  1. Greeting and giving the lesson theme and main aims for the lesson.
  •  Good afternoon dear students. I am glad to see you today. Hope you are ready to work productively today!

  We can’t imagine our life without music. We listen to music everywhere – in the bus, at home, when travelling and even when working or studying. Some people enjoy going to the concert. Today we are listening the dialogue. We are going to remember the words and expressions on this topic and learn some new information. Besides, we'll practice your listening skills.

  1. Warming-up 

- Let’s revise vocabulary of the topic “Music” which we have already learnt. Take your smartphones, click on the link I sent you and try yourself in a vocabulary test.




  • Look at the Word Map.

Please count how many music styles do you know.

What is your favorite one? (slide 2)


ІІ. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Pre-listening activity.
  • Let`s learn new words and phrases before listening (slide 3).
  • Old-fashioned – застарілий
  • I don’t care about being IN– я не турбуюся про те, щоб бути в тренді
  • Trendy stuff – модні речі(штучки)
  • To care about – піклуватися про
  • Quality music – якісна музика
  • A hint –натяк
  • I bet you – я присягаюся тобі
  • Snobbish – сноб
  • An artificial hysteria – штучна істерія
  • To get carried away – утрачати самоконтроль
  • The INS and OUTS – всі входи та виходи, всі деталі


  • Do you know  the band “U2”? We are going to listen to the dialogue between John and Linda about this band and about their tastes of music.


  1. Listening activity.
  • Let`s listen to the audio and try to understand the main opinion about music of John and Linda (ex 1, p 141). Be attentive!

Activity 1. Answer the questions (slide 4):

  1. Who is fond of U2 (Linda)?
  2. Why does she like U2? (you can hear electric guitar and drums listening U2, it`s  expressive and modern)
  3. Why did John and Linda argue? (they have different points of view about music and it`s styles)


Activity 2. You`ll listen to the dialogue one more and your task will be to match the sentence halves (ex 1b, p 142) – slide 5.

  1. I don’t care …..about being IN.
  2. I bet you didn’t go….to the U2 concert.
  3. My piano teacher …..gave me a few hints.
  4. I haven’t been to the concert…..since then.
  5. He`s been my idol …..for years.
  6. I`ve built this world……of my own.


Activity 3. Agree or disagree these statements (ex 1c, p 142) – slide 6

  1. John doesn’t care about being popular. (Agree)
  2. He is stubborn. (Agree)
  3. Linda likes electric guitars and having her hands in the air in the concert. (Agree)
  4. She likes the sound of the piano. (Disagree)
  5. The media decides what or who is a “must-see”. (Agree)
  6. The INS only follow public opinion. (Agree)

Students discuss about the answers of these statements.


Activity 4. I`ll divide you into two groups. Your task is to predict the end of their argument and explain your thoughts.


3.Post-listening activity.

 Let`s listen to the continue of this dialogue and discuss your impression. Was it predictable ? What do you think about Linda`s answer to John? Do you agree with her thoughts?

Work in pairs. One of you is A, the other is B. Complete the sentences from the table( slide 7).

A  - Who

B - What

…. defends the media

…..U2 had at their concert

…..has to wake up

….went through the walls

……got carried away

….has survived for centuries

….is sorry

….kind of messages music sends


Let`s summarize what you`ve learnt. Take your smartphones, click on the link I sent you and try yourself in a vocabulary test.




III. The end of the lesson

Our lesson is coming to be over. Did you like  it? Did you like this story? Was the text interesting? What did you remember the most from this lesson?

 You were very active and hardworking and  you’ll get the marks: ………….

 I want to tell you “ Listen to music and your life will be bright and exciting. It may change your life in better.  And of course everyone has to have own choice even in music. So, listen to such style of music or a band, or a singer which are you fond of. The main aim – music must make you happy.

Your homework is to write the story of 8-10 sentences  about your favorite band (short information about it, why do you like to listen to this music).



Part 1

Linda: What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?

John: Maksim’s concert a year ago. He’s been my idol for years. Maksim’s the absolute king of the piano. Actually, I haven’t been to a concert since then.

Linda: A boring piano concert? And you call that music? It’s just old-fashioned “plink-plonk” on the keyboard! No electric guitars, no drum section, no hands in the air. You are not so IN.

John: I don’t care about being IN. What’s in today is out tomorrow. I don’t care about trendy stuff, I care about top quality music. I’ve built this world of my own.

Linda: What world?

John: My own music world – no INS and no OUTS, just the best stuff from the past and the best from the present. My piano teacher gave me a few hints.

Linda: Come on. How can you be so snobbish? I bet you didn’t go the U2 concert.

John: No, I didn’t. I hate all this artificial hysteria the media created about it.


Part 2

Linda: There is nothing artificial about U2. There were a hundred thousand people at the stadium. And a giant stage. And giant loudspeakers.

John: Yes, I heard the music all right. I had to close the windows but those “ka-booms” went through the walls all the same.

Linda: So you heard it after all? All those messages of love and peace…

John: Come on! Chopin’s music is about love and peace. And Mozart’s. It has survived for centuries. It’s romantic and soft like love itself.

Linda: Hello! That’s the taste of a hundred years ago or so. You have to wake up! You should….er…no, you must listen to what all the young people are listening to today.

John: Should? Must? Come on. There are no “should” or “shouldn’ts”  or “musts” or “mustn’ts” in music. You know that as well as I do. Music is a matter of taste, it’s your personal choice, like the friends you choose, beliefs, attitudes, colours and whatever…

Linda: Oops! I got carried away. I haven’t been myself since I heard U2 live. Right. There’s no point in arguing about matters of taste, of course! Sorry, mate.


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 січня 2023
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