Урок "Музика навколо нас"

Про матеріал
На уроці учні повторять вивчені слова, працюватимуть в групах, навчаться знаходити головну інформацію в тексті та ділитися отриманою інформацією з однокласниками. Використовуючи QR codes учні навчаться складати окремі частини речень в логічно-пов’язаний текст. На кінець уроку учні зможуть дати відповіді на запитання, поставлені на початку уроку, а також висловити свою думку щодо ролі музики в їхньому житті.
Перегляд файлу

Тема. Музика навколо нас.

Мета. Допомогти учням повторити вивчені слова, словосполучення по темі «Музика»; навчитись працювати в групах з текстом; складати окремі частини речень в логічно-пов’язаний текст; знайти відповіді на поставлені запитання; розповісти іншим групам інформацію, отриману з тексту; обговорювати в групах поставлені запитання; навести приклади впливу музики на самопочуття; робити та аргументувати власні висловлювання про те, чому люди слухають певну музику, чому музика важлива в житті людини; сприяти вихованню почуття прекрасного.

Очікувані результати. На уроці учні навчаться працювати в групах, складати тексти, відповідати на запитання, знаходити головну інформацію в тексті, ділитися отриманою інформацією з однокласниками. На кінець уроку учні зможуть дати відповіді на запитання, поставлені на початку уроку, а також висловити свою думку щодо ролі музики в їхньому житті.



План уроку.

I. Warming up.

T. I’m sure you like music. What kinds of music do you know?

    Listen to six pieces of music and identify each type. (Ex.1 p.149)


II. So, today we’ll speak about music: where you can hear music, what music you like and why. At the end of the lesson you are supposed to answer the following questions:

1. Where can you hear music?

2. What can music express? Why is music important in our life?

3. Why do people love classical music?

4. Why do people like rock?

5. Why are people fond of pop music?

6. What is important for people who like rap?

(These questions are written on the blackboard)


Clever Grouping

I’ll split you in groups of four. Pull out a piece of paper with a word and find your group.  (rap, rock. pop, jazz / poem, fable, novel, fairy-tale / fishing, swimming, surfing, diving / reliable, sociable, responsible, outgoing / teacher, psychologist, headmaster, student / computer, telephone, tablet, laptop)


Here are the tasks for each group. You have three minutes to do your task.


Group 1

Write the missing words.

Ann is good ___ playing the piano. (at)

She is interested ___ classical music. (in)

Her brother is keen ___ rock. (on)

Her classmates are crazy ___ rap. (about)


Group 2

Write the missing words.

A person who plays the trumpet is a ___. (trumpeter)

A person who plays the guitar is a ___. (guitarist)

A person who plays the drums is a ___. (drummer)

A person who plays the violin is a ___. (violinist)


Group 3

Find four words connected with a rock concert.

Harp, saxophone, guitar, sonata, ballet, drums, choir, jazz, colour, rhythm, waltz, Mozart, loud, sonata. (guitar, drums, rhythm, loud)


Group 4

Find four words connected with the concert of classical music.

Rock’n’roll, conductor, gothic, colour, orchestra, punk, heavy, folk, Mozart, violin, jazz, single, lead singer. (conductor, orchestra, Mozart, violin)


Group 5

What can we do with music? Find four words.

Download, leave, run, live, release, build, cook, produce, decorate, put, write, play, colour, publish. (download, release, produce, play)


Group 6

Write the missing words.

Last month Ann was at the concert ___ Ukrainian band ‘Okean Elzy’. (of)

Her brother likes music ___ heavy beat. (with)

He wants to go ___ the concert of his favourite rap group. (to)

Her mother likes music ___ Bach, Mozart. (by)



Looking for and reading QR codes. Making up texts.

Every group has four words. You can see QR codes with words on the walls, on the door, on the blackboard. Find the words you’ve just written and read the code. Write down the parts of the text from the QRs and make up a logical text.


The texts.

1. Music is everywhere. We can hear music on the / radio, during TV shows and movies. We can also hear music / in the shops, in the streets. We can download our favourite music from the Internet onto our telephones and / listen to it at home, at school or even on our way to school or home.

2. We can use music to express our / feelings. Some pleasant melody can help us relax. Some lively and rhythmic music / can help us wake up in the morning / and stay cheerful and active.

3. Music is a matter of / taste. Some people love classical music. They like the / sounds of a violin, a piano, a harp. For them classical music is / full of emotions and feelings.

4. Some people love rock, / hard rock, or heavy metal. They like nice, / loud and rhythmic music. They love the lyrics and the sounds / of the electric guitars.

5. Many people like pop. They like to / listen to nice, soft and pretty music. Pop songs / are usually about love and / peace.  Most of them are very romantic.

6. Many teenagers like rap and / hip-hop. For them a heavy beat and lots of words are / more important than music. Rappers usually sing about / different social problems.


 Answering one question.

You have made up and written your texts. Try to match your text with the proper question which is written on the blackboard.


Sharing the information.

One pupil from each group will go to another group and read them his/her text. As a result, every group will have answers to two questions. Then to the next group. And so on.

(The representatives of each group will read texts to five other groups and all groups will have the answers to all questions.)


Working in groups. Answering the questions.


Working in class. Answering the questions.


Working in groups.

What music do you like? Why? Let us listen to a short piece of your favourite music.


Speaking out in class.

Where can you hear music?

In what situations can music help you?


Summing up.



До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 січня 2023
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