Комплекс завдань по темі «Why Go to School»( Unit 3, 10 клас) з урахуванням типів інтелекту учнів

Про матеріал
Матеріал розроблений згідно з теорією множинного інтелекту Г. Гарднера. Допоможе здійснити особистісно зорієнтований підхід до здобувачів освіти. Даний косплекс завдань урізноманітнить роботу на уроці, допоможе розвивати здібності усіх учнів, диференціює навчання.
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Комплекс завдань по темі «Why Go to School»( Unit 3, 10 клас) з урахуванням типів інтелекту учнів

 ( за підручником:

Карпюк О.Д. Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання) (English (the 10th year of

studies)): підручник для 10-го класу закладів загальної середньої

освіти. Рівень стандарту. — Тернопіль: “Видавництво Астон”,

2018. — 256 с.)


Word Smart

Read a student’s essay about school on pages 64-65 quickly and match the questions below (1-6) to the paragraphs of the text (A-F) (PB,Ex. 2, p.64)


Logic Smart

Make up the plan of the text (PB, Ex. 2, р.64)


Picture Smart

Make up a poster on the topic “School in Our life”. You can use pictures, photos etc. Present it to the class.


Body Smart

Roleplay the situation using questions of Ex5, p. 66. Talk to your classmate and discuss your attitude to school.


Music Smart

Make up an acrostic poem about school life.





















People Smart

Do the survey.  Ask 5 classmates:







  • Would you like to change anything about your school?
  • What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it?
  • Do you often forget to do your homework?
  • Are you a hardworking student?
  • Have you ever been late for school?
  • Would you like to be a teacher? Why? / Why not?
  • What kind of activities do you have at school? Do you participate in any of them?









Self Smart

Write a paragraph about your attitude to school.


Nature Smart

Name the plants in the school garden


The 1st Conditional


Word Smart

Put the words in the correct order to make the 1st conditionals.

1 If / he / Albert / will go / can / his / bicycle, / repair / cycling.

2 by bus / Ben / to school / if / he / will come / is late.

3 You / look out / will not see / if / you / the square / of the window.

4 shall see / the history museum / old / things / if /We/ is open.

5 Mary / to the theatre / won’t go / cannot get / if / she / a ticket.


Logic Smart

Подивіться на схему та сформулюйте правило

[ Future Simple or Modal + Infinitive  ]         (if  Present Simple   )

(If Present Simple   )  ,    [ Future Simple or Modal + Infinitive    ]  

We use the 1st Conditional to express…..     


Picture Smart

Make a video interview on the topic “What will you do if you pass my exams”. Interview your group mates.


Body Smart

Roleplay the situation. You are on holidays in London. Discuss your plans for tomorrow with your friend. Example: If the weather is fine, we will go sightseeing.


Music Smart

Recite the poem.

Try to write a similar one.

If you study well

You will reach the stars

If you fill the well

You will be educated

If you work in class

You will pass exams

If you are a man

You will be rewarded


People Smart

Play a chain game. Example:

S1: If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go for a walk.

S2: If we go for a walk, we will have a good time.

S2: If we have a good time…..


Self Smart

Write a paragraph about things you will do if you enter a university.


Nature Smart

Discuss in group: What will happen if people continue polluting air, land, water…..?







Schools in GB and Ukraine

Word Smart

Brush up what you have already known about schools in Britain. Choose the right item.

1. In Great Britain school begins at the age of … .

a) 5-6 b) 4-5 c) 6-7

2. The 1st schools to which children go are called … .

a) secondary schools b) junior schools c) infant schools

3. They leave their primary school when they are … .

a) 8 b) 11 c) 10

4. They take the national General Certificate in Secondary

Education exams at the age of … .

a) 11 b) 18 c) 16

5. To enter the British university you should … .

a) take ‘A’ level exams b) attend preparatory course

c) take GCSE exams

Listen and check up your answers  ( Ex.3, p. 72, SB)


Logic Smart

  • Look at the diagrams below. Compare the system of education in the USA and Britain ( SB, Ex.3, p. 81)
  • Draw a diagram describing the system of education in Ukraine. Speak about it in class. Mention about:

1 pre-school education

2 primary education

3 secondary education

4 compulsory schooling

5 subjects taught

6 exams taken

7 private schools


Picture Smart

Make up a presentation on the topic “Schools around the world”.


Body Smart

Role play the situation. You are on holidays in the USA. Ask your American friend about the system of education in the USA.









Music Smart

Write an acrostic poem












People Smart

  • Work in groups. Agree or disagree with the statements below. Write down at least three reasons for each statement.( PB, Ex. 3, p. 75)

All schools should let children wear whatever they want at school.

 Girls study better without boys in the class.

Private schools are usually better than state schools.

Boys study better in a mixed class.

Physical education should be optional.

  • b) Present your ideas for one of the statements above to the class. The others should listen and say if they agree or disagree with your group’s arguments and why.

First of all…

Another important point is that…



Self Smart

Write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of Ukrainian educational system


Nature Smart

Discuss in group what knowledge got at school can help protect nature.





25 травня 2020
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