уроку з англійської мови
Курс навчання: І курс ліцею
Номер уроку: 41
Тема уроку: Традиційна українська кухня
Мета уроку:
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, екран, комп’ютер, презентація-проект “Ukrainian National Dishes”, учнівські презентації, меню, картки з завданнями, аудіозаписи українських пісень, стіл з українськими стравами, застелений вишитими рушниками.
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.
Вид уроку: урок з використанням інтерактивних та комп’ютерних технологій.
Форми проведення: словесні, практичні, наочні.
Методи організації навчальної діяльності: фронтальні, індивідуальні, групові.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: англійська мова, українська мова.
Хід уроку:
I. Greetings and aims:
I’m very glad to see all of you in this study room. I hope that people who really love English have gathered here! Today we shall have a lesson devoted to the National Ukrainian Cuisine. (слайд 1,2)
II. Introduction
It’s not a secret that Ukrainians are big eaters! (слайд 3)
Ukrainian food is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are well known far away from Ukraine. And the Ukrainian recipes of the foods are very popular nowadays. Is anyone, who doesn’t know the Ukrainian Borsch? (слайд 4)
The Ukrainian food is characterized with large number of components. For example the traditional Ukrainian food – borsch – contains 20 components.
In Ukrainian food borsch occupies the first place, but not the single one. The popular dishes are also cereals: millet, buckwheat, pumpkin etc. (слайд 5) The very tasteful are dishes, which stewed in ceramic pots: roast meat, curds with sour cream, stewed cabbage, potatoes with meat and prunes.
Ukrainian cuisine has dozens thousands of food recipes, which are characterized with plane food cooking and high taste qualities. (слайд 6) The modern national culinary art preserved and enriched the old good traditions.ut not the single one. The popular dishes are also cereals: millet, buckwheat, pumpkin etc. (слайд 7)
Let’s check how much do you know about food and cookery.
III. Warming-up
Your home task for today was to find proverbs or sayings about food. Read them and translate into your native language (слайд 8)
And now let’s train our tongue, read tongue-twisters (слайд 9,10)
IV. Listening
Each nationality and each country has its national dishes, let’s remind the names of the Ukrainian ones playing a game ''YES OR NO'' (слайд 12)
Ukrainians eat borshch with sour-cream
Galushka is a fruit
To loose weight you should eat mlyntsi
Salo is a national Ukrainian product
Deruny is the second course
We bake pies in the frying-pan (слайд 13)
You eat yushka with a fork
Lezhni is a kind of fruit
Ukrainians like to drink uzvar
Peas, cabbage, and beetroot are popular vegetables in Ukraine
Ukrainians are great coffee-lovers
Most Ukrainians are vegetarians (слайд 14)
V . Speaking
Look! I have a magic box, there is something in it. Try to guess what it is! (слайд 15)
Is it a fruit.....a vegetable?
Is it big.....small?
Is it round.....square.....oval?
Is it long.....short?
Is it sweet.....spicy.....bitter......sour?
Is it tasty.....tasteless?
Yes, you’re right! It’s a cabbage!
(слайди 16,17)
VI. Development of language guess
You know that many Ukrainian dishes are cooked with it, name them! (слайд 18)
Golubtsi Pickled cabbage Lezhni
VII. Reading
Can you name the kinds of eating places in Ukraine? I’m sure you can!!!Begin! (слайд 19)
VIII. Pupils’ presentations
Our best pupils have prepared their own restaurants’ advertisements, let’s see them! (слайд 20)
Meet the administrator of the “Happy Pig” restaurant (слайди 21-26)
And now the administrator of the “Cupid” restaurant (слайди 27-32)
Do you like these projects?
IX. Work in small groups
You are divided into 2 groups, let’s call the first one “Apple”, the second – “Strawberry”. I have some difficult tasks for you ,we’ll find the best group among you. (слайд 33)
Task 1
Mashed potatoes, herring, biscuits, mushrooms, chicken soup, varenyky with cheese, roast chicken, boiled rice, deruny, ice-cream, borshch, hot chocolate, apple-pie, noodle soup, green salad, whipped cream.
Appetizers |
Main courses |
First courses |
Desserts |
Task 2
(the teacher gives blank templates of the restaurant menu)
Task 3
(the teacher gives cards with the words which let the pupils to combine them into a sentence)
So, let’s count the points to know what group is the best today! Well, it’s a group……My congratulations to you!
X. Speaking
And now we’ll describe some national dishes (слайди 37-48)
And so on….
XI. Additional information
I want to tell you that many Ukrainian surnames originated from the names of the national dishes, for example: (слайд 50)
Прізвища, похідні від назв страв
Рідкі страви: Борщ - Борщев, Борщик;
Юшка - Юшка, Юшкин, Юшин.
М'ясні страви: ковбаса - Ковбас;
гурка "домашня свиняча ковбаса у гуцулів" - Гурков ,Гуркін;
шпундра "підсмажені свинячі шматки та буряк"- Шпундра;
крученик - Крученков;
кров'янка "кров'яна ковбаса"- Кров'яновський
кендюх - Кєндюх, Кєндюшенко;
січеники "биточки змішані з яєчною" - Сиченко, Сичиков, Сичік.
Каші: куліш "рідка каша"- Куліш,
каша - Кашин;
мамалига - Мамалига.
Рибні страви: товченик "їжа з риби (щуки)"- Товченик;
оселедець - Оселедченко.
Страви з сиру: сирник - Сирник;
мантулі "пирог з кукурудзяної муки з сиром" - Мантулін.
Страви з борошна: галушка - Галушко, Галушка, Галушкін;
пиріг - Пирогов;
лапша - Лапшин;
калач - Калачев, Калач;
вареник - Вареник;
коровай - Короваєв
Солодкі страви з борошна: медяник "солодкий пряник" - Медяник;
вергун - Вургун.
назва рибної страви — щерба відбилася у прізвищі Щерба
Many songs are also devoted to Ukrainian dishes, name some of them (слайд 51 )
Welcome to our shynok and enjoy them! (слайд 52)
XII. Summary
So, what have we done at the lesson? What new things have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? Who was the brightest pupil? I enjoyed the way you’ve worked today! I want to say that all of you were active and smart, your marks are... because…Thank you! The lesson is over. (слайд 53)
XIII. Homework
At home you’re to prepare a computer presentation “My favourite dish”.
Task 1
Mashed potatoes, herring, biscuits, mushrooms, chicken soup, varenyky with cheese, roast chicken, boiled rice, deruny, ice-cream, borshch, hot chocolate, apple-pie, noodle soup, green salad, whipped cream.
Appetizers |
Main courses |
First courses |
Desserts |
Task 2
(the teacher gives blank templates of the restaurant menu)
Task 3
(the teacher gives cards with the words which let the pupils to combine them into a sentence)