Комплексна семестрова контрольна робота для 5 класу

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Комплексна контрольна робота складається з 4 завдань. Reading, Use of English (vocabulary), Use of English (grammar), Writing.
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                      Test                                                          Your name and surname

I Read the text and choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

My friend`s name is Den. We live in one house but we go to different schools. Den is two years older than me. He is tall and thin. He has got short blond curly hair and small eyes. He is a clever and hard-working boy. He does well at school and likes reading and doing sums. His favourite subjects are History, Literature and Maths, but he hates Music, because he can`t sing. He also dislikes Nature Study. I Like to spend my time with Den because he knows a lot of funny stories. He is also fond of sports. We often play tennis, table tennis and chess together. But Den can not ski and play volleyball. My friend is a kind boy. All children in our house like Den because he is very friendly and he is always ready to help other people. Den is reliable, cheerful and honest.  I respect my friend and appreciate our friendship.

  1. My friend and I study in    …    .
  1. the same school
  2. the same class
  3. different schools
  4. different towns
  1. Den`s hair is    …            .
  1. not wavy
  2. wavy
  3. straight
  4. curly                                                                                 2 бали
  1. Den doesn`t like    …    .                                                     1 – 0.4
  1. Music
  2. History
  3. Maths
  4. Literature
  1. My friend and I can`t play    …        together.
  1. chess
  2. volleyball
  3. tennis
  4. table tennis
  1. My friend is     …       .
  1. polite, honest and hard-working
  2. friendly, unreliable and cheerful
  3. cheerful, honest and reliable.



II For each question, choose the correct answer.

Better Ways to Travel

Millions of us use our cars every day to get to work, college or school. Travelling by car is fast and comfortable, but not (1) ................ for the world around us. So what should we do? One possibility is to (2) ................ car journeys. If you have

neighbours who need to travel to the same (3) ................ as you, why not go together in one car? Two or three people travelling together is a more intelligent idea than two or three cars (4) ................ the same journey with only one person in each car. Of course, cars are not the only way to travel. It’s usually possible to travel by bus, tram or train, 5) ................ in a town or city. And if your journey is short, what about walking or going by bike? You’ll get fit and (6) ................ money too!

1 A good                   B well                      C better

2 A add                     B share                     C join

3 A trip                     B map                       C place                               3 бали

4 A bringing             B making                  C getting                             1 – 0.5

5 A absolutely          B really                     C especially

6 A save                   B hold                        C keep


III Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

  1.     …   you always    …   your hair in the evening?
  1. Do/wash
  2. Did/wash
  3. Are/washing
  4. Have/washed
  1. Vicky   …    the flowers yesterday.
  1. doesn`t water
  2. won`t water
  3. isn`t watering
  4. didn`t water
  1. Who    …    you at the bus stop tomorrow?                                   3 бали             
  1. meets                                                                                        1 – 0.5
  2. met
  3. will meet
  4. has met
  1. My granny    …    a cake now.
  1. bakes
  2. baked
  3. is baking
  4. has baked
  1. Children    …       a new film in their room now.
  1. watch
  2. watched
  3. are watching
  4. will watch
  1. I    …    this picture.
  1. just paint
  2. will just paint
  3. is just painting
  4. have just painted

IV Write a letter to your pen friend  ( 10-15 sentences) about your best friend. Use the plan below.

  • Your friend`s name and age
  • What he/she looks like
  • His/her hobby, likes and dislikes                                                     4 бали
  • Some his/her positive features of character
  • What you like doing together


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14 травня 2020
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