Конкурс для учнів 5 класу "The Cleverest"

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Конкурс “ The cleverest” для учнів 5 класу

Мета: удосконалювати знання, вміння, навички набуті на уроках англійської мови; розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальні здібності; розширювати світогляд учнів; розвивати творчі здібності; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

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                       Конкурс “ The cleverest” для учнів 5 класу

Мета: удосконалювати знання, вміння, навички набуті на уроках англійської мови; розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальні здібності; розширювати світогляд учнів; розвивати творчі здібності; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

                           Хід заходу

  1. Знайомство з учасниками
  1. Представлення учасників ведучим.
  2. Розповідь учасників про себе.
  1. Пояснення правил гри:

Гра триває три раунди. Після І раунду залишаться  4 учасники, які наберуть найбільшу кількість  балів.

В іншому раунді учасники відповідають на питання. У фінал вийдуть троє з них – ті, хто набере найбільшу кількість балів.

  1. Проведення гри


                                        I Round

In this round each of you will answer 6 questions choosing one of the 4 presented answers. One right answer brings 1 point.


        Player 1                                                   Player 2

  1. I `ve got _doll.                                 1. He has got _ apple.
  1. a              c) -                                  a) a             c) -
  2. an            d) these                         b) an           d) the
  1. _ is big.                                              2. _ are  at home.
  1. They    c) This                                 a) She         c) We
  2. It           d) Its                                   b) It             d) I
  1. He _ _ now.                                      3. I __ homework now.
  1. am reading                                      a) is doing
  2. is reading                                         b) are doing
  3. are reading                                      c) am doing
  4. aren`t reading                                  d) isn`t doing
  1. It often _ in autumn.                         4. He always _ tennis.
  1. rain      c) rains                                  a)play         c) is playing
  2. is raining                                            b) plays

d)  isn`t raining                                       d) isn`t playing

           5. We _ at the theatre yesterday.            5. They _ at school last Friday.

                a) are        c) was                                          a) were          c) am

                 b) were     d) am                                          b) was           d) is

            6. The children _ in the yard.                    6. The pupils _ in the garden

                 a) play         c) plays                                     a) work            c) works

                 b) played     d) are playing                          b) worked        d) are working

             Player 3                                                           Player 4

  1. He has got _ kitten.                                   1. She has got _ computer.
  1. a         c) -                                                   a) a            c) these
  2. an        d)this                                              b)an          d) –
  1. _ are in the shop.                                      2. _ are children.
  1. I          c) You                                              a) I             c)She
  2. It         d) This                                             b) He        d) They
  1. We _ now.                                                  3. It_ now.
  1. is dancing                                                   a) rains
  2. am dancing                                                b) are raining
  3. are dancing                                                c) is raining
  4. dance                                                          d) am raining
  1. It sometimes _ in winter.                           4. The wind often_ in autumn.
  1. Is snowing      c) snows                              a) blow            c) is blowing
  2. Snow               d) isn`t snowing                  b) blows          d) are blowing

            5.She _ teeth yesterday.                                  5. We _ him yesterday.

                a) clean      c) cleaned                                    a) help        c) helps

                b) cleans     d) is cleaning                              b) helped    d) are helping

            6. He _ on a farm last Tuesday.                         6. She _ in the gym yesterday.

                a) was        c) am                                              a) is              c) was

                b) were       d) is                                                b) were       d) am

             Player 5                                                                 Player 6

  1. They have got _ puppy.                             1. We have got _ bike.
  1. an            c) these                                      a) -            c) an
  2. -                d) a                                             b) a            d) these
  1. _ am a teacher.                                             2. _ is winter.
  1. I                c) They                                       a) I              c)You
  2. It               d) We                                         b) He          d) It
  1. They _ now.                                                    3. The dog _ now.
  1. is sledging                                                     a) am running
  2. am sledging                                                   b) are running
  3. are sledging                                                   c) is running
  4. sledge                                                              d) run

                 4. He always_ up.                                                 4. She sometimes_ he pet.

                     a) wash      c) washed                                           a) walk             c) walked

                      b) washes   d) is washing                                    b) walked      d) is walking

                5. He_ at school yesterday.                                  5. We_ at home yesterday.

                       a) was            c) am                                              a) is             c) was

                        b) were         d) is                                                 b) were      d) are

                6. They _ to London last summer.                    6. She _ plants yesterday.

                      a) went        c) goes                                             a) waters    c) water

                      b) go             d) are going                                 b) watered     d) is watering 

                                                    II round

          Choose the category. You should answer the questions.


  1. How many seasons are there in a year? (4)
  2. How many months are there in a year? (12)
  3. What is the coldest month in a year? (January)
  4. What is the shortest month in a year? ( February)
  5. What is the hottest month in a year? ( July)
  6. What is the last month in a year? ( December)


  1. What color is the sun? (yellow)
  2. What color is the sky? (blue)
  3. What color is winter? (white)
  4. What color is the grass in spring? (green)
  5. What color is autumn? ( red, yellow, orange)
  6. What color is summer? ( red, blue, orange)


  1. When do we celebrate Women`s Day? ( in March)
  2. When do we celebrate the New Year? ( in December)
  3. When do we celebrate Christmas? (in January)
  4. When do we celebrate The Day of Knowledge? ( in September)
  5. When do we celebrate the Victory Day? ( in May)
  6. When do we celebrate St. Valentine`s Day? ( in February)


             1.Скільки букв в  англійському алфавіті? ( 26)

             2. Як називаються дієслова can, may, must? (модальні)

             3. З якою граматичною категорією пов’язані слова more, the most?    (ступені  порівняння  прикметників)

             4. Допоміжне дієслово часів групи Continuous? ( to be)

             5. На які питання можна дати відповідь «так» чи «ні»? (загальні)

              6. Що значить третя форма для правильних дієслів? (ed)

                                           III round

        In this round you will answer the questions of your category. Right answer brings 2 points.

                        The UK (red)

              1. What is the official name of the UK? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

              2. What parts does the UK consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

             6. How many parts are there in the UK? (4)

            10. What is the capital of Scotland?  (Edinburg)

            14.   What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

            18. Where is London situated? (on the river Thames)

                            Ukraine (blue)

  1. How many regions are there in Ukraine? (24)
  2. What is the capital of Ukraine? ( Kyiv)

8.What river does Kyiv stand? ( the  Dnieper)

  1.   What seas are there in Ukraine? ( the Black Sea the Azov Sea),
  2. What is the biggest river in Ukraine? ( the Dnieper)
  1. What color is the flag of Ukraine? ( yellow, blue)


4.What is the capital of England? (London)

7.What color is the bus in London? (Red)

9.What is the Big Ben? (Clock)

 11. What is the Tower of London? (Museum)

16. What is the Buckingham Palace? (Home of Queen)

17. What color is taxi in London? (Black)




























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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
20 березня 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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