Урок англійської мови "Україна- моя Батьківщина"

Про матеріал

Конспект містить вправи для розвитку навичок усного мовлення учнів 5 класу. Велика увага використанню інноваційних форм роботи. Мета:

- вдосконалювати комунікативні навички, узагальнити та систематизувати знання з теми;практикувати учнів у читані тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому міститься.

- розвивати навички аудіювання, читання та перекладу речень, текстів, вміння відповідати на запитання, логічно мислити, висловлювати свої думки англійською мовою;

- виховувати любов та повагу до рідної Батьківщини, бажання пізнання нового, пробуджувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Перегляд файлу







Тема: Ukraine is our Motherlan Україна – наша           Батьківщина


- вдосконалювати комунікативні навички, узагальнити та систематизувати  знання з теми;практикувати учнів у читані тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому міститься.


- розвивати  навички аудіювання, читання та перекладу речень, текстів, вміння відповідати на запитання, логічно мислити, висловлювати свої думки англійською мовою;


- виховувати  любов та повагу до рідної  Батьківщини, бажання пізнання нового, пробуджувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.


Materials: підручники, наочно - демонстраційний матеріал

 (презентації, відео та фото матеріали), роздатковий матеріал (копії текстів, завдання вправ)


Тип уроку: урок розвитку умінь та навичок з мовленнєвої компетенції (говоріння)



  1. Greeting

Song “Good  morning”

T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please.

Бесіда з черговим і класом.

Who is on duty today?

P:I am.

T:Who is absent today?

P:  … is absent today.

T:  Why is he/she absent today?

P: I do not know exactly but I think he/she is ill.

      I believe that you are ready to show your good knowledge of English. Be more active, do not be    afraid of making mistakes.

     Let’s begin our lesson with the  motto. Join your hands and repeat:

I sit still

I keep still

I work hard and

I speak only English.


II. Introduction

T:Today  we  have  an  unusual  lesson, we are having guests. I believe that you are ready to show your good knowledge of English. Be more active, do not be afraid of making mistakes. Pupils, today at the lesson we’ll have to do a lot of activities. We  are  going  to  prepare  for  our travelling about ….But what country we’ll travel you must tell me. You must open the word at the blackboard. I’ll help you.














U – we use it when it rains (umbrella)

K – the capital of our country (Kyiv)

R – the colour of double-decker busses in London (red)

A – it is the 1st letter of the English alphabet (a)

I – part of the land (island)

N – it is a negative word (no)

E – it is the biggest animal (elephant)

So, what country is it?

  - It’s Ukraine.

T: Yes, it’s Ukraine. (slide1)

At our lesson we’ll speak about Ukraine. We live in Ukraine and I hope you love your native land and you are the patriots of your Motherland. Try to do your country best! We’ll  go  by  bus. But  first  of  all  we  need  tickets.You  shouldn’t  pay  money  for  these  tickets.You  should  answer  my  questions  to  get  a  ticket.



I’ll ask you some questions about Ukraine and you should answer as quickly as possible. Let’s  start.

1. Where is Ukraine situated? (in  the centre  of  Europe)

2. When was the independence of Ukraine proclaimed?

3. What are the national symbols of Ukraine?

4. Who is the head of the state?

5. What is the national currency in Ukraine?

6. What are the main rivers in Ukraine?

7. What do we celebrate on June 28?

8. What do we celebrate on August 24?

9. Is Ukraine a large country?

10.  What is the symbol of Kyiv?

11. What  does Ukrainian flag symbolize?

12.  What are the symbols of Ukraine?

13. What  is  the  official  state  language  in  our  country?   

14. What  is  the  main  national  holiday  in  Ukraine?   

15. Who  was  the  founder  of  Kyiv?

Т:  You  have  got  the  tickets.



1. Brainstorming. Рольова гра «Сонячне проміння»

Let’s start our work with the Mind Game. Look at the blackboard! We can see the word “Ukraine”. When we speak about      our Motherland    what words do you associate with it?  You are to write the words, word combinations and expressions connected with the word Ukraine.

                   Thank you, children I think, you are ready to  do the following task.



2. Listen to the poem

«My Native Land»

      My native land,

      The land  of wonders,

      Of autumn rains

      And summer thunders.

      The greenest hills

      And magic lakes, 

      The tender breeze, 

      Romantic dales. 

      Amazing land –

     My dear Ukraine.

So, we live in Ukraine. What can you tell me about our country?  Please, describe our country with help of the using letters.

U – ukrainian language

K – Kyiv

R – rivers

A – amazing land

I – independent

N – native

E – embroidery

So, Ukraine is …


3. Speaking practice

a) Discussion.  What does it mean “to love Motherland”?

- It means to love our parents.

- It means to love the beauty of the country nature.

- It means to respect our culture, traditions.

- It means to know our history.

- It means to love our native villages and towns.

            - It means to know our mother tongue.


b) Game   True or False”

  1. The Ukrainian flag has got three stripes on it.(two)F
  2. The symbol of Kyiv is chestnut tree.T


  1. The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.T
  2. Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.T
  3. Kyiv is a very modern city.(oldest) F
  4. In June we celebrate the Independence  Day.(in August) F
  5. In Kyiv you can see many high buildings T
  6. The main street of Kyiv is Derebasovska.(Khreschatik) F
  7. The founders of the city ( Kyiv) were three brothers. T
  8. The national currency is dollar.(hrn) F
  9. The head of the state is the Prime Minister. (President) F


4.   Relaxation period

T: Are you tired? I think you are. Let’s sing our  beautiful song.


5. Reading

Now I want you to work with the text and learn more information about Ukraine. The task is to read the text and try to understand- page 129, ex 2

Pre reading

T.:Look at the picture and  guess what the story is about.

To know more about Ukraine and to be able to speak about it we’ll need some words.

Under  the picture you see some new words. Try to read. Pronounce  after me.

While reading

T.: Now let’s read the text. Try to find as many words connected with Ukraine as possible.

Post reading

a) T.: Let’s see how many words connected with Ukraine you have found. Well done. I am sure it won’t be difficult for you to do our next task – to make up the sentences according to the text we have just read.

b) Work in pairs. Jigsaw reading. Join the words and try to understand  your sentence.

c) p.129, ex 3- Read and complete the sentences. Clever students you are!


6.Work  in  pairs:

       T:  Put  the  phrases  of  the  dialogue  in  the  logical  order. Make  up  the  dialogue  and  act  it  out.

  • What  country  are  you  from?
  • What  is  the  capital  of  your  country?
  • Is  Ukraine  an  independent  country?
  • Are  there  any  national  symbols  in  our  country?
  • Do  you  live  in  Kyiv?
  1.         Yes, it  became  independent  in  1991.
  2.         I’m  from  Ukraine.
  3. Our  national  symbols  are the  state  flag, the  state  emblem  and  the  state  anthem.
  4.         No, I  live  in  Kobleve.
  5.          The  capital  of  our  country  is  Kyiv, an  ancient  and  beautiful  city.



7. Work in groups:

Here are some sets of words. Work in groups to decide which word in each set is the odd one out. Explain why. Give the name of each group of words.














mineral salts




tennis shoes









III Summary

   Oh, I am having a good time with you. But it’s time to say “good- bye” to my new friends.

Dear boys and girls. Before saying “good- bye” I want to tell you that there is an English proverb “A man is known by the company he keeps”. I see you are really good friends.

  All people like to play games. We like to play too. Let’s play a game “ Magic box”. One by one take a strip from the box and continue the sentences or answer the questions, which is written there.

Did you enjoy our lesson?

The topic of the lesson was …

At the lesson today we have learn…

The most interesting thing was….

Most of all I liked …

The most difficult task was …

The easiest task was …

The lesson was …

I would like to know more about…

At the lesson we have read the text…..

At the lesson we have read the text…..

  • revised…
  • read…  
  • listened to …
  • watched …
  • discussed …
  • worked in 

I want to thank you for this wonderful lesson.

Great! Thank you very much. Many pupils have got excellent marks today. 

Dear…….. I present you with gold medal, because you are super. Dear…….. you are genius. You are very friendly. Dear……..  you are very active, you work hard. The most of you were at the top of the class. Some of you were rather quiet today. You are to be more active.


The task is different for levels - read and translate the text about  Ukraine.

The other pupils will only read…..

We should always remember our own origin, traditions and language. Today we must pray for Ukraine, for peace in our native land and in the whole land.

Love you dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,


Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

           And make their life good.

                                 Our lesson is over. Have a nice day! Goodbye!





















The  key  word:    UKRAINE


















Love you dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

      «My Native Land»

My native land,

The land  of wonders,

Of autumn rains

And   summer    thunders.

The greenest hills

And magic lakes,

The tender breeze,

Romantic dales.

Amazing land –

My dear Ukraine.


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