Конкурс знавців англійської мови "COOKERY BATTLE"

Про матеріал

Позакласний захід за професійним спрямуванням для учнів з професії "кухар; кондитер", створений з метою удосконалювати знання, уміння, навички, набуті на уроках англійської мови; розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності,готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні; розширювати світогляд учнів; розвивати творчі здібності, самостійність, естетичні смаки;виховувати позитивні ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Cookery Battle

Номер слайду 2

Do “Word to word.“ The task is to call the following things: Dishes Drinks Fruits Vegetables Things made of milk Fast food

Номер слайду 3

Call the pictures:

Номер слайду 4

Apricot Broccoli Aubergine Carrot Grape Pear Plum Bean Cucumber Parsley Apple Paprika Raspberry Pineapple Melon Basil Mushroom Peas Cherry Garlic Strawberry Cabbage Corn Watermelon Dill Call the pictures:

Номер слайду 5

Let′s watch a video track: “Can you cook?“

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Сan you remember the names of the food? Boillabaisse Pasta Lasagne Spaghetti Veal Marsala Chokolate Chip Cookies Eggs and Toasts Chilly and Carry Peanut Butter Sandwich

Номер слайду 8

What way can we prepare food? Bake Stuff Grill Boil Glaze Smoke Fry Steam

Номер слайду 9

Chop Mash Wash Slice Poach Stew Peel Cut What way can we prepare food?

Номер слайду 10

Stuff Glaze Wash Roast Chop Mash Peel Stew Boil Fry Make up word-combinations:

Номер слайду 11

Divide the words into two baskets: Plate, cucumber, pot, oil, parsley, tray, cup, knife, mushrooms, carrots, fish, butter dish, milk, rolling-pin, beet, coffee pot, strawberry, pear, spoon, garlic, salt, fork, glass, sugar, dish, ham, egg, saucer, kettle, sieve. Kitchen Utensils: Ingredients:

Номер слайду 12

Divide the words into two baskets: Kitchen Utensils: plate, pot, cup, knife, butter dish, coffee pot, spoon, dinner plate, fork, glass, saucer, kettle, sieve, tray, rolling-pin. Ingredients: cucumber, oil, parsley, carrots, mushroom, strawberry, garlic, fish, milk, pear, salt, ham, egg, beet, sugar.

Номер слайду 13

Name the ingredients of the dishes: Vegetable salad Omelette Hamburger Soup Pizza Toasts Coffee Jam

Номер слайду 14

Put the names of the food items into correct columns: Beef, tuna, milk, seasoning, cucumber, apple, pork, tea, salmon, pepper, tomato, lamb, pear, juice, salt, pike, peach, mineral water, onion, ketchup, mutton, cherry, carp, cabbage, mustard, bream, vinegar, poultry, banana, turkey, milkshake, perch, mayonnaise, catfish, orange, coca-cola, chicken, radish, coffee, carrot.

Номер слайду 15

Put the names of the food items into correct columns: Orange Coca-cola Catfish Mayonnaise Beet Chicken Banana Milkshake Parch Vinegar Radish Turkey Cherry Mineral water Bream Mustard Carrot Poultry Peach Juice Carp Ketchup Cabbage Mutton Plum Coffee Pike Salt Onion Lamb Pear Tea Salmon Pepper Tomato Pork Apple Milk Tuna Seasoning Cucumber Beef Fruit Drinks Fish Spices Vegetables Meat

Номер слайду 16

Write down the names of vegetables and fruits beginning with letter… A C M B P Fruit Vegetable Letter

Номер слайду 17

Find the word that doesn′t go with the others in meaning and explain why: Butter, margarine, coffee, jam Tea, milk, cereal, mineral water Food, breakfast, dinner, supper Chicken, pork, beans, beef

Номер слайду 18

Find the word that doesn′t go with the others in meaning and explain why: Butter, margarine, coffee, jam Tea, milk, cereal, mineral water Food, breakfast, dinner, supper Chicken, pork, beans, beef

Номер слайду 19

I Y N D A E R B X E P L O W I Z N E S E E H C H N U H H H A D M A J Q R E A K V G M N K Q E Z S R G F J A Q C M X A S E O T A M O T B P Z X N S T R B E X O S G G E Q Q V C Y M J K H X I H U P T E I X X Q N X K W K O P X Q I S J J L A N A N A B D J Q A P E F F S E L P P A E F V Q O V S Q L E L W C E R D L Y F V E T A L O C O H C T O H O I M L R N C J I T R K X R H T S A O T P G V M M A H H Find ten food and drink words:

Номер слайду 20

I Y N D A E R B X E P L O W I Z N E S E E H C H N U H H H A D M A J Q R E A K V G M N K Q E Z S R G F J A Q C M X A S E O T A M O T B P Z X N S T R B E X O S G G E Q Q V C Y M J K H X I H U P T E I X X Q N X K W K O P X Q I S J J L A N A N A B D J Q A P E F F S E L P P A E F V Q O V S Q L E L W C E R D L Y F V E T A L O C O H C T O H O I M L R N C J I T R K X R H T S A O T P G V M M A H H Find ten food and drink words:

Номер слайду 21

Using the words Some and Any: We use some in affirmative sentences (+) We use any in negative sentences (-) and questions (?) There’s some milk on the table. Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? There aren’t any sausages.

Номер слайду 22

Complete the dialogue with some and any: Oliver: Let’s have _________ lunch. Hannah: Good idea. Are there ________ pizzas in the fridge? Oliver: No, there aren’t. Hannah: What have we got? Oliver: There’s ________ cheese. And there’s _______ ham. Hannah: Is there ________ butter? Oliver: Yes, there is. Hannah: OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches. Oliver: Ah. There’s a problem. Hannah: What is it? Oliver: We haven’t got _________ bread.

Номер слайду 23

Complete the dialogue with some and any: Oliver: Let’s have _some_ lunch. Hannah: Good idea. Are there _any_ pizzas in the fridge? Oliver: No, there aren’t. Hannah: What have we got? Oliver: There’s _some_ cheese. And there’s _some_ ham. Hannah: Is there _any_ butter? Oliver: Yes, there is. Hannah: OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches. Oliver: Ah. There’s a problem. Hannah: What is it? Oliver: We haven’t got _any_ bread.

Номер слайду 24

What vegetable is it?

Номер слайду 25

What vegetable is it? A long, pointed orange-coloured root of a plant, eaten as vegetable, either raw or cooked. A plant that has thick green or reddish-purple leaves that form a round head. A plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavour.

Номер слайду 26

e b u a n o i n o r i c n c t e a n g l t r o o c e p i r e e b m u b e n a g o t a t s a e r e b m e t e l t u c s u g a b b t n a e c u c p a o r r o t a t o c Crossword “Vegetables“:

Номер слайду 27

e b u a n o i n o r i c n c t e a n g l t r o o c e p i r e e b m u b e n a g o t a t s a e r e b m e t e l t u c s u g a b b t n a e c u c p a o r r o t a t o c Crossword “Vegetables“:

Номер слайду 28

Divide the dishes according to the sections of the menu: Herring (оселедець), green salad (овочевий салат), oysters (устриці), mushrooms (гриби), chicken soup (суп з курки), noodle soup (суп із локшиною), borshch (борщ), varenyky with cheese (вареники з сиром), roast chicken (смажене курча), mashed potatoes (картопляне пюре), boiled rice (відварений рис), deruny (деруни), ice-cream (морозиво), hot chocolate (гарячий шоколад), biscuits (печиво), apple-pie (яблучний пиріг), whipped cream (збиті вершки).

Номер слайду 29

Divide the dishes according to the sections of the menu: appetizer – закуска: 2. the main course – основна страва: 3. the first course – перша страва: 4. dessert – десерт:

Номер слайду 30

Divide the dishes according to the sections of the menu: appetizer – закуска: Herring, green salad, oysters, mushrooms. 2. the main course – основна страва: Chicken soup, noodle soup, borshch. 3. the first course – перша страва: Varenyky with cheese, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, boiled rice, deruny/ 4. dessert – десерт: Ice-cream, hot chocolate, biscuits, apple-pie, whipped cream.

Номер слайду 31

Номер слайду 32

Summing-up: total scores of the teams; the winner is… Our congratulations!!

Номер слайду 33

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  1. Proskurina Ella
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
24 листопада 2021
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4.0 (1 відгук)
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