Конспект презентаційного уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему "«Letters to our friends.»"

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Конспект презентаційного уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему "«Letters to our friends.»"
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Презентаційний урок

з англійської мови

в 6-В класі на тему:

" Family And Friends. A Letter To My Friend. "



                                        Підготувала: вчитель

                                                      англійської мови Олійник Л.В.


                         Lesson Plan

Topic: My Family and Friends. A Letter to my Friend.  

Form: 6-V   

Date: 22.10

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson Aims:


  • To practice pronunciation of words with “th” and “er” ;
  • To develop pupils’ vocabulary skills;
  • To develop pupils’ ability to read and translate the text;
  • To develop pupils’ ability to find necessary information in the text;
  • To encourage pupils to answer the questions to the given text;
  • To practice the description of appearance and character;
  • To learn pupils to write a letter.



By the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • To read and name words with “th” and “er” correctly;
  • To recognize and use  vocabulary on the topic;
  • To use Present Simple;
  • To read and translate short text;
  • To find necessary information in the text;
  • To give short answers to the questions;
  • To describe appearance and character (3-4 sentences);
  • To write a letter about family and friends.



Equipment:  a blackboard, a computer, video for listening and singing, handouts.





                                                         LESSON PROCEDURE

  1. Greeting.

        Good morning, dear pupils!  How are you today?  I’m glad to see you today.

But I have some questions for you. So,

What day is it today?

What the date is it today?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Now look at the screen. You can see some magic words. Let’s read together!

How often do you say these words to your parents?

How do you think what is this lesson about?


It is not all! When we speak about family we use lots of magic adjectives. So, repeat after me!




But why are they magic? Because they can describe not only family members and also…

You are right. The title of our today’s lesson is really «My Family and Friends. A Letter to my Friend.»



And at our lesson we will read, write and speak in English, read the English text and do interesting tasks, sing songs, dance and spend our time funny and interesting.

At the end of the lesson we will be able to talk about our family members and friends, to use vocabulary related to the topic, to use Present Simple and to write a letter.

  1. Warming-up.

But, first of all let’s practice our pronunciation. Are you ready?

So, it is great!

You are trying to be the best pupils in the world!!!  Look at these words, I mean these lines of words and tell me what word is odd and why?



3.Vocabulary practice.

So we know all family members and now we can describe their character and appearance.

Look at the screen, you can see all these words.

Take one word, read, come to the blackboard, find the correct column and glue. Try to guess what does it mean.

Mariana and Olia have cards with this task.


T. Now, let’s read these words one by one.

And now make some sentences with these words, but do not forget about

  I love my mother (father).

  He(She) is….

  He(She) has got…


But first answer my questions:

And now our homework. It was to read a letter from our pen friend from Brazil.

Is it far from our country?   And what about buying tickets to Brazil?   How many do they cost?   Do you know it?   NO?     And I know this information. They cost from 20 000 to 35 000.     Is it cheap or expensive?

You task was to read this letter, to translate it and to answer some questions.

So, change your cards to check up these tasks. Answer the questions! Take one marker and try to underline correct answers!!!









And now let’s have a rest. Are you ready? BABY SHARK

6. Writing Practice.

Now we can name and describe all family members. It is very important for us because we should write a letter about us and our family.

 And What Is The Letter? What Parts Of The Letter Do You Know?

Let’s have a look at the structure of the letter.

We are a very interesting letter!!! What is its structure?



                                              October 22nd, 2021    


Dear Boys and Girls,

How are you today? I hope you are fine.

Your task today is to write a short letter about your family to your friend. Do you know the parts of a friendly letter? Today I am going to teach you! I love writing letters. I hope you like writing letters too.

Well, let’s start. Write back at home and tell me about yourself.


                                                        Best  wishes, 
                                                        Mrs Lilia.  



8.Summing-up (Outcomes)

You are very good, smart, talented, fantastic and  really the best pupils in the world! I am pleased with our work!

(assessment of pupils)



We have done a lot of work today. Do you like this lesson?

There are 3 stickers on your desks. Choose only 1 sticker (green, yellow or red) to show your mood at the end of the lesson.


You should write a short letter to your pen-friend..


















A Good Letter should consist of:


Heading      Closing    Greeting     Body       Signature

1.______________ 2.______________3.______________4.______________



Write your own letter to your friend:

                                                                                                     October 22nd, 2021                                                          

Dear ______,


My name is ________ but everybody calls me ______.  I’m _______ years old. I’m a _________ and I live in _________, ________. I’m ______ and _____ with ________, _______, ________ hair and _______ eyes.

There are _________ of us in my family: my parents, _______ and ______, my ______,  _______ of course, me. My father is ___________and __________. He is _________. And my mother is __________ and _________. She is ___________. We live in a ____________in the city centre.

I like ___________________and_______________________. I hate ____________ and __________________.

Well, that’s all about me. Write back and tell me about yourself.


                                                                                                               Best wishes,

A Good Letter should consist of:

Heading      Closing    Greeting     Body       Signature

1.______________ 2.______________3.______________4.______________



Write your own letter to your friend:

                                                                                                     October 22nd, 2021                                                          

Dear ______,


My name is ________ but everybody calls me ______.  I’m _______ years old. I’m a _________ and I live in _________, ________. I’m ______ and _____ with ________, _______, ________ hair and _______ eyes.

There are _________ of us in my family: my parents, _______ and ______, my ______,  _______ of course, me. My father is ___________and __________. He is _________. And my mother is __________ and _________. She is ___________. We live in a ____________in the city centre.

I like ___________________and_______________________. I hate ____________ and __________________.

Well, that’s all about me. Write back and tell me about yourself.


                                                                                                               Best wishes,



                                                                                       October 22nd, 2021                                                    

Dear Laura,

My name is Maria Jones but everybody calls me Mary. I’m fourteen years old. I’m a student and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’m tall and slim with long, curly, red hair and green eyes.

There are four of us in my family: my parents, Greg and Tara, my brother, Kenny, aged twelve, and, of course, me. My father is kind and hard-working. He is a vet. And my mother is beautiful and helpful. She is a teacher. We live in a large house in the city centre.

I like playing the piano and riding my horse. I hate cleaning my room and playing computer games.

Well, that’s all about me. Write back and tell me about yourself.

                                                                                                             Best wishes,

1.Answer the question:

What is the girl`s name?_____________________________________________

Where is she from?_________________________________________________

Where does she live?________________________________________________

How old is she?_____________________________________________________

Is her family big?____________________________________________________

What does she like?_________________________________________________

2.Now fill in the form with information from the letter:

Family members:__________________________________________________




She likes:_________________________________________________________

She hates:________________________________________________________


 October 22nd, 2021                                                    

Dear Laura,

My name is Maria Jones but everybody calls me Mary. I’m fourteen years old. I’m a student and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’m tall and slim with long, curly, red hair and green eyes.

There are four of us in my family: my parents, Greg and Tara, my brother, Kenny, aged twelve, and, of course, me. My father is kind and hard-working. He is a vet. And my mother is beautiful and helpful. She is a teacher. We live in a large house in the city centre.

I like playing the piano and riding my horse. I hate cleaning my room and playing computer games.

Well, that’s all about me. Write back and tell me about yourself.

                                                                                                             Best wishes,

1.Answer the question:

What is the girl`s name?_____________________________________________

Where is she from?_________________________________________________

Where does she live?________________________________________________

How old is she?_____________________________________________________

Is her family big?____________________________________________________

What does she like?_________________________________________________

2.Now fill in the form with information from the letter:

Family members:__________________________________________________




She likes:_________________________________________________________

She hates:_______________________________________________________




                                              October 22nd, 2021    


Dear Boys and Girls,

How are you today? I hope you are fine.

Your task today is to write a short letter about your family to your friend. Do you know the parts of a friendly letter? Today I am going to teach you! I love writing letters. I hope you like writing letters too.

Well, let’s start. Write back at home and tell me about yourself.


                                                       Best wishes,
                                                          Mrs Lilia.    



Family Members

























Family Members

























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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 лютого 2022
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