Конспект урок "Movies. Present Perfect"

Про матеріал
Тема уроку "Movies. Present Perfect" Мета уроку: - подати дітям нові слова у доступному і легкому вигляді; - закріпити вивчені слова за допомогою ігор; - закріпити граматичну тему Present Perfect;
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The Plan of the Lesson

  1. The SUBJECT OF THE LESSON: “Films genres. Present Perfect”
  2. The aims:


  •  to encourage students to join in a discussion
  • To teach children the active vocabulary
  • To revise Present Perfect


  • to develop pupils’ memory and attention


  • to bring a sense of respectful attitude to other people
  1. Audio-visual aids:
  • Word cards
  • Pictures
  • CD


The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Preliminaries.

-Good morning dear children! I’m so happy to see you again.

- How are you today?

- Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

II. Warm-up


1. What is your favorite film?

2. What is it about?

3.Why do you like?

4.Do you like cartoons?

Now I will show you photos of different movies and you will tell me whether you have seen them before.


Картинки по запросу friends filmКартинки по запросу harry potter ÐŸÐ¾Ñ…ожее изображение ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу shrek film


Картинки по запросу narnia filmКартинки по запросу 1+1 film

  1. Home-lesson checking.
  • What were you given to prepare for today?
  • Let’s check it.
  1. New material presentation

New words

Comedy – a film that is light, funny and generally has a happy ending.

Horror film - a film in which strange and frightening things happen.

Musical -  a film that includes singing and dancing.

Animated film/ cartoon - a film  that shows pictures, clay models etc that seem to be really moving

Thriller -  a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime

Adventure film-  an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen

Silent film – a film with no sound

Science fiction - stories about events in the future which are affected by imaginary developments in science

Biopic - a film that tells the story of someone’s life

Action film- a film with a fast-moving plot, usually containing scenes of violence

Present Perfect

The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb:

We use the present perfect tense:

  • for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

They’ve been married for nearly fifty years.
She has lived in Liverpool all her life.

  •  for something we have done several times in the past and continue to do:

I’ve played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.
He has written three books and he is working on another one.

We often use a clause with since to show when something started in the past:

I have worked here since I left school.

  • for something that happened in the past but is important at the time of speaking:

I can’t get in the house. I’ve lost my keys.
Teresa isn’t at home. I think she has gone shopping.

  1. Consolidation

1. Definitions

You have mini cards with definitions and the words on your desks. You should match them together


a film that is light, funny and generally has a happy ending

Horror film

a film in which strange and frightening things happen.


a film that includes singing and dancing.


Animated film

a film  that shows pictures, clay models etc that seem to be really moving



a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime


Adventure film

an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen


Silent film

a film with no sound


Science fiction

stories about events in the future which are affected by imaginary developments in science



a film that tells the story of someone’s life


Action film

a film with a fast-moving plot, usually containing scenes of violence



2. Work in groups. Speaking comprehension

Take from the hat on piece of paper. If Harry Porter is painted that you are in the first team. If Ron Weasley ,you are in the second team.

I am giving you pictures of  films.Картинки по запросу harry potterКартинки по запросу 1+1 film
You should discuss what film is better and why? And then present your variants for other team.



Картинки по запросу mask filmКартинки по запросу home alone








C:\Users\Аня\Desktop\практика\viber image.jpg
3. Individual work. Worksheet (Present Perfect)





4.Reading comprehension

Read the plot descriptions of the following children’s animation movies and try to guess what movies they refer to….



5. Guessing task

- Each of you takes the piece of paper with the name of film or cartoon. You should explain it and we should guess the name if film.

Mini cards:








V.Relaxation period.

The game “The Palm”

We say the sentence in chain fashion – I have watched…. For example Harry Porter, and everyone who has watched this film , bend one finger.

Another pupil says the sentence but with another film or cartoon. Who will bend 5 fingers – that one will lose


VI. Home-work. Write down your home work . The project “My favourite movie”

VII.Evaluation. I’m extremely pleased with the work of the class.You were very active and smart

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27 березня 2019
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4.3 (1 відгук)
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