Конспект уроку 10 кл "Professions"

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Конспект уроку 10 кл "Professions"


-to learn and activate new words

-to discuss the important of professions

-to involve students into reading, writing, communicative activities.

-to develop students' thinking

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What are you? Professions



  •            to learn and activate new words
  •            to discuss the important of professions
  •            to involve students into reading, writing, communicative activities.
  •            to develop students’ thinking


Equipment: pictures, cards with the tasks, student’s projects, books and a CD “Oxford Heroes” - 2




We must all work together to create a better place. A. Barry

Explain the expression. (Pupils try to say their opinion, e.g. everyone has to work hard on our lesson, we have to study good to build our future...)

  Well, we use this idiom in our lesson: we’ll work hard together today and that’s why it will be one more step to understand what you would like to be in future.



Who are you? What are you? What is the difference between these statements?

What do you want to be? I would like to be a doctor, engineer...Today we’ll continue to speak about professions and useful jobs.

So, our theme is “What are you?” Why do we need to speak about it? What will we do in our lesson?


II. 1 Mind Maps

Every pupil had to make up an association map about professions. Show us your maps and read one profession (one after another)


                                                         a doctor         a teacher       a painter




                                             a driver                                               an engineer




                                                             a cosmonaut   a scientist


2.A work with texts:

- listen to the texts from the tape-recorder

- three pupils read

- retell the texts in Ukrainian and then in English


What job do you do?


I’m a fire fighter in Oxford. Most people think fire fighters put out fires. Well, that’s true, but we do other things too. We rescue people from car accidents and high buildings and we look after our equipment. At the moment, I’m working with a friendly group of fire fighters. We work hard, but we also have a lot of fun.




I’m a geography teacher in a London school. There are about eight hundred students at the school and about thirty teachers. I enjoy my job because I like my subject and I like children. At the moment, we’re doing a project on Asia. We’re finding out about India on the Internet. It’s very interesting.


I work as a doctor in a hospital in Glasgow. It’s great because I meet different people and I’m always busy. I usually work a lot of hours, but now I’m not doing anything. I’m on holiday and I’m relaxing with my family. It’s nice, but I’m looking forward to going back to the hospital because I really like my job.


- writing: answer the questions

  1. Where does Lucy work?
  2. How do the fire fighters help people?
  3. What subject does James teach?
  4. What is James’ class studying now?
  5. Why does Alice like her job?
  6. What is she doing at the moment?


- match the words from the text with the definitions


put on

a long piece of school work


stop something burning


have a lot of things to do


things you need for your job

be busy

save somebody in a dangerous situation


5.Rest time

Sing a song about professions. The children sing this song and perform the appropriate actions

When I was a Soldier

1. When I was a soldier, a soldier, a soldier,

When I was a soldier, a soldier was I.

This way and that way (2)

When I was a soldier this is what I did.


2. When I was a sailor, a sailor, a sailor…

3. When I was a tailor…

4. When I was a driver…


3.A work with the new words:

1) You can see several words written on the blackboard. I’ll show you pictures and you’ll guess the word: a dancer, a musician, a spaceman, a builder, a scientist, a farmer, a model, a scientist, a worker.

2) Repeat the words after me and then read them by chorus.

3) Copy the words into vocabularies in order of my pictures

4) Make sentences with new words. (E.g. We can see a spacemen in the rocket)


4. Auding

Listen to some short texts and guess the professions.

  • Jane works in a hospital. She helps people to be healthy and fit. She usually wears a white gown and she likes it. (a doctor)
  • Stephen works on a big farm. He looks after horses. He likes to be on fresh air and ride his horses. (a farmer)
  • Helen works in a laboratory. She does experiments. It is interesting and sometimes dangerous to do this work. (a scientist)
  • Fred works in the fire station. He puts fire out and rescues people. He has to be strong, quick and smart to be good in his profession. (a fire fighter)
  • Judy works in a shop. She sells jeans and T- shirts. She likes to help and advise people to choose different clothes. (a shop assistant)
  • John works in a spaceship. He had to train a lot and now he is in a good physically form. He flies around the Earth. (a spaceman)
  • Peter works at school. He teaches Ukrainian language and literature. He thinks that every Ukrainian has to know his mother tongue and literature of native writers and poets. (a teacher)


5.Project Work

Some pupils had a work to prepare a composition about their favourite profession or job. Listen to each of them and retell about every profession.


6.A game

Let’s determine what professions are the most popular in our class. One pupil will name the professions and count your choices; you will raise your hands if you like it,

So, the most popular professions in our class are…


7. A poem

The class is divided into two groups. Read a jazz-chant “Banker's Wife's Blues” by Carolyn Graham's

Where does John live?

He lives near the bank.

Where does he work?

He works at the bank.

When does he work?

He works all day and he works all night, at the bank, at the bank, at the great, big bank.

Where does he study?

He studies at the bank.

Where does he sleep?

He sleeps at the bank.

Why does he spend all day, all night, all day, all night, at the bank, at the bank?

Because he loves his bank more than his wife and the loves his money more than his life.



 1 What professions to your mind are important and why. Say your sight using a pattern (if you need)




teach children.



treat people.



transport people

Shop assistants

are important

help us in the shop.


because they

write books.



play in the theatre and films.



sing songs.






compose and play music.



fly into space.



build houses.


2.   Now answer my questions. Do you like our lesson? What did we do during it? Did we fulfil our aim?  What professions did we speak about? What was the most interesting to you? What do you want to discuss in our next lesson?


3. Our lesson is coming to its finish and I want to thank everybody who took part in our work. Our work was great and we’ll continue it in our next lessons. Your home-task is to do exercise in you work-book.



22 жовтня 2018
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