Тема: Музичні інструменти (3 клас)
Цілі уроку: |
Практична: |
1. Активізувати лексичні одиниці за темою “Музичні інтрументи» 2.Практикувати учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць в усному та писемному мовленні. 3.Розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. 4.Формувати вміння диференціювати інформацію під час аудіювання. 5. визначати та артикулювати з опорою назви музичних інструментів |
Освітня: |
1.Розширити уявлення учнів про музичні інтрументи |
Розвиваюча: |
2.Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу. 3. відтворити інструкції до класних занять 2.Розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів. 3.Розвивати вміння виражати свою думку. |
Виховна: |
Виховувати усвідомлення важливості занять музикою
Хід уроку
Привітання 2 хв
Організаційний момент
Activity 1 “Say “Hello” Song “Hello” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8 Instruction: - Listen and sing the song with the recoding
Розминка – до 3 хв
Диференціація: (вчитель використовує картки) |
Постановка теми уроку та завдань уроку 5 хв |
Activity 3 “First letter” Instruction: - Look at the pictures - Name only the first letter of each word - Collect these letters in one word - Say the word - Answer the question: What is the theme of the lesson? What do you want to know? What do you want to understand? What do you want to be able to do? (Acquaintance with the lesson objectives. Teacher reads and explains them.) Note: Pictures are on the board
Підготовча лексика 5 хв
Диференціація: вчитель представляє нову лексику за допомогою слухових і візуальних засобів |
Activity 4 “Introduction of vocabulary” Instruction: - Answer the questions: What musical instruments do you know? - Look at the pictures - Listen to the teacher - Repeat words after the teacher - Read the words Note: Pictures and words are on the board Teacher present new vocabulary through both auditory and visual means |
Гра з картками 2 хв |
Activity 5 “Flashcards game” Instruction: - Close your eyes - Open your eyes (after my signal) - Say what is missing - Look at the picture (Teacher shows pictures very fast) - Say the word Note: Pictures are on the board. Students close their eyes, and then teacher hides one card. After the signal students open their eyes and say the name of missing musical instrument Differentiation: by scaffolding (Teacher use visual aids) |
Читання та підбір слів 10 хв |
Activity 6 “How many words do you remember?” Instruction: - Form three groups (Teacher divides pupils by their abilities) - Have the envelope with new words and their translation from the center of your table - Take away the cards from the envelope - Match words and translation (after my signal) - Have 3 minutes and stop after the signal - Say the numbers of connected words (quantity) - Have the keys and check your work in group - Say the numbers of correctly connected words (quality) - Have the list of words (everyone) - Read the words one by one - Write down these words into vocabularies at home Note: Teacher draws the table on the board which includes quantity of collected words and correctness of the collected words
Завдання для формувального оцінювання 10 хв
Activity 7 “Who knows everything?” Instruction: - Take the handout from your table - Solve the task in group Tasks for groups: Group №1 «Word search» Instruction: - Look for the words written under “The word search” https://www.englishwsheets.com/music-3.html - Read the words - Find and circle names of musical instruments in “The word search” - Take the keys - Check your work in group Group №2 «Solve the crossword» https://www.englishwsheets.com/music-4.html Instruction: - Look at the numbers on the pictures - Write the musical instruments vocabulary in the crossword puzzle - Take the keys - Check your work in group Group №3 «Little musicians» https://www.dreamstime.com/music-kids-vector-cartoon-characters-set-children-singing-playing-musical-instruments-guitar-violin-flute-childhood-image104946087 Instruction: - (For one pupil) Describe the picture - (For other pupils) Try to identify it and write numbers in the box - Take the keys - Check your work in group Differentiation: by group ability, by success criteria, by type of task, by difficulty of task, by roles within groups.
Рефлексія 3 хв |
Activity 8 “Task for reflection” Instruction: - Take a green and red leaves
- Look at the blackboard - Come to the board - Stick green leaf on the tree if our lesson was good and all was clear - Stick red leaf if you didn’t like our work and you didn’t understand theme |