Конспект уроку англійської мови у 5 класі на тему "My house"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 5 класі на тему "My house" Мета: • Активізувати вивчені ЛО з теми уроку; • Закріпити лексико – граматичні навички з теми, конструкції there is, there are, have got/has got, prepositions of place; • Розвивати навички усного мовлення; • Сприяти розвитку соціальної компетенції учнів.
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Конспект уроку англійської мови

у 5-А класі на тему «My house»

Тема: My house


  • Активізувати вивчені ЛО з теми уроку;
  • Закріпити лексико – граматичні навички з теми, конструкції there is, there are, have got/has got, prepositions of place;
  • Розвивати навички усного мовлення;
  • Сприяти розвитку соціальної компетенції учнів.


Тип уроку: застосування знань, умінь, навичок


Обладнання: картинки зображення меблів, текст для аудіювання, віртуальний підручник Onscreen 1


Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент. Good morning, friends! I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Are you ready to work? Today we’re going to speak about houses, revise some vocabulary and work as designers.


Warm up.

First of all, we have to wake up our tongues. And our scary poem will help us. Let’s read one by one, line by line.

In the dark, dark wood, There is a dark, dark house.

And in the dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark room.

And in the dark, dark room, There is a dark, dark cupboard.

And in the dark, dark cupboard, There is a dark dark shelf.

And on the dark, dark shelf, There is a dark, dark box.

And in the dark, dark box, there is a big white ghost!

So, our tongues are ready for work but what about ears? Let’s look at this photo and listen to some sentences. Are they True or False?


II. Основна частина уроку.

Vocabulary review.

To talk about houses we have to revise rooms and furniture. We will do this in your favourite way. You can see spidergram. Please, divide these furniture into different rooms. One by one you can use your mouse.


Grammar review. Prepositions of place.

Now I hope you are ready for real work. Yesterday I bought a flat but my rooms are empty. Could you help me to decorate one room?

We will revise there is/there are, prepositions of place. As a hint you can use phrases in the box.

Where would you place…?

  1. There is a sofa next to the window.
  2. There is a carpet on the floor.
  3. There are pictures on the wall.
  4. There is a desk under the pictures.
  5. There is a chair next to the desk.
  6. There is a lamp on the desk.
  7. There is a clock on the wall.
  8. There is a plant under the clock.
  9. There is a bookcase next to the fireplace.


So, what room is it?


Thank you so much! My living room is perfect now! Thank you for your help!


Describe your unusual house.

Your home task for today was to draw your own unusual house. Now your task is to choose the number and try to guess who is the author.

And the author will describe the house in few words.

Please, use have got/has got.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

Today you’ve worked very hard. What did we revise today? (rooms, furniture, there is/there are, prepositions)

Hope that wasn’t difficult for you.


Marks for today.


Домашнє завдання.

Your task for the next lesson is Sb.36 ex.3,4 (read the email, match paragraphs to the headings)


That’s all for today. Thank you for lesson. See you tomorrow!




15 лютого 2023
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