Конспект уроку англійської мови у 9 класі "Друзі планети"

Про матеріал
Майбутнє планети залежить від кожного з нас, тому формування еко-свідомості, розвиток критичного мислення є головною метою уроку англійської мови у 9 класі "Друзі планети". Містить скріншот тексту для читання та вибіркові завдання з підручника Focus 3 2nd Edition. Може бути використаний для дистанційного та очного навчання.
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Form 9


Topic: Friends of the Planet

Objectives: to develop reading, listening and writing skills, to encourage pupils to speak on the given topic, to enrich pupils’ vocabulary, to develop their eco-awareness




  1. Greeting. Presenting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Imagine yourself that you are members of a club “Friends of the Planet”. We are having our session today dedicated to ecology and environmental issues.

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able

  • to speak about problems of environment,
  • to express their own opinions on the topic,
  • to justify the choice or reject it explaining reasons
  1. Warming up
  1. Vocabulary revision. Let’s revise the words we have learnt in this unit  (TEAM GAME)
    • What is the phrasal verb for becoming extinct ?(die out)
    • What do you call an island with no people living on it ?(desert island)
    • What do you call a continuous movement of water ?(a current)
    • What do you call a group of mountains that usually forms a line? (a mountain range)
    • What do you call a long river with a lot of smooth bends? (a winding river)
    • What is the verb form of deep? (deepen)
    • What is the adjective form of tide? (tidal)
    • What is the noun form of wide? (width)


  1.  Match the correct halves of the sentences. Then complete the missing words. The first letters are given. (GROUP WORK)


Some scientists say renewable

  1. Since we started using low-energy
  2. Here on the top there are solar
  3. This is a low moving
  4. The family spent four weeks on the remote
  5. The boat was carried out to sea by the strong


  1. p_______ which provide power for the light
  2. i________ away from the stress of modern life.
  3. c_______ created by the storm.
  4. l_______b_______, we’ve saved a lot of money.
  5. r_______ which Joined the Thames close to Oxford.
  6. energy is the best alternative to nuclear power.


  1. Speaking.


  • What are the problems of the planet? (ASSOCIATIONS)


global warming, deforestation, earthquakes, tides, hurricanes, animal extinction, pollution


  • Speak about the ecological problems of Ukraine.
  1. Reading

1.  Pre-reading task

  • What can be done to save the planet? Read the text and say what wasn’t mentioned by you.

2. Reading

- While-reading task



  • After-reading task. Checking the pupils’ comprehension

1. What problems weren’t mentioned by you?

2. Why is the author disappointed?

3. What title can you suggest to this article?


- Every action makes a difference

- Help the government

- Take care of the environment


  1. Checking the hometask. 

To help the government we can also suggest our  project of an eco-school



  1. Listening.


- pre – listening task

Let’s think about the logo of our future eco-school







ex 1. , p.70 SB

recording 2.36


  • while-listening task

Fill in the gaps






  • after – listening comprehension

Answer the questions

  1. What logo implies concern for the planet? (logo 1)
  2. What logo is ingenious or smart but plain? (logo 3)
  3. What logo have they chosen? (logo3) Why?





  1. Writing .

Exercise 4, page 70 SB





  1. Setting the hometask (ex. 5, p. 70)
  2. Summary of the lesson


До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
31 січня 2023
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