Конспект уроку англійської мови за темою "The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland",11 клас

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Тема уроку. The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland



Мета уроку: ознайомити з новою лексикою ; активізувати вживання вивченої лексики ; вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення ; розвивати вміння висловлювати свою думку;  вміння працювати в групах та в парах; розвивати спостережливість, увагу, критичне мислення та творчі здібності ; розвивати в учнях комунікативну активність; розширити кругозір учнів з теми «The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland»; виховувати інтерес учнів до культурних традицій народу країни, мову якої вивчають.


Тип уроку: формування та вдосконалення знань, умінь, навичок.


Обладнання: карта, зображення визначних місць Великої Британії, картки з назвами визначних місць, додатки, презентації , відео .







Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


1. Організаційний момент. Привітання


T. Good morning, children. Glad to see you! How are you?


2. Підготовка до сприйняття матеріалу.  


1. What do you know about GB?

2. What parts does the country consist of?

3.What is the capital of Great Britain?

4. What is the official language of the country?...


5. Before reading a text, find the geographical names on the map :


 1. the British Isles [‘brɪtɪʃ  aɪlz]- Британські острови (Great Britain & Ireland)

 2. the Irish Sea - Ірландське море

 3. the English Channel - протоку Ла-Манш (інші назви протоку Па-де-Кале)

 4. the Strait of Dover - Дуврська протока

 5. the North Sea - Північне море

 6. the Atlantic Ocean - Атлантичний океан

 7. England - Англія

 8. Scotland - Шотландія

 9. Wales - Уельс

 10. the UK - Сполучене королівство

 11. Northern Ireland - Північна Ірландія

 12. Dover - місто Дувр

 13. London – столиця Великобританії


6. These names are related to the UK.  What do you know about each of them?


the Beatles, Luis Carol, Scotland, Agatha Christie, Cardiff, Conan Doyle, Robinson Crusoe, Wales, Charles Dickens, Mary Poppins, Isaac Newton, London, Robert Stevenson, England, Oxford, Charlotte Bronte, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Rudyard Kipling


3. Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку.


T. Today we have an unusual lesson. The theme of the lesson is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland”. You will learn a lot of interesting information about this country.





II. Основна частина уроку


  1. Подання нового лексичного матеріалу.





















проводити, встановлювати









23.iron ore

залізна руда














поділ, розділення



26.lead [e]










  1.  Читання.


Read and translate the text about the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. Put questions  & answer them.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland


   The country has existed as a unified entity since the 10th century. The union between England & Wales was enacted under the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284. In the Act of Union of 1707, England & Scotland agreed to permanent union as Great Britain. The legislative union of Great Britain & Ireland was implemented in 1801, with the adoption of the name the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. But in 1921, the Anglo-Irish treaty formalized a partition of Ireland, although six northern Irish counties remained part of the United Kingdom & became known as Northern Ireland. The current name of the country – the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland – was adopted in 1927.

    By the 19th century Great Britain had become a dominant industrial & maritime state. The British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth surface.

    Nowadays the UK is one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding member of NATO, & of the Commonwealth, a member of the European Union (EU), but still remains outside the European Monetary Union. In 1999 the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly of Wales & the Northern Ireland Assembly were established.

     The UK is located in the Western Europe, on the British Isles between the North Atlantic Ocean & the North Sea, northwest of France. It is only 35 km from France & linked with it by the tunnel under the English Channel. The total area is 244, 820 sq.km. Its climate is temperate, moderated by prevailing southwest winds over the North Atlantic Current. The landscape of the UK is mostly rugged hills & low mountains

    The lowest point is Fenland – 4 m; the highest is Ben Nevis 1,343 m. The natural resources are coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, iron ore, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, lead.

   The official language in UK is English. In Scotland (Alba in Scottish) with the population of 5,222,100 people 30 per cent speak their native Scottish (Gaelic) as the first language. In Wales (Cymru [kəm'rɪ:] in Welsh) about 21 per cent of people out of 3,006,400 use Welsh as the first language. Northern Ireland (Ulster) has the population of 1,685,000 people. Ten per cent of them speak their native language (Gaelic) as the first one, 5 % can read, write & understand it.

    The UK is a constitutional monarchy. Administrative divisions of the country are the following:

     England is divided into 9 regions & 48 counties; Scotland is divided into 32 council areas Wales is divided into 22 counties; Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties & 26 regions.

   The Chief of the state is Queen Elizabeth II since 6 February 1952. She was born on the 21st of April 1926 & was given the name of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Officially according the tradition her Majesty’s birthday is celebrated on the first, second or third Saturday of June (it depends on weather conditions). The Heir of the crown is Prince Charles, the eldest son of the Queen. He was born on the 14th of November 1948. The Head of the Government is Prime Minister David Cameron.



3. Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7Aq50-fuZg and answer the questions:


  1. What happened in 1284?
  2. In the Act of Union of 1707, England & Wales agreed to permanent union as Great Britain, didn’t they?
  3. When was the legislative union of Great Britain & Ireland implemented?
  4. How many northern Irish counties remained after a formalized partition of Ireland by the Anglo-Irish treaty in 1921?
  5. What is the current name of the country?
  6. What was the current name of the country adopted in 1927?

What international organizations is the UK a permanent member of?






4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.




III. Заключна частина уроку.


  1. Підведення підсумку уроку.


What do you know about GB?  What parts does the country consist of?

What is the capital of Great Britain?

What is the official language of the country?What place would you like to visit? Why?


  1. Пояснення домашнього завдання. Оцінювання  роботи  учнів.


Our lesson comes to the end and your hometask will be to find some information about the capital of The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

Your marks are …..

Thank you for you work. Good-bye.


2 березня 2023
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