Конспект уроку для 7 класу " Узагальнення знань по темі "Спорт"

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Розробка підсумкового уроку для 7 класу " Узагальнення знань по темі "Спорт" стане в нагоді для вчителя щоб цікаво провести урок засвоєння знань по темі "Спорт", використовуючи групову форму роботи.
Перегляд файлу

Розробка уроку для 7 класу

Тема : Спорт у нашому житті


Мета : практична: закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці; формувати навички аудіювання, читання, усного мовлення, закріпити граматичний матеріал:   використання do,play go,

розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; збагачувати їх словниковий запас; розвивати уяву, пам'ять, мовну здогадку;

виховна: виховувати інтерес до спорту, прищепити бажання до здорового способу життя.



І. Warming- up


Т: Today we are going to speak about sport, about different kinds of sport and your attitude to sport. Before we  start, let`s devide class into 2 groups A and B.

If you give a  correct answer you will get a medal. Each medal is your grade .At the end of the lesson we will count them.

Good luck!


Match the halves and read some English proverbs about   sports.

Health is better

 men are known.

 In sports and journeys

 is above wealth.

Laughter is

in a sound body.

 Good health

 the best medicine.

A sound mind

than wealth.


Key : *Health is better than wealth.- Здоров’я краще за багатство.

          *In sports and journeys men are known.- Люди пізнаються і в спорті, і в подорожах.

          *Laughter is the best medicine. – Сміх-найкращі ліки.

          *Good health is above wealth.-  Добре здоров’я вище багатства.

          *A sound mind in a sound body.- В здоровому тілі-здоровий дух


ІІ. Main part

Ocновна частина уроку:

  1. Watch the video and write down as many kinds of sports as you can.



  1. Revice the rule of using  do,play go and devide the words from the video into the proper columns. You can add your own words.


  • *Go-if you speak about sport ending  in – ing

(коли говорим  про види спорту, що закінчуються на -ing )

  • *Play – if you speak about ball games and chess

   ( Коли говорим про ігри з м’ячем та шахи)

  • *Do - if you speak about other sports

        (коли говорим про інші види спорту)













3. T: Listen to the description of sports and answer the question. Guess what kind of sport is it?


  1. It is a team game. Men and women, boys and girls can play it. The players have a ball and play it with their hands. There are six players in each of two teams ( Volleyball)
  2. It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. . It has 2 names .Both men and women can play  . The players kick the ball with their feet;     (Football)
  3. It is a game for two players. they need rackets, a small ball, a net and a court (Tennis)
  4. To play this game we need sticks, a puck, a play-ground covered with the ice (hockey)


  1. Reading.

      *Pre-reading task

T: Do you do any sport? What about your family? Do you like sports?


*Read the text “My attitude to sport” and agree or disagree with the statements

              My Attitude to Sports

Everybody knows that sport is very important to
keep people fit. We all need exercises if we want to
be healthy. Regular exercises give us more energy. If
a person does morning exercises he feels refreshed and
optimistic. Each man should do all possible to stay

Sport is very popular in my family. My Dad goes
running every morning in the park. I do morning exer-
cises and ride a bike. My mother attends a fitness club
twice a week. On Saturday morning we go to the swim-
ming pool together. Swimming is the best sport acti-
vity to feel strong. In spring and in summer I often
play badminton with my friends on the sport grounds.
It's very exciting. We have got a lot of fun.


Dad – батько;

To feel refreshed – почуватися бадьорим;

To be sure – бути впевненим.

*After-reading task :

Agree or disagree with these statements.


  1. Sport helps people keep fit and healthy.
  1. .The boy plays basketball regularly.
  2. Mother keeps fit attending a fitness club.
  3. All the family go to the swimming pool on Tuesday

5.T: now let’s see how do you know different kinds of sport. Watch the presentation and name sports.

III. Summary

  1.  Home work. Prepare a short information about famous sportsmen.
  2. Grading.












*Health is better than wealth.

*In sports and journeys men are known.

*Laughter is the best medicine.

*Good health is above wealth.

*A sound mind in a sound body.

Petrashchuk Oksana
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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