Конспект уроку для 9 класу з теми "Магія природи" (урок 3)

Про матеріал

До вашої уваги пропоную третій урок у циклі уроків до теми "Magic Nature" підручника Алли Несвіт. В уроці вміщено цікаві завдання та малюнки для розвитку критичного мислення у дітей.

Перегляд файлу

Урок 3

Тема: Магія природи

Підтема: Природний заповідник Асканія Нова

Тип уроку: рок практичного використання умінь і навичок іншомовної

комунікативної компетентності

Мета: формувати навички вживання підрядних речень (defining, non-defining Relative Clause), вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання, розвивати вміння працювати в групі, розвивати слухову і зорову пам’ять учнів,  критичне мислення, уяву та увагу, прищеплювати любов до природи, сприяти бажанню учнів відвідувати відомі міста та визначні місця України, прищеплювати бережливе ставлення до них., виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні володітимуть навичками вживання підрядних речень в усному та писемному мовленні, зможуть застосовувати знання про природний заповідник Асканія Нова в діалогічному мовленні, на слух.

Обладнання: підручник для 9 класу А.Несвіт, картки для роботи в парах, групах, картки для індивідуальної роботи, малюнки.


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Greeting  Good morning, everyone. How are you getting on? (students answer teacher`s questions). So, let`s start our lesson. We have a lot of work to do.


Aim: T: During this lesson, we will revise the information about the Ukrainian National Reserve Ascania-Nova, learn the rules about types of relative clauses, do some grammar exercises and make up some dialogues about visiting famous places.

Warming up: T: Dear students, I want you to look at these numbers and tell me what do they mean?













Key: 62 hectares (occupies the local Zoo); 2000 species of birds live there; 85 species of rare plants are found there; 3400 hectares (it sis the territory of the Ascania-Nova); 12 species of plants have entered the Red Book of Endangered Species; 939 species of plants are under protection.


II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Checking homework. Teacher checks the students` homework. Some students read their articles about rare animals that live in the Ascania-Nova and other students try to guess what animals they are.


2. Reading: T: Now I want you to check how good you remember the information from the previous lesson, where we read an article about the Ascania-Nova National Reserve. (ex.6, p,46) Choose the correct items to complete the sentences.


3. Speaking: (work in pairs) T: T: Now let’s work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is a British student and another one is a Ukrainian one. The British student calls to his Ukrainian friend to get some information about the Ascania-Nova National Reserve, because he is going to visit Ukraine. He/ she wants to prepare better for his/ her trip, because he/ she has never been to Ukraine before. The Ukrainian student give him/ her some information about the Ascania-Nova and see him soon in Ukraine.


British Student

Ukrainian Student

. Open the conversation.

2. Express surprise and your strong desire to see your foreign friend in Ukraine.

3. Tell your foreign friend

about your plans to visit

Ukraine`s National Reserve.

4. Give him/ her necessary information concerning the problem

5. Ask for some information

about the National Reserve.

6. Assure your friend to help him/ her here in Ukraine

7. Express thanks.

8. Close the conversation.

S 1: …

S 2: … etc.

(Students make up a micro-dialogues and present them in front of the class).


4. Grammar Lab: Teacher read and explain the rule on page 48, ex.8. Then students do the ex.7a on p.47 and say what type of relative clause is used.

T: Look through the text of ex. 3, p.45-46 again. Find and read aloud the sentences with the relative clauses. Decide what type of relative clause they contain.

(teacher gives few cards for individual work to some students)


5. Speaking: T: Now let` s do the ex.12, on page 49. Your task will be to say why you would like to visit the Ascania-Nova, using the relative clauses.


III. Заключна частина уроку


1. Summarizing: T: So, the lesson is coming to its end, let’s sum up the information you’ve learnt today. We revised some information about the Askania Nova National Reserve and did some grammar exercises concerning relative clauses. What new things have you learnt? What activity at the lesson did you like the most?

Answer my questions, please.

1) Would you like to go to Askania Nova? Explain why.

2) What facts are you interested in the most?

3) Would you recommend this place to visit to your foreign friend? Why?

4) What rare species of plants and animals can he or she see there?


2. Homework: T: your homework for today will be ex.13 p.49 (you have to read and complete the text with the correct relative pronouns, who want to get higher mark have to make up a cross-word concerning information about the Ascania-Nova National Reserve* .

























Cards for the individual work

1. Complete the sentences with the correct relative clauses.

1. Hurricanes are natural disasters … often have female names.

 A which

 B  when

 C  where

 D  who

2. They are going to make a project about a place … these plants can still be found.

 А that

 B  where

 C  whose

 D  which

 3. National parks are protected by laws … must be obeyed.

А who

 B when

 C which

 D where

4. It was in 1879 … this reservation was established.

 А where

 B whose

 C which

 D when

5. The Native Americans, … traditions are rather diverse, lived in this area.

 А whose

 B where

 C which 

 D who

6. The first settlers … occupied the land were the Spanish.

 А where

 B who

 C whose

 D which


2. Match the halves of the sentences.

1. Athens is an ancient city

2. Endangered species enter the Red     Book,

3. I was puzzled and asked her

4. The men wondered

5. John saw a car parked in the wrong

    place but he didn’t know


a) where they were allowed to hunt for rabbits.

b) whose it was.

c) which is visited by millions of tourists.

d) which means they are protected by law.

e) why she`d gone away.

1. Warming up












2. Micro-dialogue (sample)



British Student

Ukrainian Student

1. Open the conversation.

2. Express surprise and your strong desire to see your foreign friend in Ukraine.

3. Tell your foreign friend

about your plans to visit

Ukraine`s National Reserve.

4. Give him/ her necessary information concerning the problem

5. Ask for some information

about the National Reserve.

6. Assure your friend to help him/ her here in Ukraine

7. Express thanks.

8. Close the conversation.


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
15 грудня 2018
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