Конспект уроку "Healthy food"

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Конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу з теми "Здорове харчування" розроблений для повторення лексики, відпрацювання навичок говоріння
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ТЕМА:  Здорова їжа

Мета: повторити й закріпити лексику теми, вчити учнів висловлювати власну думку стосовно корисної їжі, практикувати учнів в аудіюванні, відгадувати назву продукту харчування за його описом, формувати навички діалогічного мовлення;


розвивати комунікативні навички;


виховувати звичку вживати здорову їжу;


Тип уроку: відпрацювання умінь і навичок


Обладнання: підручник, мультимедійний проектор, картки з назвами продуктів харчування


Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


1. Мовленнєва розминка

Teacher (T): Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you. Take your seats. Let’s start our lesson.


First of all look at the board and read proverbs about food (слайд 1)

The appetite comes with eating.
After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Don’t live to eat but eat to live.


2. Оголошення теми та мети уроку

Today we continue the topic “HEALTHY FOOD”. Today we are going to talk about healthy eating, to choose the right food. (слайд 2)


3. Перевірка д/з

You must do this task

Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, little or a little (слайд 3)

  • I don’t eat … meat
  • There is … lemonade in the bottle. I need some more
  • … of people like to eat their national food
  • There are … bananas in the fridge
  • Do you drink much coffee? – No, only…



Let’s check your home work!


ІІ. Основна частина


  1. Ісценізація діалогу

What a nice day! Instead of studying at school I’d like to go for a walk. Would you like to go for a walk?


Pupils (Ps): Yes, of course.


T: Is it cold now?


Ps: Yes, it is.


T: But I know one of the ways to warm up. It’s eating. Let’s go to the cafe. I think it is a good idea.


Інсценізація діалогу «У кафе»


Thank you. Please, take your seats.


  1. Візит гостя

Children, look around. We have a lot of guests today. One of them is from Ukraine and she will tell you about her eating habits


Виступ гостя

Hello! I’m Alina. My surname is Brown. I’m 12. I study at a secondary school. I’m from Ukraine.


I would like to tell you about Ukrainian Meals. We have many traditional meals, for example, borsch, holubtsi, varenyky, and many other. As for me I like most of all to eat very well and I want to be healthy. I usually eat cereals for breakfast. For dinner I eat some soup or borsch and potatoes with meat. In the evening I don’t eat very much because it is bad for my health.

Can you answer my questions?


Орієнтовні запитання:

 When do you have breakfast?

 Where do you have dinner?

 What would you like to eat for breakfast?

 What is your favourite food?

 What is your favourite drink?

 Can you eat an ice-cream for dinner?

 Are you a sweet tooth?

 What do you enjoy eating? Etc.


  1. Розділити дієслова на 2 колонки (здорова і нездорова їжа)

Now I see you like different food, but not all of the products are healthy and unhealthy.


Boys and girls, tell your opinion and put your cards in a right place. For example, “vegetables”. I think, it is healthy. But I’m sure cola is junk.


I have the last card. This product is very delicious, it is very tasty. A lot of children and adults like to eat it very much. It’s sweet, cold. But it is unhealthy. Try to guess what it is. (Ice cream) (слайд 5)


  1. Try to guess what it is.

Розгадування загадок

  • It is a red round vegetable (tomato) (слайд 6)
  • Little children like to drink it (milk) (слайд 7)
  • It is a long yellow fruit. Monkeys and elephants like it (banana) (слайд 8)
  • It is a round fruit. It can be red or green or yellow (apple) (слайд 9)
  • It is a fruit and a colour. It is round (orange) (слайд 10)
  • English people like to eat it for breakfast (cereal) (слайд 11)


  1. Робота в парах (викреслити зайве слово і пояснити чому це слово зайве)  (слайд 12)

Carrot, lemon, onion, cabbage, potato.

Grapes, apple, pear, plum, nut.

Lemonade, tea, Cola, sugar, coffee.

Ice-cream, toast with jam, soup, cake, sweet.


  1. Аудіювання тексту

Alison is an English schoolgirl. She goes to school. English people always have breakfast in the morning. English breakfast is a very big meal – sausages, bacon, eggs,  tomatoes and mushrooms. But Alison never has breakfast in the morning. She sometimes eats chocolates, sweets after the second lesson . She always feels very tired and ill at the lesson.


  1. Перевірка розуміння змісту прослуханого (слайд 13)

- Alison is an  English schoolgirl.(T)

- She studies at the university (F)

- English people have a small breakfast ( F)

- English people never have breakfast at home (F)

- Alison always has breakfast (F)

- She eats much  sweets (T).


  1. Дати поради Елісон стосовно її харчування.

Give advices to Alison what should she do to be not very tired and ill.


  1. Виступ лікаря «Як бути здоровим»

But a diet-doctor can give us different advices how to be healthy

Listen to her

  • Milk products are very healthy food. They give us a lot of proteins and vitamins.
  • Eating chocolate, candy and sugar is not healthy. They harm our teeth.
  • Fruits and vegetables give us a lot of vitamins. We need eat them every day.
  • Drinking coffee in the morning makes us full of energy.
  • Eating fish is good for our brain because of protein.
  • Nuts is a very healthy food. We need it.


  1.  Дібрати українські еквіваленти прислів’їв (слайд 15)

The appetite comes with eating.
After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Don’t live to eat but eat to live.


ІІІ. Заключна частина


  1. Д/з вправа 8(а) с.66 (дати відповіді на запитання);
    скласти розповідь про свою улюблену страву*
  2. Підсумок уроку

What food we must eat to be healthy?



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7 квітня 2020
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