Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника для 5 класу за автором підручника О.Карпюк, К.Карпюк
Form: 5
Lesson : 1
Topic : Let’s have fun!
Objectives: to expand pupil’s vocabulary,to master speaking and reading skills,to broad pupil’s outlook, to develop critical thinking.
Outcomes: at the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about their hobbies, know and use new words.
Materials: book, presentation, laptop.
Good afternoon dear students! I’m glad to see you today.Let’s make our lesson productive! (слайд 1)
Warm up
What is friend for you? ( Як мовленнєва розминка створюємо разом з учнями хмаринку до слова “friend”. Переходимо за посиланням та надсилаємо посилання учням,вони додають своє слово. Як результат - хмаринка зі словами, пов’язаними з нашою темою. Хмаринка за посиланням- вже створена)
На другому слайді натиснути на слово “Friendship “і посилання відкриється.
https://answergarden.ch/3000785 (слайд 2)
Write down the mind map.
What do you like most? Pink or blue activities? Make your choice and find out are you physical or creative person. Put these activities into two groups I LIKE and I DON’T LIKE.(слайд 3, підручник с.90)
Main activity
And now we will check how good you have remember the words. Let’s do it with the help of my flashcards . ( слайд 5)
The next our task is to read the text and to think about these questions: (слайд 6, підручник с.91№3)
● Who is crazy about sports?
● Who doesn’t like PE?
● Who plays table tennis?
● Who collects something?
Let’s have a rest! Do you like to dance?(слайд 7)
After reading the children’s opinions , we can answer the questions. (слайд 8, підручник с.91 №4)
It’s time to have some fun! Do you like games? Let’s play!( слайд 9)
game#1 https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/282593/sports
game#2 https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/3114373/sports
game#3 https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/20296045/sports
Assessment and evaluation
Dear pupils, tell me please about 2 things you have discovered at this lesson, 2 things that you really liked and 1 thing you don’t like. (слайд 10)
Say goodbye
Thank you for your attention. I wish you to have a nice day. Good bye! (слайд 11)