Конспект уроку "Музика в нашому житті"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку на тему: Музика в нашому житті. Тип уроку - Активізація лексичного матеріалу.
Перегляд файлу

Підтема: Музика навколо нас.

Мета: Повторити і активізувати лексику теми.

           Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою та закріпити її в усному мовленні.

           Формувати навички усного мовлення по темі.

           Тренувати учнів в читанні і аудіюванні.

           Закріпити правила утворення підрядних речень часу та умови для позначення                           майбутньої дії.

           Розвивати творчі здібності учнів.            Виховувати естетичні смаки.

Обладнання: Підручник,проекти учнів картки для роботи в групах, картки для індивідуальної роботи, магнітофон, мультимедійна дошка, фото відомих  виконавців та музичних інструментів.

                                                 Хід уроку

1.     Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

                                  1.   Привітання.

        T: Good morning everyone. I'm glad to see you.

        Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you too.

        T: How are you getting on?

        Ps: We are very well, thank you!

        T: Say “Good morning” to our guests  and take your seats.

2.     а)Повідомлення теми  уроку.

       T: Before we start our lesson you will listen to your classmate Vicki . She'll read you a poem .

Listen and try to guess  what are we going to  speak  about at our today's lesson.

(звучить мелодія Л. Бетховен “К Элизе” учениця розповідає вірш “Get lost In The Music”)

Get Lost In The Music

Music is part of my everyday life, it's the one thing that makes me feel alive. No matter what it could be, all music influences me.

Music teaches me everything I do,

After hearing the words, you know it suits you. Without music I don't know what I would do, when I'm feeling bad it's the only place I can go to.

Music is my life, my desire,

As I listen, it builds me higher.

No matter what kind, rock, country, or rap, you can't convince me that any of it is crap.

Whatever you're feeling, whether its happy, sad or fear, just turn it up and listen to what you hear. To me music could never go wrong, I could listen to it all day long.

    T: So, what do you think the topic of the lesson will be?

    ( Ps give their ideas as for the topic of the lesson)

   T: Yes, you were right. It's hard to imagine our life without music.

        в) Повідомлення мети та завдань уроку.

T: So, we are speaking about the  music in our lives, about its importance  and different music styles.

      The plan of our work is:

1.      To revise and to learn the new vocabulary on the topic “Music”;

2.      To develop your reading skills;

3.      To improve your skills for speaking and listening;

4.      To practice clauses of time and condition in sentences describing future action;

5.      And to develop  our aesthetic tastes and love for music.

3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: Your home task  for today was to do some projects in three groups. ( учні презентують свої проекти  які вони виконували в групах) Group 1. Khmelnitskiy and music.

Group 2. Music and me. Group3. Music styles.

II. Основна частина уроку.

                  1.   а)Активізація лексичних одиниць .

T: Pupils, try to remember some music words. Look at the screen. There are some prompts  for you.

(на екрані лише перші літери слів, учні здогадуються і записують їх у зошит)


в) Робота в групах. Відпрацювання  лексики.

T: Pupils, you'll get a list of words  and you should sort them out into three columns:

Group 1. Musical instruments; Group 2. Types of music Group 3.  Other words.

Drums    classical   rap trumpet      blues          violin         reggae  Musician      cello flute    banjo       harp        rock'n'roll  bass guitar        singer record   track     country and western  Composer   choir    chamber      folk symphony        performer

Drumps Classical                                                  Misician

Trumpet Rap                                                          Composer

Violin                                            Blues Symphony

Bass guitar Reggae                                                    Choir

Cello Country and western                               Singer

Flute Chamber                                                   Performer

Bango Folk                                                          Record

Harp Rock'n'roll                                                Track

в) Гра “ What's this? Or Who's he/she?”   ( учні називають слова дивлячись на фото,  типи музики за звучанням).

г) Закріплення вживання лексичних одиниць (робота в парах).

T: You'll be given the cards. Complete the text with one of the following words .


Instruments      sound       kinds       music orchestras     drums     jazz      folk

There are many different  kinds  of _______   . In North America people listen to ______, rock, classical, ______ , country and many other _________ of music.  What we think of music depends on where we live. What Americans are used to listening to  can_____ strange to someone who belongs to another culture, and vice versa.  It might not even sound like music. In Indonesia, _______ play music on gongs, _______ , and xylophones. These aren't the _____  you'd find in a typical orchestra in North America.

                  2.   Подання тексту для читання.

а) Підготовка до читання. T: Answer my questions;

1.      Do you often hear music?

2.      Where do you hear music from?

3.      What music do you like to listen to?

4.      What concerts have you been to?

5.      What is your favourite music band? Singer?

           б) Етап читання  ( картки для самостійної роботи) .

           T: While reading the text do the following task: Circle the correct statement.

1.      a) We can hear music everywhere.

b)    We hear music from records and tapes only.

2.      a) Everyone who likes music is a good listener.

b)    Hearing  is not listening. It's not easy to be a good listener.

3.      a) People use music to express emotions and feelings.

b)    Music is used to express the language.

4.      a) People can make their own music.

b)    Only composers write music.

            в) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту .

1) Учні зачитують правильні, на їх думку твердження.

         T: Read the correct statements 2) Доповнення речень.

         T: Complete the sentences:

1.      We can hear music from …

2.      To be a good listener means...

3.      People may go to a concert ….

4.      Music helps to express ..

5.      Some music is … and another …

                  3.   Аудіювання.

а) Підготовка до аудіювання. Бесіда з учнями.

T: What famous musicians or singers do you know?

    Is it easy to become a good musician or singer?

    Do you  know some pupils who are good singers from our school?

T: Let's listen to a story of  Andranik  - a pupil of our school.  Listen what he says about himself and say: What role does music play in his life?

б) Аудіювання ( учні  прослуховують розповідь  з аудіозапису)

Hi! My name is Andranik . I'm fourteen and I study at school 12.

I know that you are speaking about music today, so I would like to tell you аbout the importance of music in my life.

 I started singing  at the age of four. My mother noticed that I liked to listen to music very much, and she decided to teach me  how to sing . I have  always tried to be  a good singer, I tried sing any melody I heard.

At the age of seven I began to take vocal lessons. My teacher told me that I was doing well, so, I started to sing at the concerts. I must say it's not easy to make a good performance. It;s not only singing but also your movements on the stage , your mime, the sounding of your voice  to the music and so on.

I'm still learning to sing, and I even tried to write the songs myself.  I also take the piano lessons. But I must say that I'm better at singing than in playing the piano.

 My life has changed a lot when I took part in a TV show. It was “ Dancing for you”  on the Ukrainian channel 1+1.Since than I took part in lots of castings, music contests and TV shows. Among them “ A minute of Glory”( in Russia), “Children's Eurovision” where I sang my own song “ Three Poplars” and took the fourth place and of course ,  a very famous international musical event “New Wave” 2011.I was so lucky to win the first place there. It was fantastic!

    Last summer I had a tour. I've been to many countries: Germany, France, England, Hungary, Austria . We had concerts in some cities, but also we had some time to go sightseeing and do the shopping.

  I always travel with my mother. She's the dearest person in my life. And she is also like my producer.

     I like to listen to different music styles ,but young people prefer modern music, and so do I. But it doesn't mean that I don't like classical music. I simply can't imagine a day of my life without listening to some hits or singing my favourite song.

в) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

T: Pupils read the statements and say if they are true or false.

1.                    Andranik started to play the piano at the age of 4.

2.                    He won the first place in the  “New wave”.

3.                    He wrote some songs himself

4.                    When he was seven he started to take vocal lessons.

5.                    He has  never traveled abroad.

6.                    Andranik  doesn't like classical music.

7.                    He is not as good at playing the piano as in  singing.

8.                    Andranik prefers modern music.

9.                    Music doesn't influence his life.

4.   Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу: правила утворень підрядних речень часу та умови для позначення майбутньої дії.

1. Робота в групах.

а) Учні по черзі виходять до вчителя    беруть картки що розкладені текстом донизу і доповнюють їх необхідною формою дієслова в дужках, отримуючи бали для команди ( 3 групи).

T: Put the words in brackets in the correct form, using the Present or the Future Simple.

1.    If it______ (to rain) hard, we ( not to go ) to the concert.

2.    I can't play the instrument until I _________( to attend) several lessons.

3.    If he (not; to show ) _____ any musical abilities, he (not; to play) ______ in our band.

4.    When you (to be) ______ at the next music lesson, Diana (to sing) ______ her new song.

5.    They (to buy) _______ a new music centre  as soon as they ( to have ) _____ enough money.

6.    If you ( not to want)_____ to go to the concert, I (to give )_____ the tickets to my cousin.

7.    He ( to win) _____ the prize after he (to take) _____ part in a music festival.

8.    When  Ann (to come ) ____ home, she(to put on) ____ her favourite CD .

9.    Before I (to choose ) _____ a CD player I want to buy, the shop (to close)____ .  

б) Гра “ Make up a story” ( робота в парах).

T: Make up a story.

                      Variant 1. If James...


1) work a lot – save some money

2) buy an excellent guitar

3) take music lessons

4) join  a musical band

5) become a famous guitarist

6) earn  a lot of money

                        Variant 2. If Monica...

1) save some money -  take vocal lessons

 2) learn to sing well

 3) join a jazz group

 4) become a good singer

 5) take part in a music festival

 6) win the price

III   Заключна частина уроку.

1.  Домашнє завдання.

T: Your homework for the next lesson will be Exercise 5 on page 68. You should write a paragraph about the importance of music in your life using a plan.

2.  Підведення підсумків уроку. T: Did you like the lesson?

    What was  the topic of our lesson?

    Is music important for everyone ?

    What is music for you?

T: I enjoyed tour work at the lesson today, I liked the projects you’ve done, you were active and it seems  that you really  like music and it's a part of your everyday life. To finish our lesson in a positive note, let's sing a song of a Swedish group “Abba”  - “ I Believe in Angels”.

 Abba — I believe in Angels

    I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

You can take the future even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality

And my destination makes it worth the while

Pushing through the darkness still another mile

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

You can take the future even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

26 вересня 2019
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