Контрольна робота по темі "My friends and me", 8 клас

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Перша тематична контрольна з використанням матеріалу, поданого в підручнику для поглибленого вивчення іноземної мови Л.В.Калініної та І.В. Самойлюкевич "Англійська мова. 8 клас".
Перегляд файлу

Test 1

Variant I

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Каскадери  - відважні люди.
  2. Моя кузина виграла конкурс талантів в минулому році.
  3. Я в захваті від перспективи навчатися в цьому університеті.
  4. Анна прийняла рішення написати листа другу по переписці з Польщі.
  5. Пітер має багато відданих друзів.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  1. My best friend calls me “a shoulder to cry on”.
  2. Sometimes we argue, but they never bully me.
  3. We love to hang out at the mall, walk around, look at the trendy clothes store and sometimes we go to the movies.
  4. When my elder sister learned about my problem she gave me a helping hand.
  5. Oksana is the best stand-up comedian in our school.
  6. To see life through someone’s eyes
  7. To feel safe and sound
  8. To take up a hobby


  1. Mark the tense used in the sentence.

She hadn’t woken up by six o’clock.

As soon as she noticed the wolf, she started running.

We have already lived in this hotel for three days.

Someone is waiting for you outside.

Present Simple

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Simple

Present Continuous


  1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
  1. Coffee is grown in Brazil.
  2. The electricity bill will be paid in three days.
  3. The children were scared by a big dog.
  1. Write your friend an email about your plans for this weekend.



                                     Test 1

 Variant II.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Каскадери виконують різні небезпечні трюки.
  2. Ми прийняли рішення переїхати в інше місто.
  3. Мій друг та я – однодумці.
  4. Я вірю, що життя позбавлене сенсу без друзів.
  5. Кажуть, що я дуже комунікабельний, тому що маю багато друзів.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  1. She always tells me secrets and I never turn a deaf ear to her.
  2. I think friends cannot betray you or make fun of you.
  3. Sometimes boys at school are making fun of me. It hurts my feelings but I have learned how to answer back.
  4. I appreciate my friend who is very supportive and helpful.
  5. Stuntmen are the most courageous people I know.
  6. To participate in singing karaoke
  7. To be a shoulder to cry on
  8. To bully somebody


  1.      Mark the tense used in the sentence.

Mary had given me a warm blanket before I went to bed.

It was the most terrible rest in my life!

She says she is going to celebrate it in her country house.

This scarf will keep you warm in winter.

Future Simple

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Simple

Present Continuous

  1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
  1. Snails are eaten in France.
  2. The carpets were vacuumed yesterday.
  3. This picture will be sold by auction next Tuesday.
  1. Write your friend an email about your plans for this weekend.
5 жовтня 2019
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