Конспект уроку на тему "Family values"

Про матеріал

Урок має нетрадиційну форму-підготовку макету грудневого номеру журналу про сім'ю. Заняття включає усні та письмові вправи, а також усі види мовленнєвої діяльності(аудіювання, говоріння, читання і письмо)

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Family values

Мета: розширити лексичний мінімум з теми, познайомитися із  поняттям сімейних цінностей у Великій Британії, розвивати навички читання і усного та писемного висловлювати, виховувати повагу до сім’ї як соціального інституту.

Обладнання і матеріали: презентація, об’яви на дошці.

Тип уроку:  засвоєння нових знань

Хід уроку:

-Good morning students! I`m happy to see all of you.  Are you ready for the lesson? So we can start it. Let`s remember some colours.

D:\Teacher\2018-2019\відкритий урок 11 клас\vOB7terrQoY.jpg

Today we`ll make a project of  magazine  “My happy family” for December. All of you will be in creative group. Now you must choose the colour of title page. Write please your colour.

And here are some meanings for you.

Актуалізація почуттєвого досвіду й опорних знань учнів.

I propose you to remember some definition from Cambridge dictionary before we start working about magazine project. What do you think this definition will be about? (answers) Ok.  But this sentence will not be correct. You have to change it to correct form. Shall we start?

Family is such as a mother, a father, and their children, who are related to each other, a group of people.

Family is a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children

Ok. Well done.

Мотивація навчальної діяльності школярів.

I have some video for you. Do your parents speak English? (student`s answers)

Watching video.

Your mums and dads  understand English lessons are a little difficult for you and they want you do your best!

Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку.

This lesson we continue to speak about our unit “Family relationships”

And today our topic will be “Family values”. So, write down  please  the day and the date. And our tasks for now is to remind characteristics for happy and unhappy  families, also we`ll find out different values and family values by Steven Stonsy, read a short report by Emma Barlow about 25 modern British family values.

Сприйняття й первинне усвідомлення учнями нового матеріалу

Our reader wrote a letter to our magazine with such line.

“Every happy family resembles one another, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”

 Do you remember, who is the author of this sentence?  Yes, it`s Leo Tolstoy

Maybe, also you remember a fiction? “Anna Karenina”

Do you remember about what this drama? Answers

For you I have characteristics for a strong  happy  and also unhappy  family, but some of them are not on their places. So your task is to check this table before publishing.

Strong  happy family

Unhappy  family


respect to each other

desire to be stand together




is always kind to each other

support each other






Always does things together

Help each other



Talk together about problems


Make sacrifices for each other

Enjoy being together

Protect each other from difficulties






 Lets have a look  for a correct form.

Strong  happy family

Unhappy  family

                    -respect to each other

-desire to be stand together

-always does things together

-is always kind to each other

-support each other

-love  -security -tenderness

-help each other

-honesty  -tolerance


-talk together about problems

-make sacrifices for each other

-enjoy being together

-protect each other from difficulties













Can we publish it? (students answers)

What is your favourite characteristics for a happy family. What is the most important for you?

Good result. We can continue our lesson.

There are a lot of values nowdays. Some of them are very important for everyone and some are less. Here are some photos from our readers and you have guess what type of values they symbolize.






Can we use these photos in our December magazine?

So, about family values we are going to speak.  Math newspaper  gave us some tasks . Do you want a little Math in our magazine?  Steven Stosny has the idea of international family values. Let`s find the sum.

1)Mother + father= value of parenting

2)bride+groom=value of marriage

3)doctor+medicine=value of health

4)every holiday+every dinner=value of traditions

5)school+university=value of education

6) the best feeling+heart=power love value

Please, introduce your family values using the beginning of the sentence:

My Family has values of…

You can use the most important  family values by Steven Stonsy or you can say another family values you have at home.

Осмислення об'єктивних зв'язків і відносин у досліджуваному матеріалі й розкриття внутрішньої сутності досліджуваних явищ

I have some word file for you. Let us read them, repeat and translate.

Recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ вторинна переробка

Equal /ˈiːkwəl/  рівний, однаковий

Distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən/ розподіл

Remote  control  /rɪˈməʊt  kənˈtrəʊl/   пульт дистанційного управління

Firm [fɜːm] міцний

Emma Barlow, british journalist, studied family values in the UK. She asked more than 2000 families. Lets have a look at results in her article.

25 modern British family values

1. Having good table manners - 76% 

2. Being honest and truthful - 73% 

3. Respecting your elders - 69% 

4. Not talking with your mouth full - 66% 

5. Standing up for those you love - 64% 

6. Remembering your Ps and Qs - 59% 

7. Washing your hands before dinner - 58% 

8. Everyone helping with family chores - 58% 

9. The importance of recycling - 53% 

10. Regular quality time with all the family - 49% 

11. The importance of healthy eating - 48% 

12. No iPads or iPhones at the dinner table - 46% 

13. Respecting other religions and cultures - 44% 

14. Being a team player - 43% 

15. Always eating Sunday lunch together - 43% 

16. Always looking someone in the eye when meeting them - 40% 

17. Thank you emails for Birthdays and Christmases - 38% 

18. Children should ask to leave the table - 36% 

19. Equal childcare from both parents - 36% 

20. Equal distribution of chores between both parents - 31% 

21. No fighting over the remote control - 29% 

22. Having a firm handshake - 26% 

23. Not snooping on someone else's Facebook account - 25% 

24. Keeping in touch with relatives via FaceTime - 17% 

25. Open phone policies for partners and parents - 15%

What values are similar to Ukrainian families?

What values are not modern for nowadays in your opinion?

One day you`ll be a bride or a groom and I am sure you`ll be  the happiest couple ever, so tell all of us about family values in your future family.  Be ready for the interview about your future family. Write-down a short report

As for my future family the most important value will be… 

Also I can not forget about other positions like…… because they make any family strong.

In my opinion mothers and fathers must show their children the values of…

I think my future family will be very happy, because the values of …..will help us.

I am sure values of……….. will show real respect and love in my future family.

Узагальнення й систематизація знань.

Advertisement page. Many our readers like it most of all. There are some numbers at the blackboard. Our aim is to make the board clean.  Each paper  has the advertisement with looking for someone. You must choose one piece and read the ad loudly for the class. And some pupil can take it and do the request. Are you ready?

1-Wanted! We are looking for person, who can say the definition of the word “family”

2-Wanted! We are waiting for a pupil who can speak about characteristics for strong family

3-Wanted! We want to find a speaker who can speak about characteristics for unhappy family

4-Wanted! We want to listen to a schoolchild who can tell about human values.

5- Wanted! We want to hear a boy or a girl who can name international family values.

6-Wanted! We want someone who can share the ideas about 25 modern British family values
Підведення підсумків уроку.

Last one is editor`s page. We have all project of  our magazine. Our lesson was very fruitful and interesting for me. And  I want to hear your abbreviation about your feelings, emotions and results. I have some  example or you can make your own abbreviation.

VIL-very interesting lesson

VBL - very boring lesson

VUI - very useful information

UI - useless information

ILTL - I like this lesson

IDTL - I dislike this lesson

IWtKM - I want to know more

IUANK - I`ll use all new knowledge

AIWNfm - All information was new for me

Some marks for today. Look in your notebook, there is the colour you have chosen, red- teacher gives you a mark,  blue-pupil next to you,  green – you, yellow- your choice.

Повідомлення домашнього завдання.







До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 листопада 2018
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