Конспект уроку на тему: "Гроші та оплата"

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Матеріал для використання на уроках англійської мови під час вивчення теми "Money and payment" за підручником НМТ Solutions.
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Тема розділу програми: ЖИТТЯ СУСПІЛЬСТВА


Тема уроку: Гроші та платежі


Мета уроку:



  • розширити знання лексики з даної теми;
  • навчити учнів логічно висловлюватись відповідно до поставленого ситуативного завдання;
  • удосконалити вміння працювати у парах.


  • розвивати навички говоріння та аудіювання;

 -    розвивати вміння використовувати набуті професійні знання на


 -    розвивати увагу, пам’ять, логічне мислення та вміння спілкуватися;


  • виховувати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
  • виховувати правильне ставлення до грошей.


Тип уроку: урок формування вмінь і навичок


Методи уроку: проблемно-пошуковий, ситуативний, метод рольової гри та мозкового штурму.


Матеріально-технічне забезпечення: комп’ютер, мультимедійний  проектор.


Дидактичні матеріали: НМК  «Solutions»: Intermediate, 2nd edition,   дидактичні картки, аудіозаписи.


Епіграф: «Money isn’t everything but everything needs money»



1. НМК  «Solutions»: Intermediate, 2nd edition.

2. Joan and Liz Soars. Headway. Student’s Book. Pre-intermediate.-Oxford University Press. – 2001.

3. www.britishcouncil.org

4. www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com











The Topic of the lesson: MONEY AND PAYMENT

The Objective of the lesson:

  • to broaden pupils’ knowledge on the topic;
  • to improve listening and speaking skills through various creative activities;
  • to teach pupils to work in pairs;
  • to teach them to careful with money
  • to motivate them in expressing their own opinions and views on the topic.


Teaching aids and materials: handouts, cards, computer, multimedia screen.

The Type of the lesson: The lesson of formation skills and abilities

The Motto of the lesson: Money isn’t everything but everything needs money.



The Procedure of the lesson / Хід уроку

І.  INTRODUCTION/ Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

     1. Greeting.

T.: Good morning, everybody! I am glad to see you at our lesson today. Take your places and get ready for the lesson. I think you are well. Tell me, please, who is absent today? OK, let’s start our lesson.


  1. Checking on homework /Перевірка домашнього завдання/.

T.: As I remember, your home task was to make up your own sentences with new lexical units. I suppose you’ve done this task. Have you?


(Pupils are reading their sentences)


  1. Announcement the aim and theme of the lesson. 

/Повідомлення теми та  мети уроку/.

 T.: The topic of our lesson today is “Money and payment”. The aims of the lesson are to enlarge vocabulary on our today’s topic, to practise listening and improve speaking skills. Also you’ll work in pairs. By the end of the lesson you’ll know a lot of about money, e-money and payment. The motto of the lesson is “Money isn’t everything but everything needs money”.

Now let’s begin our lesson. Write down today’s date, theme and motto into your copy-books.


  1. Warming up/Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу/.

T.:  To revise the lexical material we shall make up a simple brainstorm round the word MONEY. You have 1 minute to think of as many verbs as you can which collocate with money.

 Look at the board.










T.: So, are you ready? Please, complete the word-map.

Answers: borrow, change, donate, earn, give away, inherit, invest, lend, lose, make, pay, save, spend, waste, win.

T.: I think some verbs may be unfamiliar. Please, explain the meaning of these verbs.

Answers: donate, inherit.

    II. MART PART/Основна частина уроку

    1. Oral  practice.

T.: Now have a look at the photo. Say me what can you see? What is happening?

- It is a sale.

T.: Have you ever bought anything in a sale? Did you have such experience?


 Answer: We have bought a brand bag/ blouse/ mobile phone in a sale.


2. Listening / Aудіювання.

 Pre-listening activity  

T.: Now we are going to practise lexical unites guessing meanings from context. Please, take handout with some signs – Ex.1.  During three minutes read these signs and try to complete it first and then listen to the recording to check your answers.

(Pupils are reading the correct nouns)


While-listening activity

T.: Now listen carefully the recording and check your answers.

Transcript 3.11 /аудіоматеріал


After-listening activity

T.: How do you think what is the purpose of the signs? Please, identify 

A) three that are advertising things

B) two that are requests to customers

C) four that are giving general information


3. Vocabulary practice.

a) T.: Now we continue vocabulary practice. Your task is to match a word in Box A with a word in Box B to complete the definitions (1-6) – Ex.2.


b) T.: You have known lots about money and payment. But nowadays some people think that modern life is not possible without e-currency. I want to show you interesting video “What is e-currency?”.


Pupils are watching video


T.: Say me please:

- What is Bitcoin?

- How it works?

- What are the benefits of e-currency?


4. Speaking Practice.

a) T.: Now I want to propose you listen to the conversation between two friends about shopping. Before your listening, read the sentences carefully and then decide whether the sentences are true or false.

Pupils are listening the conversation

T.: Please check answers in pairs, correcting the sentences which are false.


b) T.: Your task is well-done. In your professional practice you will meet some English-speaking clients. So, now we will have Role-play and try to make up the dialogue. You have some minutes to do it.


Work in pairs. Acting out/ Робота в парах. Інсценізація діалогів


  • Who is buyer/ assistant?

Pupils present their dialogues


5.Grammar Practice.

T.: You know that in English there are many collocations and phrasal verbs.  Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.


Pupils are doing the task


6. Generalization. Reflection /Узагальнення та рефлексія/.

T.: Summarising up everything you’ve seen and done today, please, try to explain the meaning of these quotations. Do you agree with them?


(Pupils are presenting their ideas)


T.: Thank you. I agree with you that money isn’t everything for us. But money is part of our life and part of your trade. I hope you will be smart with your money. I wish you get top gob in the future and earn enough money for living.


  1. FINAL PART/ Заключна частина уроку


1. Homework/Домашнє завдання

T.: T.: So, your home task is

- to write an essay about money

“Have you ever had a bad experience with money? What happened”

2.  Summarising/Підведення підсумків уроку.

 T.: We come to conclusions. Did you like today’s lesson?

Thank you very much for being here, that was a great pleasure to work with you.

See you next lesson. Good bye!


















Alice Hey, Bella. Do you want to come shopping with me tomorrow?

Bella I don’t think I can, Alice. I can’t afford it. I’ve spent too much money on music and clothes lately. And my mum would be cross. She thinks I waste my pocket money on things I don’t really need.

Alice But it’s sale time. We can shop around for fantastic bargains. I’ve been saving up for some boots and they’re on special offer now.

Bella Oh, I don’t know.

Alice Come on. I’ll lend you some money if you like.

Bella That’s probably not a good idea. I don’t like being in debt.

Alice Don’t silly. I’m your friend .You can pay me back whenever. Remember that blue dress that you liked? Well, there are huge reductions in that shop. I’m sure that dress has seventy percent off now.

Bella Really? That is bargain. I don’t know when I can pay you back, though.

Alice Didn’t you say that your aunt wanted to buy you a late birthday present? Can’t you ask her for some money? Or she could pay for the dress?

Bella That’s not a bad idea. I’d forgotten about that.

Alice So that’s decided? Shall we go tomorrow?

Bella Ok, then I could always just try it on, couldn’t I?



Alice See? That dress looks great on you! I told you.

Bella I love it. And what a bargain! Can I borrow the money, then?

Alice Of course. Here you are.

Bella I hope my mum won’t be cross, If she is. I can always take it back and get a refund.

Alice I’m sure you can If you keep your receipt. Come on. Let’s pay at that till over there.



Bella I’d like to buy  this dress, please.

Assistant Certainly. Are you paying in cash or by credit card?

Bella Cash, please. Can I bring it back if I change my mind?

Assistant I’m sorry. There are no refunds or exchanges on sale goods. We’ve nearly sold out of that dress and we aren’t going to get any more stock in.

Bella Oh dear. I’ll take it, anyway.

Assistant Ok. And here’s your change.

Bella Thank you. Oh, well. I just hope Mum isn’t cross with me.





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