Розробка уроку "Halloween"

Про матеріал
Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween
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Конспект уроку англійської мови







Lesson :


Topic : Halloween.


Objectives: to expand  pupil's vocabulary,to master speaking and reading skills,to broad pupil’s outlook, to develop critical thinking.


Outcomes: at the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about the  holiday and its origin and traditions,learn new words and expressions.


Materials: book, presentation, laptop.





Good afternoon dear students! I’m glad to see you today.Let’s make our lesson productive!


Warm up


Our topic is “Halloween”.

What do you know about it?What symbols of this holiday do you know?

(слайд 1)


Main activity


What is Halloween? Let’s watch the video and check your answers.(слайд 2)



On October 31st Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the world. The word "Halloween" comes from All Hallows' Eve and means "hallowed evening”.(слайд 3)



People believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits. What are some Halloween traditions we keep nowdays?(слайд 4)




Jack O Lantern.A light made from a hollow pumpkin with holes cut into the sides like the eyes and mouth of a person's face.In the past people lit a fire inside to scare away bad spirits..(слайд 5)



Dressing up.The main reason of dressing up was confusing ghosts and spirirts.to avoid being recognized by ghosts people wore scary masks when they left their homes after dark.(слайд 6)



There are examples of how you can dress up on Halloween. (слайд 7)



Spooky Stories.Halloween is the best time when we add a little extra creepiness. One popular way to get in the spooky spirit is to tell scary stories about ghosts, monsters and creepy creatures.(слайд 8)



Here is a scary story for you. Let’s watch the video.


(слайд 9)



Trick or treat.Children dressed in costumes go from house to house in their neighborhood asking for a treat (sweets, chocolate, candy) . If the treat is not given the children may perform a trick on the owner of the house.(слайд 10)


Haunted house.Visiting a haunted house is very common Halloween tradition. Special Houses are decorated and actors will perform to give you an extra scary experience.(слайд 11)


Apple bobbing.This is a fun traditional Halloween game. Apples are put in a big bowl with water. The players must take an apple out without using their hands..(слайд 12)






How good do you remember all about Halloween?

https://learningapps.org/29876079 (слайд 13)





Watch the video and do the questionnaire.

https://learningapps.org/29874762 (слайд 14-15)




Let’s have fun!








(слайд 16)



Assessment and evaluation




Dear pupils, tell me please about 2 things you have discovered at this lesson, 2 things that you really liked and 1 thing you don’t like. (слайд 17)


Say goodbye


Thank you for your attention. Happy Halloween!!!(слайд 17)







Зміст слайдів
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Номер слайду 17

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