Метою уроку є активізувати навички усного мовлення з тем “Опис зовнішності”, “Я і моя сім'я”, “Обов'язки членів родини”, “Їжа” шляхом застосування інтерактивних технологій на уроці, тренувати учнів вживати Past Perfect Tense , модальні дієслова should, should not.
Тема уроку: Family Ties.
Підтема: Суперсім'я – мама,тато, я.
Тип уроку: закріплення знань
Мета: 1. Aктивізувати навички усного мовлення з тем “Опис зовнішності”, “Я і моя
сім'я”, “Обов'язки членів родини”, “Їжа” шляхом застосування інтерактивних
технологій на уроці;
-тренувати учнів вживати Past Perfect Tense , модальні дієслова should, should not .
2. Підвищити мотивацію учнів до вивчення англійської мови шляхом створення
ситуації успіху та особистого досягнення учня на уроці, а також комунікативно-
направлених завдань
3. Розвивати навики аудіювання, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення з теми;
-розвивати навички співробітництва та колективної творчості через роботу учнів у парах та групах;
- розвивати критичне мислення учнів, вчити їх висловлювати свою позицію та
ставлення до запропонованих тем ;
4. Прищеплювати учням любов до своєї родини, вчити дітей поважати та
шанувати батьків, надавати їм посильну допомогу по господарству, спонукати
дітей проводити вільний час у колі сім'ї;
Обладнання уроку: підручник та зошит
презентації учнів, диск з записом музики.
Хід уроку
I. 1.Оргмомент. Привітання з класом. Створення позитивної мотивації, визначення теми
Презентація T.:
Nice to see you, my dear students! You are so good-looking today! Your eyes are shining. And it’s high time to start our lesson. Look at the blackboard and guess what we are going to talk about today. Here you can see a crossword puzzle. If you guess all the words correctly you will be able to name the topic of our lesson
1.He is the father of your father.(grand- father)
2.She is the sister of your father.(aunt)
3.She is the mother of your sister.(mother)
4.She is the daughter of your mother.(sister)
5,He is the brother of your mother …
That’s it. family is the topic of our lesson today. What other subtopics about family do you know?
4.Free Time activities
2. We’ll speak about family, relation in it and responsibilities of parents and children. We’ll remember the vocabulary on the topic and we’ll have some grammar practice in the Present and Past Tenses.
I know that all pupils are very inquisitive. They want to know everything about teachers and their families. Do you want to know about my family? ( pupils ask questions)
(my family tree) .
II 1. Робота в групах по аргументуванню проблеми "Багатодітна сім'я: за і
проти". Інтерактивний метод “Займи свою позицію”.
T: Now, close your eyes and imagine the family you would like to have in future (лунає класична музика 1-2 хв.). Who has seen himself in a large family? All of you will take your seats here (табличка FOR). And now raise your hands all those who likes having a small family. You will give your arguments against large family and those seats are yours (табличка AGAINST). Use phrases I agree, I disagree, I think, In my opinion (табличка
на дошці).
For |
Against |
Everyone helps each other. Elder children look after younger ones.
family does everything together.
united and friendly.
Dear Maria,
___I’m twelve and I live in San Diego with my family.
___My sister’s name is Jenny. She is very nice: tall and slim, with long brown hair and green eyes. Jenny is nineteen and she studies medicine at the university. I think she is very clever. I have a younger brother, too. His name is Eddy and he is only four. Eddy is short and fat, he has got curly hair and green eyes. He is very active and noisy. Mum often asks me to play with him while she does some work. My Mum’s name is Anna. She has got curly brown hair and she is very kind and friendly. She is a lawyer. My father, Sam, is a doctor. He is very intelligent and hardworking.
___Please, write soon and tell me about your family.
Love, Julia.
Find the adjectives , underlined them and write the opposites. Read this text with opposites.
T: By the way, have you ever thought of you as future mums and dads? Just fancy you’ll do that now. Girls will represent us a super mum and tell about her appearance and household duties. Boys will do the same task, but they will produce the image of super dad .Please, use the word-combinations from the box.
Slide .
Supermum Superdad
doesn’t spoil them
4. Активізація навиків монологічного мовлення з теми “Моя мама/ мій тато”.
T: Well, You’ve got the idea. Children, who can prove that you’ve got a super mum or dad? Who can prove that?
P1: I’d like to tell you about my mum. Her name is Svitlana. She is 34. She’s got two nice children – my sister and
Our mum is not tall. Her hair is long. She has got beautiful grey eyes.
She has got rosy thin lips. My mum’s smile is charming.
My dear mum likes reading a lot, but she’s got no time for her hobby. She also cooks tasty
My mum is very calm, loving and good-looking. She tells that we are the best children in the world.
We think she is the best mother in the world.
P2: I’ve got a super dad. His name is Yuri. He is 35. I think my father is a good-looking man. He’s tall and strong.
. His eyes are brown. He His nose is straight and small.
. My dad loves his family very much.
He works hard to earn money, but he always has time to help mum with the housework.
He often goes shopping and fixes thins in the house. At weekends daddy organizes picnics for the family.
5. Now, let’s watch a short play and decide if this family is a unit or not.
Mother: Oh, at last I am at home. Is anybody in?
Son: Yes, I am at home.
Mother: Dear sonny, help me to carry my shopping bags into the kitchen. Let’s cook a meal together.
Son: Oh, no. There is a film on TV now. I want to see it very much.
Mother: Where is my husband? Darling, are you at home?
Husband: Yes, I am.
Mother: Then you will help me in the kitchen.
Husband: Oh, no. I want to read an interesting book.
Mother: So, I shall do everything myself again.
I think a family is a unit when all members are friendly/respect one another/ spend much time together/ help each other. Split into 2 groups and decide what we should do for the family to be a unit and what we should not do.
-help each other -be lazy
-support each other -be rude
-respect each other… - argue…
6. Розвиток монологічного мовлення з теми у грі “Снігова баба”.
T: My dear students, are there super children in the world? Are you super children? Can you
prove that you are not lazy, but hardworking? Let’s tell about helping your parents playing a
“Snowman” game. Start with When I get home…
Slide When I get home I take the dog for a walk
tidy up my room
water the plants
sweep the floor in the kitchen
feed our pet
do the rooms with the vacuum-cleaner
wash up after meals
make sandwiches for the dinner
go shopping
7. Хвилина розваг.
Виконання пісні This is the way з дієсловами до теми “Обов'язки членів
родини”. Гра-пантоміма.
T: No, no, no, I don’t believe you do all the things to help your parents. There’s only one way
to check if you tell the truth. Show us what you can do with the things on the table
while singing the song This is the way (На стільці або невеликому столику та біля нього
знаходяться тарілка, миска, ложка, ніж, ганчірка, віник, банан, картоплина, помідор,
шматок сиру, лимон і т.д.) .
This is the way I wash the dishes
sweep the floor
mix the salad
clean the mirror
skin banana
chop tomato
peel potato
slice lemons
Наприклад: This is the way I sweep the floor
I sweep the floor, I sweep the floor
This is the way I sweep the floor
Every day in the morning.
(Учні беруть будь-який з предметів на вибір, співають куплет, імітуючи свої дії)
8. Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу: Past Perfect Tense.
T: That's just what I was looking for. You’ve proved that you are super children. Now, open your work-books .Let’s remember when we use the Past Perfect Tense.
(is used for a past action which happened before another past action or before a stated past time.
-For ex. She had already left when I got home. She had arrived by 8 o’clock)
Open your books on p.58.ex.2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Tense.
1)We came too late to the shop. The shop-keeper(to close, already)______the shop.
2) Jack wanted to introduce his sister cousin to me, but it wasn’t necessary. I (to meet, already)______her before.
3)I didn’t go to the museum with my friends yesterday. I (to be, already)____there with my parents before.
4)He was very tired when he got to the top of the mountain. He(to walk, already)_____a long distance.
5)My mum was angry, when I saw her. She (to talk, already)______ with my teacher.
9. Презентація проектів з теми “Приготування їжі”.
Slide T: I have noticed you can cook without mother’s help. Now, let’s sit in comfort and
watch a TV programme “Eat at home” with your classmates Ann . She agreed to
share the secrets of making a salad Fresh autumn…
This is my kitchen. My granny is usually busy at work. I often help her to cook meals. I can make the fruit salad.
slide To make it I take some apples, grapes and banana.
7. The salad is ready. It is very delicious.
10. Активізація вживання лексики з теми “Відпочинок і дозвілля”.
T: Now, I see that you work hard to help your parents. Have you got time for the rest? What
can you do in your free time? I think you like travelling. Let’s listen to the dialogue and fill in the words.
11. Розвиток монологічного мовлення з теми “ Улюблені заняття родини”.
T: You’ve proved me that you live in super families and now I’m eager to know about
popular hobbies in your families.
My mum is fond of … My father is interested in… I like ….. My sister’s/ brother’s hobby is .. We really like… She can’t stand…. He hates… |
athletics, basketball, fishing, football, reading books, chess, computer games, gardening, cycling, dancing, fashion, watching films, gymnastics, jogging, music, photography, rollerblading, swimming, collecting toys (stamps, coins, postcards), handicraft, knitting, embroidering, baking cakes, visiting museums and galleries, shopping |
a) Перевірка домашнього завдання.
T: Do you discuss your hobbies with your parents or your parents’ free time activities
with your friends? Of course, you often do that.
Now, it’s high time to listen to your dialogues concerning your family preferences.
D.: Yes, I am. I love it.
S.: Who’s your favorite player?
S.: Really, He isn’t bad.
D.: So, who do you like then?
S.: -------------- and ----------. They are brilliant players.
D.: Yes, I like them too. And I love ------------.
S. : ------------? I can’t stand him! He’s awful.
M.: I like listening to -------- music.
D.: -------- music? Really? I think, it’s terrible.
M.: What do you like then?
D.: I like ------- music, but my friend Lisa hates it.
M.: Who’s your favorite singer?
D.: -------- She’s great.
M.: Yes, she’s OK. But I prefer music of Chaikovskiy.
N.: He’s fond of ----------. He plays the guitar.
T.: Can I see his pictures?
N.: Yes, look through this album. My dad took these photos at the seaside.
T.: Wow. They are great!
N.: And what’s your father’s hobby?
T.: He likes --------------- very much.
N.: What is his favorite one?
N.: Really? I hate military games. They are awful.
T.: Tastes differ.
13. Pозгадування сканворда: Знаходження на швидкість слів з теми “Відпочинок і дозвілля”.
T: Who is fond of searching words in crosswords? You are welcome to the whiteboard. So, find and circle the following words: ice-skating, chess, athletics, cycling,
dancing, rollerblading, computer games, films, gymnastics, jogging
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* Синіми літерами позначені ті слова, які мали знайти учні за 30 – 40 секунд
14. Підведення підсумків уроку. Виставлення оцінок.
T: My dear students, I thank you for your fruitful work at the lesson. And I’m sure you’ve Slide got the main idea of our lesson, which says that in super family everyone
loves, understands and helps each other.
15. Домашнє завдання: WB p.30 ex.2 L.13 Write a letter introducing your family to a pen-friend. You can use the letter ex.1 p.25 as the example.