Конспект уроку по темі: "Здоровий спосіб життя"

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Конспект уроку по темі: "Здоровий спосіб життя" у 7 класі за підручником А.М.Несвіт.
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Тема: Здоровий спосіб життя.

Мета: навчати учнів відстоювати власну думку щодо здорового

             способу  життя;

             удосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, письма;

             заохочувати учнів до роботи над собою, виробляти правильне

             бачення здорового способу життя;

             розвивати мислення, увагу, пам’ять;

             виховувати критичне ставлення до негативних явищ щодо

             здорового  способу життя.

Обладнання: наочний матеріал по темі, прислів’я про здоров’я.

                                                     ХІД УРОКУ

І.Організація учнів до уроку.

    Good morning; children. I am glad to see you. How are you today?

II.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

III. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

   1.  Game "Assosiations".

  Write down your associations with the words “Health” and “ Illness”. You have 2 min.       ( Учні пишуть свої асоціації ).Now the time is over. Read and explain your associations.

IV. Опрацювання нового матеріалу.

1. Подання тексту для читання,впр.2(с.66).

   1) Етап підготовки до читання.

   а) Робота з ЛО.

   Read and pronounce correctly.

   High temperature, dirt, germs, breathe, painful, germs, dentist, fresh air, stay healthy.

   б) Бесіда: - What must you do to stay healthy?

   2) Етап читання.

   3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.


     Read and choose the correct items to complete the sentences.

1. When we are ill we sometimes have a high.......

       a) germs        b) temperature          c) dirt

2.Very often the cause of illness is .......

 a) pain           b) dirt                       c) headache

3.We must.....our teeth twice a day.

      a) wash         b) sweep                  c) clean

4.We m ust.....keep our home clean.

      a) always       b) sometimes           c) never

V. Розвиток умінь усного мовлення.

  1)What would or wouldn't you recommend your friend to do?

1. You ________plan your daily routine carefully.

2. You ________do your morning exercise every day.

3. You _________have a good. diet and eat enough vegetables and fruit.

4. You ________eat much sugar, salt, fat.

5. You ________wear gloves when you write, but you _________ wash your hands before you eat.

6. You _________ wash the raw vegetables and fruit you are going to eat to protect yourself from germs.

7. You_____________ watch TV more than one hour and a half a day.

8. You __________go to the policlinics regularly but not too often.

9. You __________be rude to people .

10. You ____________take care of your health by yourself.

2) What should you do to be healthy?

1)If you want to be healthy you must eat healthy food which contains hydrocarbonates, fats, minerals. They are in meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, oil, nuts, bread, sugar, cereals.

2)Don’t overeat – it’s very bad for your health. Don’t eat hot meals, don’t eat very quickly and don’t speak while eating.

3)You must also eat a lot of vitamins A,B,C.

4)Sport helps people to keep fit, healthy and strong.

5)When you laugh, you breath better, your blood better circulates and your brains gets more oxygen.

6)10 min of laughing helps to forget about all pains for 2 hours.

3) Task “ Do you know English proverbs well? “ Match and write down the parts of the proverbs about health.

1.Health is better                                      a) than sorry

2.An apple a day                                       b) in a healthy body

3.A happy heart                                        c) than wealth

4.A healthy mind                                      d) keeps the doctor away                                          

5. Early to bed, early to rise                      e) is a good medicine

6. Better to be safe                                     f) makes a man healthy, wealthy                

                                                                       and wise

VI) Розвиток вмінь та навичок діалогічного мовлення.

   Рeople still fall ill in any season of the year. What do you usually do if you fall ill? Yes, you go to the doctor. What does the doctor do? He prescribes you some medicine. And now you’ll have the next task.  

Рольова гра “ At the doctor “. Role-play.

  • Good morning!
  • Good morning! What can I do for you?
  •  I’ve got a terrible headache.
  •  How long have you had it?
  • For about two hours.
  • Try this medicine and visit me in three days.
  • Thank you, doctor.

VII. Домашнє завдання.

  Write down the rules of  healthy lifestyle.

VIII. Підведення підсумків уроку.

    Answer the questions. If you agree – clap your hands, disagree – stamp your feet. Ready?

- Does tea with honey and lemon help you when you are ill?

- Should we do our morning exercises?

- Should we take our umbrella when the weather is rainy?

-Should we clean teeth every morning?

-Should we eat fast food?

-Should we go in for sport?
















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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
26 листопада 2019
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