Конспект уроку "Подорож до Лондона"

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Конспект уроку присвячений вивченню теми "Лондон" повторенню лексичних одиниць та розширенню знань про відомі місця столиці Великобританії.
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Тема. Подорож до Лондона


  • Повторити лексичні одиниці з теми та активізувати;
  • Розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію в аудіюванні, читанні, письмі та говорінні;
  • Поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця столиці Великобританії;
  • Виховувати інтерес до пізнання країни, мова якої вивчається.


Засоби: презентація, роздатковий матеріал, уривок відео «Window on Britain».


  1. Greeting

T: Good morning, pupils. I'm very glad to see you today. I hope you are fine.

  1. Warm up

Let's train our memory.

People like travelling by plane.  Some visit new places. Some  meet new people. But we learn more about the culture.  We are going to see London.


  1. Outcomes

T: What shall we learn today? Today we are going to speak about London and its sightseeings, as we'll have an imaginary trip. Because as our today's motto says it's better to see something once than hear about it many times.  You will learn many interesting about them.  By the end of the lesson you should be able to speak about the capital of the United Kingdom.

But before getting visa and tickets, you should do the tasks.


  1. A problem question

The famous English writer Samuel Johnson said such words about London: ”When a man is tired of London he is tired of life". What is London famous for?


  1. Mind map

There are a lot of words that we can associate with London. But as every city London has....

















  • Let's refresh your memory about London let's play a game "I agree\I disagree" in order you can get the tickets for a comfortable plane
  1. Paris is the capital of the UK.
  2. London stands on the river  Dnipro.
  3. London is  a very big port, commercial, scientific and cultural centre.
  4. London is the smallest city in Europe.
  5. London consists of 3 parts.
  6. Many banks and offices are situated in the City.
  7. Westminster is an  administrative centre of London.
  8. There are many shops, cinemas, restaurants, art-galleries in the East End.
  9.  The working people live in the East End.
  10. In the East End the streets are wide and the houses are big.

Let's go!


Up and down, Up and down

Which is the way to the London town?

Where?Where? Up in the air.

Close your eyes and you are there.

  1. Listening. Watching a video.


1) Unknown words: the Romans, exhibition, a pedestrian, wax models

2) Look through the pictures. There are some famous places in London. Read their names.

While watching .

1)Watch the video and put the pictures in the order they appear on the screen.

2) Watch  the video for  the second time.  Circle a proper variant.

1. London is the capital city/ small port  of Great Britain.

2.TheLondoners/Romans built the first bridge over the river.

3. There are bridges for cars, for trains and for pedestrians/tourists.

4.You can travel by red bus or black trains/taxis around London.

5. Londoners call the Underground the Youtube/the Tube.

6. Twenty million/Two million of tourists come to see London every year.

7. Some tourists come  from abroad and others from  Europe/ other parts of Britain.

8. There is much/little to see in London.

9. .Madame/Missis Tussaud brought  her exhibitions of wax models to London.


Post-watching activities.

Let's sum up the information. Answer my questions.

1)What is the name of a famous bridge?

2) Who built the first bridge?

3)How many bridges are there in London?

4) What is the population of London?

5) What transport can you take to travel around London?

6) What is "the Tube"?

7) How many tourists come to London every year?

8) What can you see in London?

9)Where can you see wax figures?

10) Is London a big city?


  1. Presentation.  There some more places to see in London. Let's visit them
  • Practice topic words.
  1.  Match the parts of the words combinations:

1. Trafalgar                                    a) Palace

2. Buckingham                               b) Square

3. St. Paul’s                                     c) Park

4. Westminster                                d) Eye

5. London                                        e) Cathedral

6. Regent’s                                       f)Ben

 7. Big                                              g) Garden

8. Covent                                          h) Abbey

  • Check yourselves:
  1. Trafalgar Square                           5. London Eye
  2. Buckingham Palace                      6. Regent’s Park
  3. St. Paul’s Cathedral                      7. Big Ben
  4. Westminster Abbey                       8. Covent Garden


For today you were to find short information about these places of interest. Listen to your classmates. Be ready to say what place is the most popular among the tourists?


Trafalgar Square is the center of London. In the center of square we can see Nelson’s Column in honor of Admiral Nelson.

Buckingham Palace is the place where British Queen Elizabeth II lives. When the Queen is at home we can see the flag above the palace.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest British church, was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London.

Westminster Abbey is the most famous church in England. Famous writes, scientists, kings and queens are buried there.

The Tower of London  was King’s palace, prison, zoo. Now it is a museum, where one can see treasures of British monarchy.

Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. There is a zoo.

Big Ben is a clock that has 4 faces and a very big loud bell.

Covent Garden is a popular place for shopping .  It's also a centre of London street life. You can find street musicians,  buskers and street entertainers here.

The London Eye is a giant observation wheel located on the Bank of the river Thames. It is a very popular tourist attraction.


Name the facts

  1. A Problem Question

There are so many places to see in London. I believe you are not tired of London, because London is a magnificent city. It's high time to answer the question: what is London famous for?(on the stickers)


  1. Summarizing


Make up a poster about London



1) We have seen a lot today. Did you like our imaginary trip? Using the following pattern write your own feedback about London.

2)Dear friends, you were very active today and I am satisfied with your answers. I hope you like today’s lesson. I want to finish our lesson with the words: “He who travels far knows much”.


So, our lesson is over. Stand up. Good bye!



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8 листопада 2022
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