Конспект уроку + презентація з англійської мови для 3го класу на тему: «Лист Діду Морозу»

Про матеріал

Урок "Лист Діду Морозу" для 3го класу спеціолізованних шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови спрямовано на формування комунікативної компетентності з теми "Свята", вдосконалення навичок аудіювання, читання, сприяє соціалізації дітей в ході навчання мовленнєвої взаємодії у парах, в командах.

Перегляд файлу

 Конспект уроку з англійської мови (3 клас з поглибленим вивченням)

Тема. A letter to Santa Claus.

Мета  уроку: формувати комунікативну компетентність з теми “Holidays”; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання; стимулювати пізнавально-комунікативну мотивацію; формувати здібності самостійно планувати мовленнєві дії; розвивати слухову короткочасну пам'ять, слуховий самоконтроль, увагу; сприяти соціалізації дітей в ході навчання мовленнєвої взаємодії в парах, командах; виховувати культуру спілкування.

Обладнання: мультимедійна наочність, візуальна наочність, відео, картки з текстом, листівки.

Хід уроку



T. Hello! I am ________ . I am a teacher of English. Today we have an unusual lesson, it is a secret lesson. I hope you will like our secret.

Warming-up activity
T. What is your name?
    What season is it now?
    What date is it today?

(P1, P2……..)
T. It’s high time to prepare for a wonderful and magic holiday.(slide 1)
     Do you know this holiday?
     Do you like a New Year’s day? (P1,P2….)
     I hope it’s high time to write a letter to Santa Claus. Am I right? It’s our secret.
     We’ll try to answer the question: Do you believe in Santa Claus?

II. Main part of the lesson

Lexical material (slide 2,3)

T. There are some English words that help me and you. Do you know them?
Santa Claus
a present
a dream
nice/ naughty
to believe in
T. May I ask you
Do you like presents?
Do you have a dream?
What presents do you want?
(P1,P2...: a doll, a car, a ball, a box of pencils, a book, a mobile phone, candies, a computer game….) (slide 4)

 Making up the dialogue
T. Everyone likes presents. May I ask you to give a present to your neighbour. Look at the screen and make up the dialogue:
-I hope you will like ______
-Thank you very much. It’s great! (slide4)


Let’s play. This is the first team and this is the second team.
1. These are the cards with presents. Listening to music give the card to each other. When music stops, you’ll have a card with a present.  Your task is to say what you have. Team which has no mistakes is a winner.
2.The next game is about presents too. Put presents (cards) into the Santa Claus’s bags. This bag is for the first team, and this one is for the second team. Who is faster?

Physical activity

T. Are you happy? Who is happy? Let’s sing a song “If you’re happy and you know it..” (slide 5)

Listening Comprehension
T. I have a question to you:
Do you believe in Santa Claus?(P1,P2…)
T. There are 2 answers.
The first answer is... Look at the screen (video “I Believe in Santa”). (slide 6)

Post-Listening Activity

 T. Does this girl believe in Santa Claus? Do you agree with her? (P1,P2…..)





T.  What is the second answer ? Let’s read the text.


   Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Bakhmut. I have a mother, a father and a sister.  I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day.  I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.


 Post- reading Activities

1.True or False?


  1. Max lives with his family in London.
  2. He likes holidays.
  3. His dream is a mobile phone.
  4. Max doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.
  5. His little sister believes in Santa Claus.

      2.Do you agree with Max? (P1,P2…)


1.T. It’s high time to write a letter to Santa Claus. Are you ready? Do you know what presents you want?

First let’s have a talk with Santa Claus.  Answer his questions.

(Video “Talk to Santa Claus”) (slide 7)

2.T.There are  magic cards on your desks. Write your letters. Don’t forget to write your name, age, your wish. Be polite. (slide 8)



III. Summary


 T. Your homework is to make a magic envelop for your letter.

T. So our meeting is over. I wish you Happy Holidays and always to believe in Santa Claus and your dreams will come true! (slide 9)

Let’s sing a song “Santa Claus is coming to Town”( or “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”)

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Friday, the seventeenth of December. A letter to Santa Claus

Номер слайду 2

Vocabulary. Santa Clausa presenta dream

Номер слайду 3

Vocabularynice/naughtyto believe in

Номер слайду 4

Presents:a dolla cara balla box of pencilsa booka mobile phonecandiesa computer game. Make up the dialogue. I hope you’ll like ________Thank you very much ______

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

a letter to Santa Claus.png
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17 вересня 2018
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