- to improve students’ listening, reading, speaking and writing skills;
- to focus students on talking about sports;
- to motivate students for becoming good listeners;
- to develop students’ personal and social skills;
- to activate linguistic guess;
- to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class;
- to form positive attitude to healthy lifestyle.
Outcomes: by the end of the lesson the students will be able:
- to revise the vocabulary ( names of kinds of sports);
- to improve their reading, listening, speaking and writing skills;
- to recognize, understand and use the words and word-combinations in the texts
and exercises;
- to work individually, in pairs and groups.
I. Introductory part of the lesson. Вступна частина уроку.
1. Greeting. Aims. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
2. Warming-up. Mind mapping. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Складання асоціативної карти.
T. What words do you associate with the theme “Sport”? Let’s make a mind map.
Training energy keep fit
victory SPORT health
prize special special
places equipment
II. Main part of the lesson. Головна частина уроку
1. Revising vocabulary. Повторення лексики уроку.
a) Look at the pictures. What kinds of sport do they represent? Say that you like this sport.
b) Pair work. Робота в парах. Now, work in pairs. Look at your flashcards. (HO 1). Which of the sports are:
- water sports?
- contact sports?
- outdoor sports?
- winter sports?
- indoor sports?
- summer sports?
- Which sports are popular in Great Britain?
- What is your favourite sport?
2. Grouping. Розподіл на групи.
You know that people can do sports in teams and individually. Now, take the card everybody and form two groups. (Pupils take a card “individual sport” or “team game”.
3. Categorizing. Розподіл по категоріях. Now, work with your flashcards again and choose only the kinds of sports of your group (individually).
4. Reading. Подання тексту для читання. “Sports in Great Britain”. (HO 2).
a) Pre-reading activity. Передтекстовий етап. Уведення нових слів. Presenting the unknown words.
till – до, поки; round – круглий
boat - човен donkey – осел
b) While-reading activity. Етап читання тексту.
What kinds of sports have you met in the text?
c) After-reading activity. Післятекстовий етап, перевірка розуміння прочитаного.
I group – Say if the sentences are true or false.
II group – Choose the right word and complete the sentences.
Individual task – Find the English equivalents for the expressions.
5. Listening Comprehension. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Підручник О. Карпюк, ст. 102, впр. 5b).
a) Pre-listening activity. Передтекстовий етап. Уведення нових слів.
a whistle - свисток a penalty – покарання
a referee - суддя a foul – порушення правил
a metre – метр
T. When you want to play any sports what must you know? (the rules) Now you are going to listen to the text about water polo and its rules. Listen attentively to the rules. Look at the new words.
b) While- listening activity. Етап слухання тексту.
с) After-listening activity. Післятекстовий етап. Перевірка розуміння прослуханого.
Complete the rules. (HO 4)
6. Reading. Match the parts of the proverbs. Робота з прислів’ями (підбір частин речень).
1. In sports and journeys a) in a sound body
2. A sound mind b) keeps the doctor away
3. Health is c) men are known
4. One apple a day d) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
5. Early to bed, early to rise e) better than wealth
T. Read and translate the proverbs you’ve got.
7. Speaking. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Робота з картками (файли про спортсменів).
T. Do you know any sportsmen? Can you tell their names? Now, look at the photos. Who are these people? Right, Vasyl Virastiuk and Oleksandr Usyk. Read the information on the cards and use it to represent the sportsman.
8. Relaxation. Хвилинка релаксації. Let’s play a “Flower Game”. Work in pairs. (Робота в парах). I’ll say some Ukrainian words quickly, you find their English equivalents and among the cards before you, and put them by a clock hand in a form of a flower. If you do it correctly, you’ll read the name of one more very popular kind of sports. (Teacher should prepare separate cards for each word, in the corner of each card should be written the letter. When the pupil finish looking for the equivalents, they’ll read the word “windsurfing”.
1. Катання на скейтборді 7. Гімнастика
2. фехтування 8. Стрибки у довжину
3. кінна їзда 9. Біг
4. виграти гру 10. Стрибки у воду
5. чемпіон 11. Альпінізм
6. атлетика
9. Summary. Підсумки уроку. Answer the question.
Why is sport important for people?
Suggested answers:
- Sport helps to be healthy.
- We can keep fit.
- It helps to become strong.
- Sport helps to be disciplined.
- We learn to work in a team.
- Sport teaches us to be friendly.
- Sport teaches us to win honestly.
10. Feedback. Зворотній зв'язок.
What have we done today at the lesson? What did you like? What didn’t you like? What was useful for you? Was the lesson interesting for you?
11. Homework. Домашнє завдання.
Make a project about your favourite sportsman or team.Use some photos and fact files.
HO1 rowing football
hockey racing water polo
fencing high jumping long jump
figure skating karate gymnastics
cycling boxing basketball
sailing tennis volleyball swimming wrestling horse-riding
snowboarding skateboarding cricket squash running bobsleigh skiing
yachting weightlifting athletics tennis motor-car racing
rugby judo table-tennis golf chess aerobics
climbing diving bowling surfing handball
jogging roller-blading waterskiing baseball darts
HO 2
The Englishmen are sports-lovers. They like to play games, to watch them and to speak about sports. Cricket is an English national sport. People like to play it from May till September. Boys and girls play cricket.
Football is one of the most popular games in England. It is a team game. Children at schools like to play it, too.
Rugby football. You can see a ball in this game, but it is not round. It is oval. Rugby is a team game. It is a popular game in Britain.
Many English people like to play table-tennis. Men and women play this game. Many people like to watch it.
Englishmen do also such kinds of sports as swimming, boat race, walking. There are some racing competitions in England. They are motor-car racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing, boat-racing, horse-racing. All kinds of racing are popular in England.
The Englishmen are great lovers of sports.
HO 3
1. Say if it is true or false.
1. The Englishmen are sport-lovers.
2. Cricket is not an English national sport.
3. Only boys play cricket.
4. A ball in rugby is not round.
5. Many English people only like to speak about table-tennis.
6. There are no racing competitions in England.
2. Choose the right variant, complete and translate.
1. One of the most popular games in Britain is…
a) volleyball b) football c) basketball
2. In rugby you can see a … ball.
a) round b) oval c) square
3. Rugby is a … game.
a) team b) water c) individual
4. There are … in England.
a) dog-racing b) cat-racing c) pig-racing
3. Find the English equivalents for the expressions.
1. Любителі спорту. 2. Національний спорт. 3. Найпопулярніші ігри.
4. Командна гра. 5. Автоперегони. 6. Ослячі перегони. 7. Кінні перегони.
HO 4
Listen and complete the rules.
1. Number of players in each team: …
2. The game has … parts.
3. Each part lasts … minutes.
4. Size of the pool: … metres long, … metres wide.
5. Colour of the ball: …
6. After a foul a referee can send out the player for … seconds.
7. After a bad foul there can be a penalty shot from … metres.
HO 5
Use the information from the card to represent the sportsman.
Name: Oleksandr
Surname: Usyk
Nickname: Cat
Occupation: boxing
Nationality: Ukrainian
Born: 17th January, 1987
Hobby: writing poems
First victory: 2005 in Budapest
Title: a boxer-professional, Absolute World Champion, the only boxer
who has championship belts of all versions, Europe Champion, Olympic Champion
Name: Vasyl
Surname: Virastiuk
Occupation: strongman
Nationality: Ukrainian
Born: 22nd April, 1974
Place of birth: Ivano-Frankivsk
Personal information: has 3 sons
Title: the strongest man of the world in 2004 and 2007, some records in
Guinness Book of Records