Мета: активізувати лексику теми, практикувати учнів у вживанні лексики теми, розвиток навичок аудіювання, читання , письма, говоріння, розвиток критичного мислення, вчити співпраці, підвищувати мотивацію до вивчення мови
Хід уроку
T: Good morning children
I’d like to start our lesson with a song
You should listen to the song and then answer
How are you?
P: I am great
I am OK
Today we have an unusual lesson. I invite you on an unusual island Holidays .
Малюнки з порами року
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
Match the holidays with actions and complete the sentences
( On New year day they ….Stick these holidays on the island. Tell what can children do on the party . Let’s write 2 or 3 sentences. Let’s remember how do children celebrate New Year and Christmas ( 2 children speak).
When is your birthday?
You have flashcards with holidays . Stick them according to the season .
Read conversations
You are on a birthday party. Speak in
pairs and give a present to your friends.
Masha is having birthday party
Karina is having New Year party
Учні вибирають , що подарувати відповідно свята.
This ………is for you
Thank you
Read about …..
In England children have different parties
Write in a group of 4 what would you do if you had your own party.
Tell what can you do on the party.