Конспект уроку Англійська мова
Клас: 1 клас
Theme: Ми любимо тварин.
Subject: Animals.
Do you love Nature?
I. Subject. Animals.
Lessons plan.
II. Objectives:
A to repeat and to actualize lexics on the given topic, to teach to put questions in order to get some information and to answer them
B to continue to form skills of dialogue and monologue speech on the given topic, to improve pupil’s reading and writing
C to form skills of working in groups
D to bring up respect to other people
Materials: hand-outs, pictures of animals, books, copy-books.
III. Development:
Greeting: Good morning, how are you,…..
On the blackboard you can see English sounds, can you loud them? [əυ],[aυə]
Repeat all together. Make your own words or phrases (snow, so, show… our school, our classroom…)
Warming-up activities:
T: you already know a lot of words from the topic “Nature”.
Listen and clap your hands each time you hear a word from that topic.
Monkey, pet, table, animal, lion, book, mushroom, tail, autumn, long, crocodile, garden, cat, dog, fish, frog mother, family, giraffe, neck, elephant, country, forest, clever, rabbit, teacher, flower, dolphin, snake.
Motivation: Having repeated the words, I think, you can guess the topic we’ll learn… (The pupils guess)
Presentation: Today’s topic is “Animals”. We are going to learn the new words, be able to ask the question “Do you like?” and answer: “Yes, I do./ No, I don’t”., “I do not like…”; read the words with wh.
Follow up:
Activity 1. At first I want to check your home task, so look at the pictures and name them… Using the phrases: It is a… He is … She is …
Read the words and word combinations on page 48.
Activity 2. Representing new lexics. Look at the pictures of the animals. I name the animals, you name the numbers. ( zebra – picture two, lion – picture five …).
Activity 3. Listen and repeat. I’ll read new words, you’ll say after me in chorus. Than we’ll play a game “First take, …then say…” There are a lot of pictures on my table. First take a picture, then show it to class and say what animal is this.
Activity 4. Now open your books on page 48, look at the pictures and read new words after me. Read the words with the letter combination wh, at first after me, then one by one.
Activity 5. Open your vocabularies and write down new words, transcription and translation to them.
Activity 6. Look, listen, repeat and act out the comic on page 48-49.
Activity7. Find quickly in the comic and read:
“Мені подобаються зебри”
”Мені подобаються тигри”
”Тобі подобаються бегемоти?”
”Ні, не подобаються.”
”Мені не подобаються бегемоти.”
Activity 8. Ask and answer the questions about animals. Give short answers to the questions.
Do you like (zebras, tigers, dogs)…?
Yes, I do. / No, I do not.
IV. Rounding off:
Today we spoke about animals. Now you can ask and answer the questions about your favourite animals.
Evaluation You worked very well, thank you. Next lesson we’ll continue to talk about animals and we’ll learn to describe your favourite animals.
Homework. You have to repeat all words we’ve learned and learn words which begin with wh for dictation, and you have to read words and sentences on page 49.
V. Resourses