Конспект уроку "Тваринний світ. Захист тварин."

Про матеріал
Урок по темі "Тваринний світ. Захист тварин." проводився в рамках теми «Природа і погода» і відноситься до типу «урок засвоєння нових знань». Ціль уроку – створити умови для розвитку комунікативної та навчально–пізнавальної компетенції в умовах ефективної навчальної діяльності. Навчальний аспект уроку – активізувати новий лексичний матеріал теми; вдосконалити навички аудіювання, говоріння та читання. Розвиваючий – здатність здійснювати продуктивні та репродуктивні мовні дії, розвивати вміння розуміти зміст іншомовного тексту, виділяти необхідну інформацію. Виховний – виховувати культуру спілкування, дбайливе ставлення до природи та її багатств, почуття відповідальності, ввічливості, доброзичливості, а також загальну культуру учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Тваринний світ. Захист тварин.

Мета:  Опрацювати новий лексичний матеріал по темі.

             Активізувати лексику по темі в різних видах діяльності: читання,   

     говоріння, аудіювання.

             Розвивати навички говоріння шляхом монологічного мовлення за 

             темою уроку.

             Розширювати  знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення

             навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення.

             Виховувати розуміння актуальності проблеми, сприяти розвитку

             зберегти планету та види, які її населяють, розвивати активну       

             громадянську позицію.

Обладнання:  підручник, картки для індивідуальної роботи, презентація.


Хід уроку




  1. Greeting. Привітання.


2.   Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

Today we’ll speak about nature. We’ll go deeper into the environmental problems

Today we’re going on talking about endangered species. At the lesson we are to discuss

 several environmental problems of great importance; do listening tasks; learn new

words on the topic.


3.   Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

“When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, and then

 you will see that you cannot eat money.”  

                                                                                 Greenpeace message

What’s your point of view on environmental problems?

Do you suppose them to be of great importance?


(Pupils share their opinions.)

So we can make a conclusion that nature can live without human beings but we can’t

live without nature.



1.   Presenting.   Подання нового лексичного матеріалу.

       Today we’re to learn some new words on the topic. Have a look at the screen. Let’s practice new vocabulary.

 Extinct.  It’s a plant or animal gone forever like a Tasmanian wolf or a dodo bird. There are no such species in the world nowadays.

 Natural habitat. It’s a place where an animal or plat normally found, for example, a forest, a desert, a river.

 А herd. It’s a group of animals. You can see a herd of elephants and a herd of buffalos.

 Endangered species. They are groups of plants or animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. There’s special Red List of endangered animals which are illegal to hunt.

 A tusk. In the picture you can see an elephant. It has got two tusks.

 A horn. You can see a rhino. It has got one horn but a deer has got two horns.


2.  Vocabulary Practice. Тренування нової лексики.

We are going to practice these words. Your task is to fill in the gaps with new



 Learn about prehistoric and recently extinct species of animals, and some of their stories.

 Endangered species will survive with YOUR help!

 Herd refers to a social grouping of certain animals of the same species, either wild or domestic.

 Jungle is a natural habitat for lots of animals and plants.

 Goats, rhinos, deer, elks have got horns.

 Elephants are hunted for their tusks.

(Pupils do the task).


  1. Listening. Аудіювання тексту “UK Wildlife SOS”.


We are to listen to the text and answer some questions. The text is entitled “UK

Wildlife SOS”. Here are the questions for you to answer.

 What is wildlife?

 What are habitats?

 How many species of plants and animals are there in the UK?

 How many of them have completely disappeared over the last 100 years?

 What is the main reason of the extinction?

(Pupils listen to the text and answer the questions).


UK Wildlife SOS

     What is wildlife?

Wildlife means all the plants, animals and other living things found in the wild. These

can be mammals such as squirrels, reptiles like the sand lizard, fish, insects, and tiny

little animals that you can’t see easily.

      What are habitats?

Habitats are the places where plants and animals live. They are all around us – on the

 land, in the water, in the city and in the countryside. Habitats can be large, like

woodlands or farmlands, or small, like ponds and hedgerows. Some animals live in

 really tiny places, like the space between sand grains.

     What is happening?

In the UK alone, there are about 37,000 different species of animals and 65,000

 different species of plants. Sadly, though, over the last 100 years more than 170

plant and animal species have completely disappeared.

Today, about 15 % of all British wildlife is still at risk, especially animals such as the

otter and the brown hare. Unless we do something to help, things will only get worse.

The main reason why some types of plants and animals are becoming endangered

species is that their habitats are lost or have changed. Animals like moths, birds and

bats have lost their homes as people have cut down the hedgerows they live in. Also,

a lot of ponds are no longer suitable for the animals and plants to live in because they

are polluted, or people have filled them in.


  1. Reading.Подання тексту для читання.


1) Етап підготовки до читання.

Open your books, page 114. You can see four pictures. Name these animals, please.

(Pupils name the animals).

All of them are endangered species.

On page 115 there are four texts. Your task is to find the pictures of animals described

in them. Do you have to read the texts thoroughly? You are just to find

the words “Panda, turtle, elephant and rhinoceros.

So, the first paragraph is picture 4, the second – picture 3, the third – picture 2 and the

last one is picture 1.

2) Етап читання.

3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

  • Filling in the table.

Your task is to add some information about endangered species.





Sea turtle

African elephant

Where it lives














How many of them have left






How it has become endangered






  • Making Mind Map

We have learnt a lot about endangered species. Help me to make a mind map of the

causes that make them endangered.

(Pupils share their thoughts on the topic).

So, the three main causes that make animals endangered are destruction of their

habitat, pollution and hunting.


As all these problems are caused by humanity, we must do our best to solve them and

help endangered species survive.

  • Ex. 3 p.115
  • Ex.4 p.115
  • Ex.1 p.33 (WB)
  • Solve the crossword.








































































































1. We live on planet …

2. The panda, tiger and polar bear are … species.

3. We must… these animals from extinction.

4. Farmers use…to kill insects.

5. Cutting down trees in forests is called…

6. Factory smoke, chemical waste, cars and rubbish cause…

7. Wind turbines and solar panels are alternative forms of…

8. Global… is making the world hotter.

9. Please, put plastic, metal and paper in… bins.


10. Foods produced naturally are called… foods.

11. We cannot live without fresh, clean, drinking…


Keys: 1. Earth, 2. endangered, 3. save, 4.pesticides, 5. deforestation, 6. pollution, 7.

energy, 8. warming, 9. recycling, 10. organic,  11.water


5.  Speaking. Розвиток умінь монологічного мовлення.

Учнівські повідомлення про зникаючі види тварин.




1.  Homework. Домашнє завдання.

Ex.2 p.33 (WB)


  1. Summarizing. Підведення підсумків уроку.

We’ve revised a lot today. To sum up all the information answer my questions:

       What is wildlife?

 What are habitats?

 How many species of plants and animals are there in the UK?

 How many of them have completely disappeared over the last 100 years?

 What is the main reason of the extinction?


  1. Evaluation. Оцінювання.

So today we’ve done a lot: learnt new words, discussed the topic, listened to the text and did exercises.

You’ve been working hard trying to do your best. Your grades are:


  1.  Farewell

The lesson is over. You may be free. See you on   .





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