Конспект уроку у 6 класі на тему " Подорож країнами, де говорять англійською".

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Даний урок містить цікаві вправи діалогічного і монологічного мовлення, аудіо матеріали вправи для письмових робіт.В цьому конспекті уроку є вправи для закріплення граматичного матеріалу "The Passive Voice". Поширюються знання про країну мова, якої вивчається.

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Цілі: активізація діалогічного та монологічного мовлення з теми «Подорож»; поширення знань про країну, мова якої вивчається; розвиток навичок розуміння мови на слух; практика використання Passive Voice.

Наочність: карти, прапори, види столиць, магнітофонні записи пісень.


Зустріч молодих географів.

—Ні! Glad to see you!


—1 am delighted of seeing you.

—Nice to see you!

—We are young geographers. We have a strong desire to make a round-the-world tour to the countries where English is spoken.

—And in what countries do people use English as their native language?

—In Greet Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are English- speaking countries.

—I think English is the most popular language nowadays. People speak English all over the world. In France, in Germany, in Italy, in Spain people learn English as a foreign language.

—I agree with you. English has become an international language in the 20th century.

—How can we travel, if we have no planes, no buses, no ships, no trains?

—I've got an idea!

—It might be interesting! We are all ears.

—Let Mary Poppins will help us with ' her magic compass.

Mary Poppins. Here I'm. I'll help you to visit these countries. I'm sure that it is really wonderful in any place on our Earth. All the countries have interesting people, places, animals and plants. People of different nationalities live in these countries. Each country has its flag, symbols and its own traditions and customs.

Pupil. We must discuss our route carefully and get ready for all kinds of danger.

P u p і 1.1 know the humorous song.

If you go to the north,

You will come across a horse.

If you go to the south,

You will come across a mouse.

If you go to the west,

You will meet a merry guest.

If you go to the east,

You will learn where unknown land is.

Pupil. So, you like to travel very much, don't you? Now you've got a chance to do it. If you tear a petal from this magic flower and recite a short poem, your wish come true:

Fly and fly, my orange petal From the West to the East From the South to the North Hear my wish and move me forth.

Leader opens the petals.

Leader. So, the first country is Great Britain. Who will travel with me to GB?

Pupil. Great Britain is situated in Europe. It's area is over 244.000 sq. km. The population is 57 mln people. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by the North Sea in the east, by the Irish Sea in the south-west and by the English Channel in the south. Great Britain consists of 4 countries, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Pupil. Everyone who was born in Britain is British, People from England are English. People from Scotland are Scottish, from Wales — Welsh, Northern Ireland are Irish. People from Scotland and Wales don't like it when they are called English. The Welsh are proud of their language. They like to speak Welsh, to sing in Welsh.

Pupil. This is the flag of GB British ! people call it "The Union Jack". It is j red, white and blue.

Pupil. The capital of Great Britain is London. It is situated on the river Thames. It is one of the largest cities in the world. 8 mln. people live there. London is more than 2.000 years old.

Pupil. What places of interest would you like to show us?

Pupil. I think we'll start from Buckingham Palace. It's the London home of the queen. When the flag is flying on the top of it, she is at home. At 11.30 you can see the Guard changes.

Pupil. I can add. This is Tower of j London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower to London.

This is Trafalgar Square. On the column in the centre there is a Statue to Admiral Nelson, who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. j I think, that there are a lot of famous sights in London, among them Big I Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral and others.

The children (sing a song)

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner.

That I love London so,

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner That I think of her, wherever I go.

I get a funny feeling inside of me Just walking up and down,

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner That I love London town.

Pupil. They say English is a nation of traditions. I should like to tell you about Pancake Day. It is usually 5 weeks before Easter. It is always on Tuesday. This day is famous for food called pancakes. In some English towns there are pancake races. Each runner has a pan and a I pancake. The runner must throw the pancake into the air and catch it.

Teacher. And now a test for you. Listen to the text, and in your cards put if the sentence is right, and if the sentence is wrong.

The Zoo

Kings sometimes got strange presents. About 700 years ago King Henry III got 3 leopards, one elephant and a polar bear. He kept them in Tower. The elephant died in two years, but the polar bear was happy as it went swimming and fishing in the Thames. That was the start of the London Zoo. In 1835 all animals left the Tower and began to live in the Zoo in Regent's Park. Only ravens stayed there.



  1. King Henry III got one elephant, three leopards and a polar bear.
  2. He kept them in cages.
  3. Polar bear was happy to swim in the Mississippi.
  4. Now the animals live in the Zoo in Regent's Park.

Mary Poppins song "Fly and fly, my orange petal..."

Pupil. The second country is...

The leader. The United States of America, who will travel with me to the USA? Pupil. We are the great travellers, aren't we? Victor, a young man from the song "I'm glad to meet you" likes to travel, too. Now he is in Washington D.C. He's talking to Alic, who lives in the capital of the USA.

A song.

—Do you speak English?

—Yes, but just a little bit.

—Are you from Chili?

—No, I'm not. I'm from Brazil.

—My name is Victor. What's your name and where are you from?

—My name is Alic. I'm from Washington D.C.

—I'm glad to meet you.

—I'm so glad to meet you, too.

Pupil. So, the USA is situated in North America. It's area is over 9 mln sq. km. The population is over 260 mln people. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and in the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north. Pupil. I would like to recite a poem about the first man who discovered "New World".


In fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Let's sing together this old song About the voyage that took him long. About the sailors these strong brave men.

Let's sing and remember them all again.

Pupil. This is the flag of America.-They call it "Stars and Stripes". The flag is red, blue and white. Americans love their flag very much. There is a holiday for it, Flag Day is on June 14th.

Pupil. The Bald Eagle was chosen as the national bird of the country because it is a bird of strength and courage.

Pupil. The capital of the USA is Washington. It is named after the first president of the USA George Washington. We cannot but mention Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of the USA. It is a Statue of a woman holding up a torch in her right hand.

It is 93 m high. It was presented to the USA by France in 1884.


God shed his grace on thee

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

These words are from a very popular song "America The Beautiful". Katharine Lee Bates wrote this poem in 1893. This song is as beautiful as the country itself.

Pupil. Speaking about customs of America we cannot but mention the Halloween. This is a nice holiday for children on the 31st of October. Children put pumpkins on the window-sills. They draw eyes, noses and mouths and put candles into them. It looks funny, doesn't it? In funny clothes children go from house to house and knock at the I windows saying "Trick-or-treat". And people give them sweets, fruits, cakes.

Teacher. Now, children show your pictures, which you prepared and recite the poem.

This land is your land.

This land is my land,

From California to the New York island

As I went walking that ribbon of highways I saw above me that endless skyway I saw below me that golden vally,

This land was made for you and me.

From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream Water This land was made for you and me.

I roamed and I rambled and follow my footsteps,

To the sparking sands of her diamond desert While all around me a voice was sounding Saying this land was made for you and me.

Mary Poppins. Fly and fly my orange petal, etc.

Leader. So the third country is... Canada. Who will travel with me to Canada?

Pupils. We shall.

Pupil. Canada is situated in North America. It is the second biggest country in the world. It's area is over 9 mln sq km. The population is 26 mln people. In the. east it is washed by the Atlantic.

Ocean, in the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean and in the north — by the Artie Ocean. English and French are spoken there. On the first of July the Canadians celebrate Canada Day. They celebrate it with fireworks, dances, parties. It is a day when the Canadians express their pride and love for their country.

Pupil. I want to add, that many Ukrainians live in Canada. They keep our traditions and language. Canada is their second Motherland.

Pupil. Every country has its symbols. Canada has them too. The most popular Canadian symbols are the beaver and the Maple Leaf. The beaver is an emblem of Canada since 1975. The red and white flag with the Maple Leaf in the middle is Canadian flag.

Pupil. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. It is situated on the Ottawa River. It was selected by Queen Victoria as the capital in 1858. Canada has a very rich nature. You can find many lakes, rivers, forests and waterfalls. Canada is the country of lakes. Niagara Falls is the best known natural wonder. Many people from all over the world visit it. Canadians love any sport on water. They go in for ice-hockey, ice-fishing, skating, skiing.

Pupil. Canada is the country of many nationalities and of many cultures. That’s why they have many traditions. For example, during Christmas time children go to sugaring off parties. They cook the syrup from the Maple leaf tree. Then they throw it into the snow to make toffee or candies.


On lovely land whose mountain run From peak to peak to seek the sun And where we take the sacred fire Of life and love to raise them higher.

Oh, Canada, Oh, promised land.

This is the dream our fathers planned And though the rich have ravished you We swear to make this dream come true.

Oh, lovely land, where April rains,

And April suns break ancient chains And where we too such bounties share Forever free and ever fair.

Teacher. I think, it's high time to have a short test. Give the name for each of the following groups of words.

  1. New York, London, Kyiv, Washington. (Cities)
  2. River, ocean, sea, pond, lake. (Water)
  3. Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian. (Oceans)
  4. Ukrainian, Canadian, American. (Nationality)
  5. Dingo, beaver, kangaroo, koala. (Animals)
  6.                     America, Canada, Australia. (Countries)


Mary P о p p і n s. Fly and fly my orange petal... etc.

Leader. The fourth countries are New Zealand and Australia. Who will travel with me to these countries?

Pupils. Wewill.

Pupil. I think that some facts from the history will be interesting. The Dutch sea captain Tasman was the first European who saw New Zealand in 1642 and the Captain Cook's visits in 1770-1775 opened Australia for the English. When gold was found the population began to grow.

Pupil. New Zealand is a small country in the south-west Pacific. It's area is 269.000 sq km. The population is over 3 mln people. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. Another names of the country are the Land of the Long White Cloud and Kiwiland. Kiwi is an unusual bird, it lives in New Zealand. It has no tail, no wings, but its egg is very big. Kiwi is a living national emblem of the country.

Pupil. Australia is sometimes called Kangarooland or the Lucky Country. It is situated south-east of Asia. It is washed by the Indian Ocean and by the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the smallest continent and the largest island in the world. Australians are very thankful to James Cook for such beautiful country. His house was brought to Australia from England. It is a museum now. You can visit it. The area of the country is over 7 mln sq km. The population is 17 mln people. The capital of the country is Canberra.

Pupil. It is interesting to know that there are animals and plants here which you will find nowhere else. This is a kangaroo. It carries its little one in a pouch. By the way, James Cook gave the name to this animal and it is the national emblem of Australia. Among animals we cannot but mention Among animals we cannot but mention koala, the Australian bear. If never drinks water, but oil from evergreen trees. Emu is a large Australian bird. Emu can't fly but can run faster than a horse. Dingo is a wild dog of Australia.

Pupil. Now we'll sing a song about Kookaburra, a small Australian bird whose call sounds like loud laughter.

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Merry, merry king of the bush is he. Laugh! Kookaburra, laugh! Kookaburra Gay your life must be. Wah, wah, wah!

P u р і 1. It is interesting to know that in Australia the hottest summer month is January and the coldest winter month is June. When it is winter in Europe, it is summer in Australia. So, if you want to lie in the sun and swim in the ocean I instead of skating and skiing you are welcome to Australia.

Pupil. Christmas in Australia hap-j pens in summer. Children learn songs j like Frosty the Snowman and Jingle Bells. Now there is no snow on the Christmas cards. You can see Australian animals and plants there. At this time of the year it is 30 degrees heat and j Australians enjoy the cans of spray and plastic pine trees.

Teacher. After every trip you always boast about the presents you have bought. Listen to the dialogue and match in your cards the souvenirs which the girls bought in different countries.


—Do you like this coffee?

—Yes, it's delicious.

—I got it in Italy.

—Did you enjoy your holiday?

—Oh, yes. It was wonderful. Look at these souvenirs.

—What did you buy?

—It was really hot in Germany, so I had to buy sunhat and then in Spain I had I to get sunglasses, because of the bright j sun.

—What did you buy in India? This plate?

—Yes. It's pretty. And in Great Britain I bought a cassette of guitar music. I'll play it to you later.

—What about the picture? It looks Spanish.

—Yes, it does. Actually it's French. I bought it in Paris.

—It's a good thing you took a large suitcase.

Teacher. All right. We have made a round world tour. How did you find it?

Pupil's answers:

—We liked the tour, because we learnt a lot about English -speaking countries, their people and nature.

—We enjoyed the tour, because we saw many interesting places.

—We had a good chance to learn more about people's customs and traditions.

—For example, in different countries people celebrate Christmas in their own way and at different time. So, it is true "So many countries, so many customs".

Pupil. Yes, you are right. We miss our home, our parents, relatives and friends, when we are far away for a long time. It's better at home.

Pupil. I agree with you. Wherever we go, we always return home, where everything is dear and glad to us.

Pupil. And I think that you will never find such a beautiful nature like in Ukraine, especially in Cherkasy.

Pupil. Right you are. Our language, our songs are the most colourful and gentle. So we say, "There is no place like home".

A POEM Home is the nicest place to be With mother and father And baby and me.

With Skipper — our dog,

And Smoky — our cat.

Oh, no place could ever Be nicier than that.

Pupil. Yes. We are from Ukraine. We are Ukrainians. Ukraine is our Motherland. Our country is situated in Europe. It's area is 603,7 thousand sq. km. The population is 50 mln people. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. Our Flag is blue and yellow.

Pupil. I should like to tell you some words about Kyiv, the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. More than 3 mln people live there. Kyiv is 1500 years old. It is the political, economical, industrial and cultural center of the country. In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, libraries and palaces. Khreshatik is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. The city is very green. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine. We love our Motherland and we are happy to live there.

Pupil. Our history is long and we have rich traditions, hi spring we have the most beautiful holiday. This is EASTER. It is our national holiday. It is a holiday of joy and gladness. This is the feast of Christ resurrection.

This year we celebrate it on April the 11th. We blessed pasky, pysanky and krashanky in the church. We greeted each other, and gave coloured or decorated Easter eggs to our friends.

Teacher. And the last test for you. Every word-country has 5 letters. With the numered letters fill in the space to get a message.







4 9





10 8





11 5














































Teacher. What message did you get?

Well, our round the world tour to the English-speaking countries has come to the end. Let's enjoy a nice song.


In my country, we are happy hi my country, we are the happier, hi my country, we are the happiest of all. hi my country, we are friendly.

In my country, we are friendlier, hi my country, we are the friendliest of all.

My country, your country Travel east or west.

If north is good and south is better Which land is the best.

Teacher. The lesson is over. Your marks are... Your hometask is... Thanks for good job.




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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 лютого 2018
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