Конспект уроку у 7 класі на тему : "В здоровому тілі - здоровий дух"

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Анотація до уроку англійської мови в 7 класі на тему : «Спорт»

Урок відповідає навчальній програмі «Навчальні програми з іноземних мов для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і спеціалізованих шкіл. 5-7 класи», Київ, 2010.

Тема уроку: «Спорт» розділу навчальної програми «Тематика ситуативного спілкування».

Тип даного уроку: урок узагальнення знань, вдосконалення мовних навичок і вмінь з теми.

Основна дидактична мета: розвивати вміння усного мовлення за темою «Спорт», удосконалювати навики аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення., розвивати культуру поведінки, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.

На уроці стимулюється робота із словником, розвиваються навички перекладу та виховання інтересу до заняття спортом та здорових звичок.. Формується навчально-пізнавальна, комунікативна, інформаційна компетенції.

До уроку додається посилання до сервісів WEB 2.0. (домашнє завдання до уроку та в кінці уроку), роздатковий матеріал для групової роботи на етапі актуалізації опорних знань, читання (текст для читання та завдання до нього) та письма (завдання з граматики).

Список використаної літератури при підготовці до уроку:

1.Підручник О. Карп'юк Англійська мова 7 клас

2.Словник Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

4.Посібник Павліченко О. М. Англійська мова. Граматичний практикум. ІІІ рівень.

Перегляд файлу

 Тема уроку:  A sound mind is in a sound body




  • Практична: збагатити лексичний матеріал, розвивати вміння усного мовлення за темою:

удосконалювати навики аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.


  • Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, слухову пам’ять, увагу, вміння  працювати в парах та групах.


  • Виховна: виховувати культуру поведінки, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.



Тип уроку: Урок узагальнення знань, вдосконалення мовних навичок і вмінь з



Обладнання: підручник “English” (О.Карп’юк), робочий зошит, тематичні

                         малюнки, картки з лексикою, тексти для читання, фонограма тексту

                       для аудіювання.

The Procedure


1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

2. Warming up.

3. Brainstorming

4. Practice in Listening.

5. Practice in Reading.

6. Practice in Game.

7. Practice in Speaking.

8. Practice in Writing.

9. Summing up and Homework.






I. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

T. Good  morning , dear children ! How are you? I hope you are well. Do you know what we are going to speak today?  ( The students answer.)

Today at the lesson we are going to speak about sport, different kinds of sport, to listen to a story and   do some exercises.


II. Warming up. 


T – Ps

Using the chart , answer my questions:

  • Do you like sport?
  • Is sport important in our life?
  • Who goes in for sport in your class?
  • Who is famous in football?
  • What kind of sport do you prefer?
  • Is there a gym, a sports ground in our school?
  • Are you a good sportsman?
  • What sports competitions take place in your school?

-    Did you take part in those competitions?

  • What do you do at your PE lessons?




T. When you hear the word "Sport" , what do you associate it with?

( The students create a mind-map with the word " sport" in the middle.)


IV. Practice in Listening.


1. Listen to the dialogue about  Richmond sport club.  ( TB, p.100)

2. Do exercise 1 , page 100.

 Copy and complete the application form. 


V. Practice in Reading.


T. Now read the text and fill in the chart below .



     Swimming is very good for you. You use all 600 minutes when  you swim. It is very relaxing. Young and old people can swim. You need a swimming costume  and pool or the sea. Some people use goggles.

     Rowing is very good for your back. It uses the back and muscles of the arms and legs. You need a boat to row, a river or lake. It is sport for young people.

     Jogging is slow running. You need good trainers. It is good for leg muscles. It is cheap.

You don’t need a special place. You can jog in the park.

      Walking is good for you. It is a good sport for older people , too. You don’t need anything special to walk , just a good pair of shoes. Walking is very relaxing  it is good for leg muscles. You can walk  anywhere . Walking up stairs is more difficult.


Exercise 1








Young and old









You need











Exercise 2

T. Connect these activities  with things you  need.




Good shoes





Rowing    ______________                                 Swimming  _____________

Jogging    ______________                                 Walking      _____________

Skipping  ______________                                  Cycling      _____________


Exercise 3

T. What words are associated  with these activities?


Rowing        -  foot

Walking       -  good trainers

Swimming   - 

Jogging        -

Cycling        -


VI.Practice in Game.


Game " Broken sentence"


T. And now, pupils,  make up the sentences. You must put the words in the right order.

Учні одержують конверт зі словами , з яких потрібно скласти речення. Кожне речення написане іншим кольором. Пропонується три речення.


Example :






































VII. Practice in Speaking.


T.: Sport is an essential part of our daily life. Every day all the year round we do morning      

      exercises. As we want to keep fit we go in for different kinds of sport.

       We are going to listen to the dialogues you vet prepared at home.

  1.        -  What kind of sports activity do you go in for?
  • I go skiing.
  • When do you usually go skiing?
  • In winter.
  • And where do you ski?
  • On a mountain or in the park nearby.


  1.        -  Do you go in for sports?
  • Yes. I do.
  • What kind of sport is your favorite?
  • It’s   karate.
  • Are   you good at karate?
  • Yes. I’m rather good at it.


  1.        -  Do you like to watch hockey or football matches on TV?
  • Yes. I do.
  • What is your favorite TV sports   programmed?
  • It is   “Everything about football”.


  1.        -  You often play games with your friends outdoors, don’t you?
  • Yes, almost every day.
  • What else do you like to do after school?
  • I like to   help my mother about the house.


  1.        -  Have you got many friends?  
  • Yes. I have a lot of f friends.
  • Which of your friends is good at sports?
  • Christy anis.
  • What kind of sport does she go in for?
  • She goes in for figure skating.
  • She trains regularly, doesn’t she?
  • Yes, she does.








T.: Besides, for today’s lesson your task was to prepare a short information about the 

      importance of sport in our life. So, you are welcome.


 P.1. I go in for sport because I want to be healthy, strong and beautiful. When I go in for sport  I feel good. I am active and full of energy. In our school pupils spend much time going in for sports. As for me I go in for football. I like it because it needs mobility, loveliness and much energy. Football is the most popular sport.


 P.2. I go in for karate. It is a Japanese struggle. It is very interesting. Every year we have competitions. It is very difficult to win the competition, but we always try. We must train a lot and know many things about this kind of sport.


P.3. Sport is very popular nowadays. Boys usually play football, basketball and hockey. Girls like to play badminton and volleyball. In summer people go cycling and swimming. In winter a lot of people go skiing. Girls also like skating in winter. As for me I prefer sledging.


P.4. Sport makes people healthy, more organized and keeps them fit. It is necessary to do morning exercises every day. At school we have physical training lessons three times a week. I like these lessons very much.


P.5. I think that the main aim of sport is to help young people to be healthy and strong. All people can go in for sport but not all of them can become champions. But nobody wants to be clumsy That’s why doing in for sport is very important.


VIII. Practice in Writing.


T.  All right. Look at the blackboard, please. You can see 5 sentences. Your task is to ask questions which receive the following answers. Do this exercise in the written form.


  1.  He is going in for skating.

    P1. ( What is he going in for?)


  1.  No, my favorite kind of sport is sailing.

    P2. ( Is your favorite kind of sport  tennis?)


  1. Football is the most popular kind of sport in Britain.

    P3.( Where is football the most popular kind of game?)


  1. The pupils of our class took part in different competitions.

    P4.( Who took part in different competitions?)


  1. Many boys like playing ice-hockey in winter.

P5. (Do many boys like playing ice-hockey  in winter?)


  1. My classmates will be more active in sports.

P6. ( Will my classmates  be more active  in sports?)



IX.Summing up  and Homework.


  1. At home you’ll have to do the exercises from the work book:
  1. Exercise 16, page 54
  2. Exercise 18, page 56


T. Summing up  on  today’s lesson , I wonder  what conclusion  have you come to concerning sport?


Possible answers

P1.   I come to the conclusion that sport plays an important role in our life.

P2.  We should go in for sport to keep fit and to be healthy.

P3.   I think sport makes my life more interesting.

P4.   I’d like to add. It makes me strong.

P5.   As for me I like sport because  it forms a character.

P6.   I suppose sport helps to become a true hero and a bright example for others.


  Well, children. It was a great and interesting job. You’re done a lot of useful activities. All of  you were very active and have good marks. Thank you very much for the work.



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 січня 2018
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