Конспект уроку з англійської мови 2 клас "My room"

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НУШ Англійська мова у 2 класі на тему "My room" quick minds. До уроку є презентація!, Урок закріплення та узагальнення знань. Діти повторюють вивчені слова та по презентації вчаться говорити this/that/those/these Використовуються аудіозаписи до підручника Quick minds.
Перегляд файлу

Topic:  My room

Form: 2

Teaching objectives:

Practical objectives: to train and improve four types of pupils’ skills   - reading, listening, writing and speaking; to develop pupils  communicative skills; to practice pupils’ skills   - reading, listening, writing and speaking; to revise grammar rules.

Language objectives: to expand pupils’ skills  of monological speech; to activate pupils’ knowledge and vocabulary on the topic «My room»

Educational objectives: to teach pupils to express thei rpoints of view on the topic

Developing objectives: to enchance pupils’ congnitive abilities and memory; to encourage logical and creative thinking; imagination

Visual and technical aids: CD flashcards



T:- Good morning, children!

P : Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning!Good morning!

I`m glad to see you! 

T:  I`m glad to see you too.

2. Phonetic drills

1) T:Let’s start with train our tongue. Repeat after me, please:

 [w]-  wind,  went, wet, was.

[ ?]  Sam, cat, hat, lamp.

[ ] – cup cut  but  bus

[f] – flat, fat, friend, first.

3. Warming up

3.1 Game «What is this»

Guess, what is it?

-  you can sleep on it… ( a bed)

-  you can sit on it….( armchair)

-  you can sit, sleep, watch TV….(a sofa)

-  it has four legs, you can have dinner at it…(a table)

-  it is very soft, it is on the floor…(a mat)

-  there are lots of clothing….(wardrobe)

3.2 Game

Put  missing letters

L_mp                     s_ _a

M_r_or                   ta_l_

Ar_ch_ir                 war_ro_e

_ed                          ma_


Today we are going to speak about things in the room.  do some interesting task, and sing song.

5. Main part.

5.1 Listen and sing

Open your book at p. 28.

Look at picture. What can you see here? Listen to the song.

And now we listen. Repeat and translate.

Abd now repeat it again.

5.2 Work in pairs 

Ask and answer about the items in the picture in pair.

- Do you like these armchairs?  - No I do not/

- Do you like this lamp? Sofa? Mat? Wardrobe?mirror? table


5.3 Work in working book

Open at page 28. Look and circle the things in the song. Then write how many things  there  are in the picture.

2 sofas      4 armchairs  6 tables

5.4 Work in copybook . This/ there/ that/ those

Open your copyboobs and write date of today and class work

November . 13

Class work

Write sentences.



6. Summing up


Well, that is all for today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

What was the most interesting? The most difficult?

6.2) Homework.



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