Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 11 класу на тему «Заклади громадського харчування»

Про матеріал
Завдання та вправи уроку розвивають в учнів уміння переносити знання та навички в задану ситуацію під час роботи над тематичним текстом.
Перегляд файлу

Розробка уроку з англійської мови

на тему «Заклади громадського харчування»

за підручником Валентина Буренко для 11-го класу

закладів загальної середньої освіти

(11-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту)


Склав вчитель англійської мови

Краматорської загальноосвітньої

школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 9

Назаров Д. А.



Підтема: Заклади громадського харчування

Практична мета:

  • ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО та відпрацювати їхню вірну вимову, тренувати їх вживання під час виконання різноманітних усних вправ;
  • практикувати учнів у читанні тексту;
  • розвиток мовленнєвої компетенції учнів з теми, робота в парах і в групах під час роботи над тематичним текстом;
  • навчати учнів відтворювати знайому і нову інформацію.

Розвиваюча мета:

  • розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів: мовну здогадку, різні види пам’яті (слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу), уяву;
  • використовувати специфічні знання з інших предметів;
  • розвивати здатність знайти і використовувати необхідну інформацію для практичних цілей і будувати «нові знання»;
  • розвивати в учнів уміння переносити знання та навички в задану ситуацію;
  • розвивати здібності самостійно планувати мовленнєві дії із застосуванням нового матеріалу;
  • удосконалювати комунікативні здатності учнів.

Виховна мета:

  • виховувати в учнів здібності до співпраці, культуру спілкування, доброзичливості, активності, працьовитості та позитивного ставлення до англійської мови;
  • стимулювати активність учнів: пізнавальну і комунікативну.

Обладнання: класна дошка; підручник; The new words and their definitions (HO1); Interesting facts (HO2); The statements (HO3); The text (HO4); “Reflection cards” (HO5).

Хід уроку

I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1) Привітання

T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson.  I hope you’ll be creative and active during our today’s lesson.

2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: Today we’re going to speak about food for life. We’ll get to know some interesting facts about it, read the text related to the topic and get some information about places that serve food and drinks, express our opinion about our favourite places that serve food and drinks and describe some of them.

3) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

1. Фонетична розминка

Ex.1 p.34

T: Read these quotations and proverbs. Write the phonetic symbols for letters in bold type.

Laughter is the brightest in the place where the food is.

Irish proverb

All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.

John Gunther

Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork. 

English proverb

Non ut edam vivo, sed ut vivam edo.

I do not live to eat, but eat to live.


2. Мовленнєва розминка

T: Discuss these quotations and proverbs. Answer the questions. Give your reasons why you think so.

Is healthy food really so important for our life?

Does our happiness depend on the food we eat?

II Основна частина уроку

1. T: Your homework was to do the exercise 9 on page 32.

Share your ideas on food preferences.

Include the following:

  • What we need food for;
  • your food priorities;
  • tips for being healthy.

2. Ex.3 p.35

1) Pre-reading Activities

1. Ex.2 p.34

T: Read the new words and their definitions. Make some sentences with these words.

The new words and their definitions (HO1)

1. eatery

a restaurant or another place that serves food.

2. eating house

a place where  people go to eat

3. restaurant

a place where we can buy and eat a meal

4. café

a place where we can buy drinks and simple meals

5. cafeteria

a restaurant, usually in office buildings, where you can choose food and drinks, and carry them yourself to a table

6. coffee bar

a small restaurant often in a store, a hotel,etc.

7. coffee house

a restaurant serving coffee, etc.

8. canteen

a place where food and drinks are served in a factory or school

9. diner

a small usually cheap restaurant

10. grill (grillroom)

a restaurant serving grilled food

11. greasy spoon

a small cheap restaurant, usually not very clean or attractive

12. lunchroom

a large room in a school where pupils or students eat lunch or lunch can be prepared

13. bistro

a small informal restaurant that serves spirits

14. brasserie

an informal chip restaurant that serves both food and drinks

15. steakhouse

a restaurant that specializes in steaks

16. brewpub

a combination of a brewery and a restaurant; beer is brewed for consumption on the premises and served along with food

17. parlour

a shop or a store that provides particular goods and service, e. g. an ice-cream parlour

18. tea parlour  (teahouse, tearoom, teashop)

a restaurant where tea and light meals are available

2. Mathematics – History – Case Activity

T: Let’s do some sums and we’ll get to know some interesting facts about fast-food.

Interesting facts (HO2)

Interesting facts

1. (545+461)*2=

2. (355+265)*3=

3. 1523+332+156=

4. 970+768+275=

5. (683+162):5=


Interesting facts

1. The largest hamburger in the world weighted 913,54 kg and was made by Black Bear Casino Resort from Carlton, Minnesota in 2012.

2. The first fish and chips shop in the world opened in 1860 at Tommy field Market in Oldham, England.

3. The longest hot dog in the world had length of 203,80 m and was made in Paraguay in 2011.

4. The largest bag of chips was made in 2013 in the UK. It was made by Corkers Crisps company and it weighted 1,141 kg.

5. The most expensive hot dog in the world was “Juuni Ban” made by “Tokyo Dog” in Seattle, Washington in 2014. Its price was $169.

2) While-reading Activities

T: Read the text. For each of the empty space (1-6) choose the correct answers (A-H). There are two answers you do not need to use.


1. – C

2. – F

3. – B

4. – D

5. – E

6. – A

3) Post-reading Activities

1. T: Do you agree or disagree with the statements from the text? Give your reasons why you think so.

The statements (HO3)

1. Young people pick up the idea that speed means excitement.

2. In addition, fast-food restaurants attract clients making special offers, which make people buy more and spend less.

3. On the one hand, eating out may be useful and pleasant.

4. On the other hand, it is not always healthy to eat in restaurants.

5. Supermarkets are filled with prepackaged, instant foods, tinned soups, frozen ready-made dishes, fizzy drinks, and crunchy crisps, which can affect our health in a different way.

6. Whether you need a quick cup of coffee on your way to work or are catching up with an old friend, cafes provide a versatile space for different purposes.

2. T: In groups, read the text and choose the best place to go for each of these people, trying to motivate your arguments and explain why you decided to suggest this place. Present the result of your work to the classmates.

The text (HO4)

1. John and Helen work a lot, but at weekend they are free and would like to eat out and try something exotic.

2. Robert cannot afford spending much time on eating, so he would like to find a place for a quick cup of coffee on his way to work.

3. Susan and Jim do not often have time to prepare healthy nutritious meals so they want a place where they can serve themselves as they like different things to eat.

4. Alex and his friends would like to find a place for a hot drink and something sweet to eat with it.

3. Ex.4 p.36

T: Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about your favourite place that serves food and drinks. Present the result of your work to the classmates.

III Заключна частина уроку

1) Домашнє завдання

Ex.9 p.37

T: Your homework will be to read the text about the best Ukrainian traditional food. This project was made by Oleksandra Kohut, a pupil of the 11th form. Find out what the best Ukrainian dishes are in your opinion.

2) Підведення підсумків уроку

1. Self-assessment

“Reflection cards” (HO5)

T: Think of your records. Make notes in your “Reflection cards”. Tick how well you know it:

1 = very difficult

2 = quite difficult

3 = quite easy

4 = very easy

Now I can





understand and use new words





understand the text related to the topic





understand enough to keep a conversation going





describe my favourite places that serve food and drinks





get information about places that serve food and drinks





express my opinion about places that serve food and drinks





T: Let’s discuss your achievements.

2. T: I’m eager to thank you for your enthusiastic work during the lesson. Your marks for today’s lesson are …

3. Закінчення уроку

T: I hope you’ve enjoyed our today’s lesson. I am satisfied with your work greatly. Thank you very much! I wish good luck and success to everybody. The lesson is over. Have a nice day!




29 листопада 2020
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