Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 1 класу на тему: "Тварини. Кольори."

Про матеріал
Lesson My pets. Colours. Objectives: - to introduce new vocabulary: brown, yellow, pink, green, orange, red, blue; - to introduce new structures: I have got a pet. It’s a … (fish). It’s … (red).; - to practise the names of pets. Materials: MP, PB, PB Audio, AB, AB Audio, flashcards 51-57, pets mini-flashcards, white sheets of paper, pencils of different colours. Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able: - to understand a new structure “I have got a pet” and names of colours. - to sing the “Colours” song along. - to understand when someone tell them about the pets they have.
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Урок з англійської мови


на тему: «Тварини. Кольори»


проведений у 1 класі


Козелецької ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів №3



Coloring Pages Animals Pets for Children Learn Colours, cat, dog, tortoise,  rabbit, parrot,guineapig - YouTube













                                                                            Кулик Валентина Олексіївна








                                    Lesson 3 My pets. Colours.


- to introduce new vocabulary: brown, yellow, pink, green, orange, red, blue;

- to introduce new structures: I have got a pet. It’s a … (fish). It’s … (red).;

- to practise the names of pets.

Materials: MP, PB, PB Audio, AB, AB Audio, flashcards  51-57, pets mini-flashcards, white sheets of paper, pencils of different colours.

 Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able:

  •  to understand a new structure “I have got a pet” and names of colours.
  •  to sing the “Colours” song along.
  •  to understand when someone tell them about the pets they have.


  1. Greeting.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

I am good.

I am great.

I am wonderful.

I am good.

I am great.

I am wonderful.

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

I am tired.

I am hungry.

I am not so good.

I am tired.

I am hungry.

I am not so good.

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

C:\Users\Metodkabinet\Downloads\qrcode-20201127113811 (1).png     2.Arrange Ps in a big circle.  Play a «Chain» game .

       What is your name?

        My name is…. I am …

        How old are  you ….?

        I am…..   

3.Game «I am a teacher»

Алмазная вышивка собака, сделай сам полный квадрат/круглая алмазная  живопись, собаки, животные, фотографии со стразами, украшение для комнаты  живопись - купить недорого в интернет-магазине с доставкой: сравнение цен,  характеристики, фото     -  P1 Is it a …?                                       

Интерактивная игрушка IMC toys Кролик Бетси (95861) - 【Будинок іграшок】  купить в Киеве, Харькове, Одессе, Днепре по выгодной цене     -  P2 Yes it is/ No it is not.


Читати онлайн угорську казку про пташку

Сколько лет живут хомяки в домашних условиях: джунгарский, сирийский и  другие - средняя продолжительность жизни. - PetsTime.ru      Книга «Кіт-король» Марта Альтез купить на YAKABOO.ua | 978-617-690-544-8




      4. Ps work in pairs. Match puzzles.



C:\Users\admin\Desktop\відкритий урок\126956406_383426579641865_8501547173107392269_n.jpg          C:\Users\admin\Desktop\відкритий урок\126984917_388941649013207_1377104643051936310_n.jpg         C:\Users\admin\Desktop\відкритий урок\127000429_707721970121540_7164554661554141924_n.jpg        C:\Users\admin\Desktop\відкритий урок\127007080_189669936106375_9196363084972420834_n.jpg   

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Songs and Rhymes . Watch the screen and listen to a song.

Brown and yellow, (twice)

Pink and green, (twice)

Orange, red and blue - (twice)

I choose you. (twice)

Now let’s  sing song. 


  1. C:\Users\Metodkabinet\Downloads\qrcode-20201127114146.pngListen and repeat.  Help Ps to pronounce sound [r] in words ‘brown’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘orange’ correctly.
  2.  Listen and repeat. 


  1. Pupils book. Open your books and listen to the song again pointing to the corresponding colours. Play PB Audio (track Unit -4-Les_3-1).

          What colour is it? It’s……

  1. C:\Users\Metodkabinet\Downloads\qrcode-20201127114304.pngListen and sing a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyFLBTTAbSE

Кульки – SparkleWhat colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s red. It’s red.

Повітряна кулька (червона) – SparkleWhat colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s yellow. It’s yellow.

          What colour is it? What colour is it?

Воздушные шарики с доставкой курьером по киевуКульки зелені 12"(30см) металік 100шт/уп ≡ купити за 173.00 грн | funfan.uaВоздушные шарики с доставкой курьером по киеву           It’s pink. It’s pink.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s green. It’s green.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

Кульки фіолетові 12"(30см) пастель 100 шт/уп ≡ купити за 175.00 грн |  funfan.uaIt’s blue. It’s blue.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

Кульки сірі 12"(30см) пастель 100шт/уп ≡ купити за 158.50 грн | funfan.uaКулька латексна коричневий (10"26см), цена 85 грн., купить в Ровно —  Prom.ua (ID#926030278)It’s orange. It’s orange.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s purple. It’s purple.                                 

What colour is it? What colour is it?     

Кулька чорна 10"(26см) пастель 1шт ≡ купити за 2.00 грн | funfan.uaПовітряні кульки білі 10"(26см) пастель 100шт/уп ≡ купити за 118.00 грн |  funfan.uaIt’s brown. It’s brown.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s black. It’s black.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s grey. It’s grey.

What colour is it? What colour is it?

It’s white. It’s white.

  1. Воздушные шарики с доставкой курьером по киевуPupils  open your  ABs  and listen to the speaker, then put the number next to the pet the speaker names and colour each pet as it is said.  Play the AB Audio (track Act.Book_Smiling Sam - U 4 - p 37_task1). 

1. Pink pig. 

2. Brown turtle. 

3. Green parrot. 

4. Blue fish.

5. Yellow bird. 

6. Orange hamster.

       6. Let’s have a rest.

            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-                        hevnXFSUQ&list=PL1jDqYAeKquBMFFroKGvhQB41QZAFaxBV&index=4

C:\Users\Metodkabinet\Downloads\qrcode-20201127114439.pngClap your hands, clap your hands,

Listen to the music and clap your hands.

Turn around, turn around,

Listen to the music and turn around.

Jump up high, jump up high,

Listen to the music and jump up high.

  1.  You are going to listen to the children who have pets and point to every child. Play PB Audio (track Unit -4-Les_3-3).

1 I have got a pet. It’s a fish. It’s red.

2 I have got a pet. It’s a hamster. It’s yellow.

3 I have got a pet. It’s a pig. It’s pink.

4 I have got a pet. It’s a dog. It’s brown.

5 I have got a pet. It’s a parrot. It’s blue.

6 I have got a pet. It’s a turtle. It’s green.

7 I have got a pet. It’s a bird. It’s orange.

  1. Now you are going to demonstrate your  coloured pictures of pets. 

I have got a pet. It’s a …. It’s ….


C:\Users\Metodkabinet\Downloads\qrcode-20201127114741.png Let’s sing song.


           Goodbye , goodbye,

           See you again.

           Goodbye , goodbye,

           See you my friend.


22 лютого 2021
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